Wisdom teeth

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You were scheduled to have your wisdom teeth removed because they were causing problems with your front teeth and because they hurt really bad. You could barely speak.

"Charlie could you pass me some water?" You asked holding your jaw. It hurt too bad to open your mouth really. Charlie felt really bad so he made sure that he tended to your every need even after your wisdom teeth surgery. You went upstairs and got dressed for your appointment. "I'm so ready to get these teeth out." You said. "Yeah, don't worry yn you'll be just fine." Charlie tried to reassure you. He grabbed the car keys and helped you to the car. You layed down in the backseat until you got to the dentist's office.

"Come in yn let's go." You sat up and Charlie helped you to the door. You sat down in a seat trying not to talk while Charlie signed you in. After Charlie signed you in, he sat down next to you and you rested your head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around you and softly kissed your hair. "Thanks for being with me Charlie." You said through your swollen jaw. "Of course babe."

"Yn?" The nurse called you back. Charlie went back with you holding your hand. You sat in the big chair just as the nurse clipped the dental napkin around you. The doctor came in pretty soon and looked at your x-rays. "We'll be removing all of yn's wisdom teeth." He said. You and Charlie nodded. The doctor put on his mask and the nurse did too. Then he put a heart monitor on your index finger and then he put the sedation mask over you. The last thing you felt was Charlie letting go of your hand and kissing your forehead.

When you woke up, you were groggy and you had gauze in your mouth. The nurse came around and she asked you to open your mouth. She then put in new gauze and removed the old bloody ones. "Did you want me to bring back your boyfriend?" She asked. "Yes please." You said slurring your words. Your eyes were opening and shutting again and again. Charlie eventually appeared in the room and sat next to you. "Hey baby. How do you feel?" He asked softly. You murmured that you felt tired. Charlie helped you out of the chair and held your hand through the waiting room.

"Thank you have a nice day." Charlie said to the receptionist. "Thanks you too." She said. You waved bye as Charlie took you to the elevators. You were still really loopy from the medicine, so you kept giggling when Charlie pressed the button. Charlie pulled you close to him and would wipe your mouth whenever it seemed like drool would come down. The elevator doors opened the you stumbled out still holding Charlie's hand. Of course Charlie had to grab you to keep you from walking into the back someone's car. He spun you around walked you to the car.

You got in the backseat and buckled your seatbelt with Charlie's help. Charlie got in the car and started it. He pulled out of the parking lot and got on the main road. "Yn how do you feel?"

"I want ice cream." You mumbled. "Already ahead of you. Ice creams gonna be your best friend through this. Just relax sweetie." He said. Charlie got you an Ice cream sundae at Dairy Queen. "Thank you Charlie I love you." Charlie blew a kiss to you in the backseat. You ate your ice cream and fell asleep. Charlie carried you inside the house and laid you down on the bed . He took off your shoes and jacket and then Charlie tucked you in. " Goodnight yn sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite." He giggled as kissed your head.

When you woke up, you realized you were in your bedroom. You took some tissue paper that was in the tissue box next to you and you ripped it in half and put it in your mouth. "Charlie!" You yelled from your room. You heard the TV pause and Charlie's feet running up the stairs. "Oh hey yn you're awake."

He went over to you and sat on the bed. "Did you want me to bring you anything?"

"Pizza?" You asked. "With a coke and some more ice cream." Charlie giggled. "Coming right up." He kissed your forehead just before he went downstairs. You followed and him and just before he picked up the phone, you wrapped your arms around him.

"You're the best, you know that right."

"I do now." He said.

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