Why Do You Have My Knife?

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Warning: Small talk of self-harm

Word Count (including bold text): 1613

I burst into my best friend's cell. "Patrick, I need your help," I blurt out in a rush. I find him laying on his bed reading a book. 

"With what?" He puts a bookmark in his book and sets it on the bed next to him. 

I pace back and forth in his cell. "I need a... a knife." 

Patrick raises his eyebrows and moves his mouth to speak but nothing comes out. Finally he says, "Y/N, no. I'm not helping you with that. You know why they took yours away. I'm not letting you hurt yourself again." Patrick gets up from his bed. 

"No, Pat, no! I realize how bad that sounded. I'm sorry. I mean, they took my knives so now I need to borrow one."

"What for?"

I pause for a moment before finally telling him. "Okay, funny story. So last night I was on watch with Daryl just inside of the prison, right? Well I got bored and was just messing around with a piece of wood I found and the bars on the window. Carl came by and was like 'you're gonna get that stuck and then someone's going to get hurt walking into it' because there were nails sticking out of it and I'm like 'okay whatever no I'm not'. Well at the end of our shift Daryl took my gun and I couldn't get the wood piece out. I can't let Carl see and I can't leave it there. Do you see my problem?"

"I do..." Patrick says slowly. "But how did the piece of would get stuck in the bars?"

"I don't know, Patrick! I think I just forced it in and now it won't come out. Carl's on watch tonight and I really need to get it out before nighttime." I'm talking so fast that I can hardly remember what I'm saying. 

"So, what do I need to do to help you? I don't have my knife on me Beth is using-"

"Yes, I know that. I walked past Carl's cell on the way here and I saw his knife laying on his desk. I just need to cut the wood and I can get it out before he sees."

"Then go grab it real quick. I'll keep watch," Patrick says.

"No, Pat. Carl's in his cell right now. I can't find anyone else or any other weapons. He starts his shift in an hour. I need it. Can't you say you're borrowing it or something?"

Patrick sighs and looks at the floor. After a moment he looks back up at me. "He's not going to let me. I don't even know why I would need it."

"I don't know." I think for a second. "Tell him Rick told you to take watch while he checks something out real quick and told you to take his knife. You'll be back in like 15 minutes or something."

I can see Patrick looks nervous and hesitant, but he nods slowly. "Okay," he says. "Okay, yeah." 

"Thank you Pat!" I throw my arms around him and he hugs me back. "I'll be outside his cell, okay?"

"Okay, let's go. I want to make this quick." He leads me to Carl's cell and knocks on the wall. I can't see them but I can hear their conversation. "Hey, Carl," Patrick says. 

"What's up?"

"Your dad told me to tell you I'm taking watch while he checks out the fence real quick. Beth has my knife and your dad told me to ask for yours." 

"You can't use any other knife? Carol's sorting the weapons right now, just ask her," Carl answers. This would be a good idea, but I can't ask due to previous circumstances, and Carol knows when people are lying. Besides, even if she did give Patrick a knife, she would check in with Rick later about it. We'd be in trouble. 

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