We're Dating Now

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NUMBER 32 OUT OF 7.6K IN CARLGRIMES??? THAT'S FUCKING CRAZY I'M SO HAPPY!!!! also 500 reads! Thank you all so much! Fake characters again :)

Word Count (including bold text): 1480

"Nooo Patrick, I don't want to go!" I whine as he pulls on my arm trying to get me to stand up from my chair. I resist. 

"Come on, Y/N, it'll be fun," Patrick insists. 

"Yeah, hanging out with people I don't know. Introvert's dream."

"Well you can meet more people and become comfortable with them."

"That's not how it works, Pat," I tell him. 

"Carl will be there! You know Carl."

"Okay, I do know Carl. I don't know any of the others!" I whine again. 

Patrick rolls his eyes. "Please just come? Please? Just this one time? And if you don't like it I won't beg you anymore."

I think for a moment. "Fine," I say and Patrick cheers. "But I already know I'm never going again." I finally stand up and sigh. "How many people will be there?"

"All the people our age..." Patrick answers quietly.

"All of them?! I thought there would only be a few!"

"Come on, it's one time," Patrick begs. 

I groan. "I know... I already said I'd go."

Patrick smiles. "Alright. Let's go then." He drags me out of the house, down the street, and into a garage-like shack where loud chatter took place. No one seemed to initially notice our entrance, thank God, but a couple people said 'hi' or smiled as we walked through. 

I notice Carl sitting on a worn-out couch talking to some girl next to him, smiling and laughing and having a good time- and why do I feel jealous? It's not jealousy, I decide. I'm just surprised. Carl glances up at me, pauses for a moment, and then continues back to his conversation with the girl. "Pat, why is-" I turn around to find Patrick but realize he's gone. Thanks, Pat. 

I'm awkwardly scanning the room trying to find him but it's too dark to see too far. I start strolling around and I'm suddenly pulled down onto someone's lap with their arms wrapped tightly around my waist. 

"What the fuck, get off of me!" I say, trying to pry his arms off. I finally turn my head to see Carl and I relax a bit. "What are you doing?"

"Just go with it," Carl whispers, and then kisses my cheek making me blush. 

"What do you mea-" I'm suddenly cut off by his lips against mine as he roughly grabs my face. When I pull back I'm shocked, and I notice Carl looking over my shoulder and then back at me. I look back but don't see anything except for people. "Can you tell me what the fuck is going on?" I say.

"Shh, keep your voice down," he whispers. "We're dating now. At least for our time here."

"Can you explain a little more than that?" I whisper sarcastically. 

Carl rolls his eyes and sighs as if I shouldn't need an explanation as to why he pulled me onto his lap. "See that guy over there? In the red shirt?" He motions towards a guy who is turned around. "He kept looking at you. Checking you out. Staring at your body. That's all he wants and I was afraid he was going to do something to you. That's why I kissed you." The guy turns around to look at me and Carl squeezes me. "And I'll do it again if this disgusting piece of shit can't keep his fucking eyes off of you." 

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