The Line Up (Part 2)

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The second part to request from @McDonald77 (Paige)!

My days at the Sanctuary include dog food sandwiches, being trapped in the freezing cell with Easy Street playing repeatedly, and labor with nothing in return. Sometimes I have to cover my ears so I don't get a headache from that damn song. I haven't seen Negan since he threw me back in this cell about a week ago. I miss Carl and the rest of Alexandria so much, and I'm afraid I will never see them again. 

The days go by extremely slow when I do work, and slower when I do nothing at all. I'm usually forced to clean many rooms or work with the walkers outside of the fence. 

My stomach is growling and they haven't brought me a dog food sandwich yet. I'm usually fed twice a day, and it's nearing the end of the day so I'm assuming I'll either only get one or none at all. I only know the time because I stole a watch from one of the rooms I cleaned. I'm so empty inside that I can't even cry anymore. I just stare at the floor waiting for... for what? I just want to be back with Carl in Alexandria, but I don't see that as an option anytime soon. 

I hear keys jingle in the door, and I only turn my attention towards it rather than move. The door opens and it's Simon. 

"Negan wants a word," he grumbles. 

I stand up, almost losing my balance, and follow Simon down many hallways towards Negan's room. He knocks three times on Negan's door. 

"Come in," I hear Negan shout. 

I enter his room and awkwardly stand a couple steps in front of the doorway. 

"Sit," he tells me as Simon exits the room, shutting the door behind him. 

I hesitantly make my way over to the chair and carefully sit down. 

"How's it going here?"

I don't say anything. How the hell does he think it's going here for me? 

"You know, once I'm done with you, you will make one hell of a soldier! You'll like it here. You'll want to stay. Food, water, shelter... I can give it all to you right now. You'd be stupid to turn it down."

I still stare at him, not saying anything. 

"Just gotta answer one question for me," he says. "Who are you?"

I pause before I say, "Paige."

Negan laughs and shakes his head. "You really... You really want to stay in that cell forever, don't you? It's either the cell or a life here. Those are your only two options. And I guess you just chose."

I refuse to play his game and I don't regret what I said at all. "Guess so."

"Well," Negan says standing up, and I do the same. "Thought this was gonna be longer. Shoulda told Simon to just stay here and he could have brought you back. Guess I'll have to do it myself." He holds Lucille down by his side as he leads me back down to my cell. 

He enters a code and grabs a key from the closet a few rooms down and opens the cell door for me. I sink down to my corner as the door slams shut, but I don't jump at the sound because I'm used to it by now. 

A little bit later I finally get my dog food sandwich and I wolf it down within a minute. It's absolutely fucking disgusting but at the same time the best thing I've ever had. I ball myself up and close my eyes, resting my head on the wall. Some days I get too tired and eventually fall asleep, and tonight was definitely one of those nights. 

I'm woken up by the sound of a soft banging on my cell door. I lift my head off the wall, still half-asleep. Finally I stand up and back into the wall when I keep hearing the noise. 

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