*JM Barrie #1

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I haven't seen one of these yet

     There he was sitting on that same park bench again, like he did every day. My dear friend James who I've know for 3 years now. I had met him at the theater, I was one of the actresses and still am, well kind of. We had met through my best friend Sylvia and hit it off right away, about a year ago I had developed deep feelings for him but I could never tell him. Sadly Sylvia passed away last year and left behind her boys for James to care for, though they were never married I knew she loved him and he loved her. Since I was close with her I knew her boys very well and the called me Aunt (y/n) when ever I would see them. Today the boys, James and I were to go to the park together. 

"Hello (y/n), you look lovely today." James said in his Scottish accent making me blush. 

"And you look good yourself." I said back as I could feel my heart ache to tell him how I feel. The rest of the day went on well, the James played with the boy which I always love to see. He would make such a wonderful father one day. After they were tired James came to sit next to me under a big shade tree. 

"Are you enjoying yourself I hope?" He asked. 

"Oh I am, I just love seeing you play with the boys, I know that one day you'll make a wonderful-" I stopped myself before I could say anymore.

"Yes (y/n)? Do you have more to say?" James said as he gently stroked my cheek with his thumb. I looked up at him with tears in my eyes. 

"I should be going now, I have lots of things to do at home, excuse me." I said as I gathered up my thing and started to leave. 

"(y/n)? Are you alright?" I heard James call after me after he heard me cough. No I wasn't alright. I was terribly ill with the same thing that took Sylvia. I didn't want James or the boys to worry. I stayed up in my apartment for weeks, James and the boys did visit me, though I said they shouldn't, I didn't want them catching it to. They were so kind to me, the boys told me about plays they made up and adventures they went on. James took over cooking for me, though I said he didn't have to. He now looked after the boys and I now, with such great care. One night he asked the boy to leave the room to he could speak to me. At this point I was growing quite weak and knew that I would not be here for much longer. James came over and sat on my bed and took my hand gently in his.

"(y/n), my sweet (y/n), it pains me to say this now, I wish I had said this sooner, I love you so very much. You and the boys mean the world to me. I wish I could stay with you forever and make you well, but I don't think I can. You have been like a mother to the boys and I know how much they care for you, I don't know if there will ever been another time for us but, (y/n) (y/l/n) will you marry me?" He asked as he got down on one knee and pulled out a simple gold band from his coat pocket. 

"Oh James, how I've waited to hear those words. I've loved you snice the very day I met you. I love you very much and the boys. I only wish I could be here long enough to see you become a father, yes James I will marry you." I said as he gently slid the gold band on my ring finger. 

     My condition miraculously got much better, James and the boys never left my side, bless them. After I made a full recovery, we had a small wedding just the boys, James and I and Sylvia's mother. It was simple and beautiful, we were wed in a small chapel. It was magical. After we were married we adopted the boys, making us officially a family. After James and I had been married for about 4 months, we started talking about having children of our own........

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