*Barnabas Collins Alphabet

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A- After care (What are they like after sex?) 

  Barnabas is a gentleman so he would run you warm bath and clean you up, if your at home. But if your somewhere else without a bath tub then he'll still do his best to clean you up non the less. 

B-  Body part (there favorite body part of there's and there partner) 

   He likes your breasts and and legs best, he likes it when you where a short/low cut dress. As for himself he like his chest and lips best. 

C- Cum (anything to do with cum basically)  

  He likes to cum in your mouth, on your hands, and inside you best. Barnabas really want's a family with you since he ever got the chance with Josette. 

D- Dirty Secrets (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of there's) 

  Barnabas is a gentleman, but that's doesn't mean that he hasn't had a dirty thought or two ;) Sometimes when your at dinner he'll wish you would stop eating and suck him off.

E- Experience (how experienced are they? Do they know what there doing?) 

  He has some experience, he's only been with two other women before and that was CENTURIES ago, but he hasn't forgotten what he knows ;). Barnabas is willing to try new things with you and spice things up. 

F- Favorite Position 

 Sometimes he likes to get adventurous when it comes to sex: Standing, on the ceiling, upside down.  And sometimes he likes to take it back to the basics and be romantic: Side by side, missionary, spooning, cowgirl. etc. 

G- Goofy (Are they serious in the moment? Or are they goofy) 

 No. He is not goofy at all. 

H- Hair (How well groomed are they? Dose the carpet match the drapes?) 

Barnabas is a well groomed man in every meaning of the word, so he is completely bare. 

I- Intimacy (how are they during the moment, romantic aspect)

  For him intimacy is key, Barnabas is a very romantic man and want's you to feel loved and special. 

J- Jack off (Masturbation head cannon) 

 He wont pleasure himself to often, but if your not around he'll gladly go to town on himself. ;) 

K- Kink (One of more of there kink's) 

  Barnabas defiantly has a sir kink when he is the dom one. He likes it when you call him lovey when he is the sub one. 

L- Location (There favorite places to do 'it') 

  His bedroom and anywhere in the house, he likes to have sex indoors best he doesn't want anyone to see you two going at it man likes his privacy. 

M- Motivation (What turns them on/ gets them going?) 

 When you put on a short low cut dress, when you rub his thigh, seeing you completely naked, when you kiss up and down his neck. 

N- No (Something they wouldn't do/turn off) 

  He won't do anything that would cause you harm. He can go rough with you sometimes but only when you ask him to. No degrading , no name calling. 

O- Oral (Preference on giving, receiving, skill etc.) 

  Barnabas loves to give as much as he loves to receive, and damn is he good at it. He also loves it when you suck him off. There are times when all he wants is to taste your sweetness. 

P- Pace (are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual?) 

  He usually likes to take it slow and gentle with you and really make it meaningful. But he'll go rough only if you want to, he doesn't want to hurt you at all and is often afraid he will.  

Q- Quickie (There opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often etc.) 

  Barnabas doesn't mind them one bit, if you and he are both really horny at the moment then he'll gladly go off to a secluded place with you and make love. 

R- Risks (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks?)

  Like I said he likes to try LOTS of different positions and he'll try anything you would like to. But as for risks not to much, he doesn't want to hurt you or have anyone see. 

S- Stamina (How many rounds can they go? How long do they last?)

   Yes! He's got stamina! He can laaaaast! About 3-5 rounds on a normal night, if it were his choice he'd make love to you alllll night long. He is a vampire after all. 

T- Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On themselves or a partner?) 

  Considering he's from the 1700's its safe to say he doesn't own any toys, and dose not see the point in them anyways. He would rather pleasure you with himself ;) 

U- Unfair (Do they tease? Do they like to be teased?) 

   Barnabas will tease you sometimes, if no one is looking. And he loves it when you tease him, you'd tease him all day right up to the point where you two finally have sex. 

V- Volume (How loud do they get? What sounds do they make?) 

He doesn't get to loud, you do though.  He'll moan your name and tell you how beautiful you are and just how good your making him feel. 

W- Wild Card (Random head-cannon for character) 

  Imagine you teasing teasing him during dinner, you massaging his inner thigh and making him hard. And he has to excuse himself and take you to his room and make love to you. 

X- X-ray (Let's see what's going on inside those pants) 

He's big but nothing you can't handle, he's 6-7 inches when erect. 

Y- Yearning (How high is their sex drive?) 

Its fairly normal most of the time, he isn't wanting it 24-7. But when he get's horny for you he looses control ;)

Z- Zzzz (How quickly do they fall asleep afterwards?) 

  It usually takes him a bit to get to sleep, you fall asleep first as he holds you.

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