Will Caster #1

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requested by @Fanfic_haven_101

  It was a hot sunny day out as I went to deliver Dr. Will Caster some papers that needed his signature from work. He and I were co-workers and I had the biggest crush on forever, he was cute, smart, sexy, quirky, kind everything any woman would admire. I wish I knew if he loved me back but I don't know, I suppose not. There were some other girls we worked with, many prettier than me. 

"Dr. Caster!" I called as I knocked on his front door, I looked it and didn't see him as the house was dimly lit. I walked around to there his small garden was and knocked on his back door, nothing. I looked around at all the pretty flowers he had growing and the unusual watering system he had made himself, I looked closer and noticed that it was broken. 

I bent down and tried to fiddle with it hoping I could fix it, but no luck.

"(y/n) (y/l/n)? Is that you?" I heard Will as he came into the garden, I froze as I felt my face turn red. 

"Umm yeah, I just had to bring you some papers to be signed............and I uhhh.....noticed that your watering system was broken." 

"Oh, well let's see if we can fix it then." He said with a warm smile and bent down next to me. After we found a newspaper next to the fixture we concluded that the paper boy must have broken it by accident this morning. We picked it up and together were able to fix it up, I'll admit it was nice and kinda romantic to be here just him and me. 

"Thanks so much for helping me (y/n), and I'll sing those papers right away for you, would you like to come inside?" I felt my heart race as he asked this. 

"Yes, I would.........thanks." We sat down at the coffee table in his living room and he signed the papers like he said he would, as he did this I couldn't help but stare at his perfectly handsome face. 

"What? Do I have something on my face?" He asked with a laugh as he noticed my staring. 

"Oh sorry........umm no, you don't." I said shyly as I brushed some hair behind my ear.

"Ummm.........(y/n), can I tell you something?" Will asked nervously, I nodded a 'yes' and he continued. "I hope I say this right............ummm......(y/n), I-I-I love you, very much I have for a long time now, and I just didn't know how to say it and I thought that y-" I was to excited to let him finish and cut him off as I pressed my lips to his. Will kissed back full of passion. He pulled me on to him lap as we continued our make out session full of lust and love. 

We ended up making out for at least half an hour before we boke off out of breath. 

"I love you to Will." I said. 

"I take it that you do, since we did just make out, I have two more things to ask you now...............one will you be my girlfriend and two would you like to spend the night?"

"Yes to both Will!"

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