JD Characters #3

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   Horny, I. Was. Horny. Yes I know how that sounds, but I was. And I needed relief, fast! The next morning I woke up next to Jack, sexy as freaking ever, wanting him sooooo badly. But could I? I mean I wanted all of them, they are all the same guys after all right? Would it really be that bad of me? But then again they didn't know they were all the same, would they ever believe me? 

 I turned towards Jack who was still sleeping like a baby, sweet thing he is. I laid back down and gently stroked his cheek with my thumb, I watched as he smiled and slowly opened his eyes. 

"Good morning captain, I hope you slept well dear." 

"I did, best rest I had in a while love." Jack smirked, I blushed at him calling me love. I leaned down and pressed a light kiss to his cheek. 

"I'm glad, well I had better go wake up the others now, come on." Jack continued to smirk as we walked out the bead room, Jack went to the kitchen to pour himself some morning rum. I walked to my room and opened the door slowly. 

"Edward, sweetheart. Its (y/n)." I gently stroked his handsome, pale, scared face until he woke up. He smiled up at me. 

"Good morning (y/n)." He blushed a bit and I helped him out of bed. 

Next was James, who was next door to my room. Gosh he's so peaceful. 

"Mr. Barrie.......James....time to wake up." I cooed, dang he's beautiful. 

"Hello (y/n)." He said in his Scottish cute accent. I blushed, damn they all had an affect on me. I walked into the kitchen to see Willy already awake and making breakfast for the lot of us, Wolf was already in the house waiting for food, he smirked at me as I went to the living room. Mort was half asleep half awake, I gently ran my fingers through his Ombre locks and he smiled. I went over to wake Barnabas, I sat down at where he was sleeping and gazed at his pale features. 

"Good Morning my dear." I he said causing me to jump a bit, I thought he was sleeping. "I did not mean to cause you fight love." 

"I'm alright Barnabas." I smirked back, he did the same. I walked down my creaky stairs to the basement, I noticed Ichabod tossing and turning in his sleep. 

"Ichabod, shhh.....shhhhh....its ok...your alright, your safe." I gently rubbed his arm, he woke up and wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug, I hugged him in return and rubbed his back. 

"Oh (y/n)......I-I'm s-sorry....i-it as the h-headless h-horseman...its was s-s-so real....y-you were k-killed..." He sobbed into my chest, I stroked his black locks and continued to rubbed his back. 

"Me?.....its alright Ichabod...I'm here, I'm right here..shhh.....shhh.....here everything is going to be just fine.....shhh......would you like to go bac to sleep for awhile dear?" I felt Ichabod nodded against my chest, he slowly pulled away form me I wiped his tears and he lay back down and fell back asleep.  

I went over towards where Sweeney was, thought he is sexy I was a bit scared of him. 

"......Sweeney?.....its t-time to g-get up...." I said as I poked his arm. He grumbled and turned facing me. 

"Fine." He said as he got up and walked up stairs. I then got up Cassetti, he opened each of his eyes slowly as if he were looking for something. 

"Are you alright Cassetti?" 

".......Yeah...I'm ok, right I'm not on the train anymore....I'm alright (y/n)." I gave him a sympathetic smile and he went up stairs. It was just me and Dillinger now ;) and a sleeping Ichabod. 

"I was hopping they would leave, its just you and me now......and him over there." John said as he smirked at me. "Come here doll." He growled. I giggled and he took me his arms and he kissed me our lips moved in sync as I could feel him getting hard. We had a hot make out session , he felt so good. I reached my hand down his pants past his boxers and took hold of erect manhood and began to stroke him up and down causing him to moan. 

"(y/n).....oh darling...." I smirked knowing I was making him feel this good. I picked up the pace and rubbed him faster, I ran my thumb over his tip making him shiver, I massaged his balls. This made him come undone, he reached his orgasm as a string of moans left his mouth. I felt his warm seed spill over my hand I let go as he calmed down off his high. 

"Well have to do that again sometime doll." Dillinger smirked, I got off him and we went up stairs. 

   It was quite a hot day, I lathered up Barnabas in sunscreen, which he defiantly enjoyed me applying it on him. I noticed that Edward was outside trimming the 4 large bushes in front of the house, he trimmed them into heart shapes.

"Oh Edward who wonderful!" I praised him, he blushed back. 

"Do you like them?" He asked shyly. 

"I love them, you do such neat work love." I pressed a light kiss to his cheek, he smiled and pressed a kiss to my cheek. I smiled back to him and went inside. Willy stuck his head in the freezer. 

"Willy? Sugar? What are you doing?" 

"Cooling off, its just to darn hot out today starshine." I giggled at his cuteness. 

"How about you take a cool bath, that would work better I think." I said. 

"That's a good idea, I think will." His face lit up and walked off the bathroom and locked the door. Maybe I'll join him later..... 

I sat down in the living room and noticed that I had some books due to the library today, thought the library was at the end of my very long street it was hot out and I didn't want to be outside to long. When I said I needed a driver John volunteered. Now I love him very much (oh heck I love them all to pieces) I was just a bit nervous putting him behind the drivers seat. 

Luckily he caught on right away, even thought it was a 2012 Chevy Travers, and we FLEW down the street getting to the library in 10 seconds flat. 

"How was that darling?" 

"Well I can confidently say that I have never gotten to the end of my street faster, you were great Johnny." I got out and put my books in the book drop hopped back in the car and we sped home.  

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