Tom Hanson part 3

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Tom's prov

   I just reached the apartment building, parked my mustang, and headed upstairs to propose to my darling (y/n).

I reached our apartment and unlocked the door. I didn't see (y/n) anywhere and I immediately started to panic.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n)! Are you here!" I shouted throughout the room. I stopped for a moment when I thought I heard the sound of whimpering coming from the bedroom, I went over and knocked on the door.

"Sweetheart, (y/n)? Are you alright?"

"NO! AND DON'T YOU COME IN!" She screamed in rage. I was beyond confused and bewildered at this point.

"I don't understand, you're scaring me, what's wrong!?" I cried. "Please open the door." I heard her walk through the door, and she slowly opened it. I walked in and sat down on the bed with (y/n), taking her hands in mine.

"(Y/n)," I said sweetly. "Please tell me what's wrong, please." She looked down at the floor, her eyes red and her face was stained with tears.

".........S-some woman..... n-named....J-J-Jackie showed up to d-day......s-she asked if "Tommy" was here and to t-tell him that s-she was here........and.......and......" (y/n) broke down in tears as she tried to hid her face with her hands. 

 I felt horrible and angry. How could Jackie do this to me, now, showing up here, asking for me, even though we broke up two years ago after she cheated on me? I've asked her to stay away in the past, I guess she hasn't gotten the message. 

"Tom..........are you........cheating on me?" (y/n) asked timidly. 

"No (y/n), no. I am not cheating you, I will never in all my life ever cheat on you.........I broke up with Jackie two years ago, after she cheated on me many times. I'm so sorry she showed up here, I've told her to leave me alone, but, so far she hasn't."

"Alright........I believe you........Tom?......Do you still think about her?" My girlfriend inquired. 

"Before I met you I did, I wondered if I would ever love or be loved again. But, then I met you, and that all changed, I don't think about her anymore, only you. I don't like it that she showed up here, not one bit, if she comes back here I'll tell her to never come back, alright babygirl?" (y/n) smiled and wrapped her arms around my torso, I inturn wrapped my arms around her pulling her in close to my chest. 

"I like that, thank you Tommy, I really do love you, I was just scared." 

"I know, I understand. I love you to princess............I have something for you....." I stood up from the bed, bent own on one knee, and pulled out the ring I got from my pocket. "(y/n) (y/l/n), I know this might sound cheesy, but, I've loved you and cared about you since the moment I've laid eyes on you. I can't imagine spending the rest of my life without you. Will you marry me?"

(y/n)'s face lit up with pure excitement and joy as she threw her arms around my neck. "Yes, yes, yes Tommy! I will marry you!" My face beamed with delight as I placed the ring on her finger, we embraced and shared a sweet kiss. 

"I promise I will try my very hardest every day to be the best husband I possible can be." I declared. 

"I know you will be, and I will try my very best to be the very best wife I can me...........Tommy, I also have something for might want to sit down for this." 

  I was a mixture of confused and excited as I took a seat on the bed. (y/n) walked over to our cloest and pulled out a small table with a display on it and set it in front me. The table was decorated with a little bottle, a few pacifiers, a yellow bib and a note saying 'Hi daddy!' And a cathitar with a blue liquid inside it. My eyes widened, my jaw dropped and heart was melted. 

"Oh my........(y/n), your?......really? For real?" I stammered as I was just to excited to sting a coherent sentence together. I looked up at (y/n), who was grinning from ear to ear. 

"Yes, love, I really am pregnant, with your baby." I scooped her up as tears on joy ran down my face, I was gonna be a father. 

"Oh, oh, (y/n), how long do you think it's been since........" I asked as I bent down and ran my hands over her abdomen, imagining what she will look like when she develops her bump.

"Not long, about two weeks maybe. How do you fell about it love?"

"I'm over joyed, we're going to be married, we have a beautiful baby on the way. I can't believe it, I really can't." I cried. We both sat down on the bed close together, I cupped her sweet face, she did likewise to me as we softly pressed our lips together.

"Tommy? Can we cuddle for awhile?" (Y/n) said sleepily.

"Of course we can babygirl." We leaned back and got all snuggled in bed with the blankets covering us. (Y/n) nuzzled into my chest as I wrapped my arms around her not to tightly.

"I love you future Mrs. Hanson." I murmured into her hair. (Y/n) giggled and pressed kisses to my chest. I love it when she dose that.

"And I love you future Mr. Hanson."

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