Tom Hanson pt. 6

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(Tom's prov)

I couldn't have been more grateful that Fuller gave me paid pre-paternity leave, it's so nice to be at home with my lovely (y/n) and baby.

Our wedding was going to be tomorrow, it was going to be small but beautiful, gosh I can't wait to see her in her dress with that precious 8 ,almost 9, month bump. It was hard to wait that's for sure. The pregnancy was going normally, her nausea was starting to let up but wasn't completely gone. (Y/n) was tired a lot, but at least that means lots of cuddles for us.

"Tommy! I'm back, I got my dress!" (Y/n) said as she closed the door, glowing as usual.

"Wow, it's gorgeous, can't wait to see it on you....hugging you in all the right places." I said as I pressed a kiss to her soft lips. "And it'll fit fine with the baby, right?"

"It will fit just fine Tommy, don't you worry. Your such a nervous father, I like it." She said as she pressed a quick kiss to the tip of my nose. "Is everything ready for today love?" (Y/n) asked as we went to lay down on our bed.

"Yeah, everything is ready doll, I went to help the guys clear the chapple when you were shopping with Judy.......oh (y/n)......I love you and baby so've made me so very happy." I said to my feonce as she rested her head on my chest.

"And you have made me very happy as well love." She cooed as she fell asleep.

The next morning we were both picking up by our friends, Harry and Doug picked me up and (y/n) went with Judy.

"Good Morning you lucky dog, how are you feeling? Killing two birds with one stone, becoming a dad and a husband all in one?" Doug asked in his comedic tone.

"I'm great....overwhelmed, but in a good way." I said with a smile.

"Atta boy Tom."

We arrived at the chapple with it all set up, it wasn't the biggest venue but it was perfect for us. As our guests began to arrive I made my way to the alter with Doug ,my best man, holding the rings. Everyone took their seat as the musical behind to play, Judy and Harry walked up to the front and took their places on opposite side of the alter.

Then the wedding March scared to play, and I finally saw my beautiful (y/n) all dressed up

(The dress)

Oh. My. God. She was stunning! Her dreams fit her perfectly, especially around her bump. I'll admit I was finding it hard to control myself seeing (y/n) in that outfit, with that plunging neckline showing off the sides of her breasts.

"Oh....oh look gorgeous baby."

"Thank you love." She said back as she blushed.

I hardly even remember saying my vows as I was captivated by my sexy lady in from of me, and getting lost in this magical moment.

"....Thomas....Mr. Hanson..." The priest said, snapping me out of it. "The rings please."

"Oh! Yes.....sorry..." I murmured, making (y/n) laugh. Dong handed over the rings and gently placed the ring on her finger (y/n) placed the other ring my finger.

"Thomas Hanson, (y/n) (y/l/n), I now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride." The priest said, I cupped her face in my hands as we shared the sweetest kiss.

"I love you so much Mrs. Hanson."

"And I love you to Mr. Hanson." She said with a grin as we walked down the isle together. We walked out of the chapple with our guests cheering and throwing confetti, my mustang was waiting for us with "Just Married" written on the back. (Y/n) and I got into the car, then I heard her wince in pain.

(Y/n's prov)

"Oh....oh my.....Tom, I think......I think its!" I said as I felt contractions coming. I looked over at my husband, his eyes wide.

"Ok, ok, to the hospital then." He said a bit anxious and a bit dazed. Tom flew through downtown as we made it to the hospital in 5 months flat, damn. Tom and the hospital staff led me inside and into a bed in a private room.

"Already now Mrs. Hanson let's get you out of that nice dress." Said one of the lady nurses as she assisted me out of my gown, I then laid down as I wanted to give birth naked. (Covered by a blanket)

"Tommy! It hurts SOOO bad!" I cried as I went into painful labor. "I know baby girl, I know, here, you hold my hand now I'll be right here with you." My husband said softly as I held tightly onto his hand.

  Tears and sweat rolled down my face, I felt a mixture of happiness, pain and fear. "Oh....oh, Tom.....I... I'm so scared!" I cried aloud as I tightened my grip on his hand.

"I know baby, I know, I'm right here, everything will be just fine, I promise." He said as calmly as he could, though I could tell he was scared to as a tear fell down his cheek. Tommy dried his eyes and kissed me on the four head.

"Alright Mrs. Hanson, you've got this, just keep pushing." The doctor said as she encouraged on. "UGHHHH!!! OH GOD!!!" I shouted as I pushed very hard and fell back on my pillows.

"I can see the head now, just a few more pushes (y/n)." She said, I nodded with my face covered in sweat. "You got this darling, I know you do." Tom said as he wiped the sweat from my head.

"AHHHH!!!!!! OH GOD!!! OH GOD!!!" That was it, I had no more energy in me, I again fell back on my bed completely exhausted. I closed my eyes, then I heard the little cries of my baby.

"Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Hanson, here she is." The doctor said as she handed me the tiny pink newborn. "Oh.....oh my.....oh Tommy.....she....oh she's so precious." I stammered as I held our little one to my bare chest. Tom was a mess with tears of joy.

"She is......she's perfect.....I can't believe it.......oh (y/n)." My husband stammered as he was in complete awe of our tiny newborn. Our sweet girl started to get a bit fussy, I shifted a bit to help her feed. She latched on right away and started sucking.

"Oh.....Tom....she....she's feeding." I said as happy tears fell on my face. After she suckled for a few minutes more she let go with a little 'pop' sound. "Tommy? Would you like to hold your daughter?" I said with a smile as I gently handed her to my husband, as she was bundled in a little blanket.

"Oh my.......daddy loves you so so much." He cooed as he gently pressed a kiss to her pink little head. "What should her name be darling?"

"How about Ella?" I said.

"Ella, Ella (y/m/n) Hanson, it's perfect. I love you so much (y/n). And I promise that I will try my very hardest every day to be the best possible husband's and father to you and little Ella."

"And I will try my very hardest every day to be the best wife, and mother I can be to you and our daughter."

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