*Ichabod Crane #1

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     It was yet another grey day in NYC as I looked out my window down to the streets teeming with live. I was the only daughter of the local magistrate so hence I was under much supervision. If I wasn't being watched by my father I was watched by our maid my best friend Gracie. Now seeing as how Gracie is my best friend she would often let me get away much while my father was out, she and are the same age as if we were sisters. 

Now I had grown feelings for the local constable Ichabod Crane, he and I had spoken before many times and I think he had feelings for me as well. He was kind, soft spoken, gentle and sexy as heck. As I looked out my window I happen to see him standing next to my house. 

"Gracie! He's right out side!" I said with excitement, Gracie knew all about how I felt about him and was getting quite sick of listening to me go on and on about him. 

"Well get out there then and tell him!" 

"Oh I couldn't, he so so so....." I started to trail off just thing about him. 

"Yeah I get it (y/n), but why him?" 

"Have you not seen him! I can't believe he's not already married."

"I can believe it, he's weird. Well if he's not taken then you had better get out there and get him before some other woman dose!" 

"Fine then I will!"  

I fixed my fair and made sure I was looking as sexy as I could, Gracie tightened my corsets and I headed outside. 

"Umm Hello Ichabod." I said nervously. 

"Why hello (y/n) its nice to see you." 

"Nice to see you to." 

We shared a long hug as I breathed in his intoxicating scent. I felt his run his fingers through my hair as I rubbed his lower back. 

"(y/n) I was wondering if I could talk to you, in privet." He said while looking around at all the people. 

"Absolutely, please come inside." 

I led Ichabod inside my home, we sat down on the couch in the living room. I saw Gracie give me a cheeky look as I motioned for her leave the room. 

"(y/n)........sorry I am quite nervous." 

"Oh its alright Ichabod, take your time." I said as I lied my hand on his shoulder, he looked up at me and gave a small smile. 

"Well....it seems to be that well....I've grown quite fond of you. And....well....what I'm trying to say is that I have fallen in love with you." 

".....Ichabod....I'm in love with you to. I just never had the courage to say it." 

"Do you really?" He said hopefully. 

"Yes, I really do." 

He scooched close to and put his arms around my waist and pulled me in for a deep kiss, which I kissed back. I put my hand on his cheek and gently stroked him. We kept kissing and kissing, Ichabod slid his tongue in mouth. Our tongues swirled around as my hand went down to his thighs, feeling his apparent bulge. He tries to shift in his set embarrassed by his growing manhood. 

"Ichabod, its alright no need to be shy." I said as we both got up and I led him to my bedroom. I locked the door as we began to kiss roughly over and over, Ichabod started grown into my mouth singling what he wanted. He pushed me down on my bed and kissed me hard, I tried to wrap my legs around him but my dress was to big. 

"Umm Ichabod can you give me a hand." 

"Yes of course I can my love." He said as he help me untie my corsets, my dress fell off me exposing my naked body. 

"Stunning, absolutely stunning." He says while admiring my milky white breasts. He makes quick time of removing his outfit as I eye his impressive member.   

"Like what you see kitten?" 

All I could do was nod rapidly as he pined me to the bed. Ichabod started to leave a trail of kisses down to my dripping heat. He kissed my inner thighs and moved to kissing my pussy ."Ichabod" I moaned as he licked up folds gathering up all my juices. "You like that my lovely? Do you want me?" 


I laid down on my bed, Ichabod positioned himself with my entrance. I closed my eyes with anticipation, then without warning he pounded into me hard. I wrapped my legs around as he kept thrusting. Ichabod bent down and placed kisses on my neck causing me to moan. I could feel myself getting tighter as my orgasm neared. 

"I-Ichabod I-I'm close." I whimpered. 

"M-me to." He said and without missing a beat I reached my high as he emptied all he had to offer deep in my pussy. He fell down on my heaving body as we stayed like that for a while. 

"Ichabod Crane, my god." 

"I must admit (y/n) that was my first time."

"Mine to love, mine to." We got cleaned up and fell asleep. 

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