*Cry Baby Alphabet

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A- aftercare (what there like after sex) 

  He'll clean you up and give you French kisses until you fall asleep. If its during the day, depends on where you two were going at it. But either way he'll do his best to clean you up.  

B- body part (there favorite body part of there's and there partners)

  He likes your neck and your boobs, but he'll always ask you if its ok before be touches them. If he can touch your boobs he will. He will always attack your neck with to many kisses and its hard to get him to stop, but you never complain ;) As for himself, he like his hand and lips best ;)

C- cum (anything to do with cum basically)

    He likes to cum in you best, he may or may not be trying to you pregnant ;). He also likes to cum in your mouth and on your back. Either way he'll be aiming to make you feel good.

 D- Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of there's)

      He'd like to have sex with you in a risky place, which you've done before, at school, so I guess that's not much of a secret. He'd love to have water sex with you some time, but isn't sure how you'd feel about it. 

E- Experience (how experienced are they, do they know what there doing?)     

     As amazing at love making as he is, you were actually his first partner, he wanted to save all his love for you and no one else. But he certainty isn't ignorant in how to please a woman, he is an expert and knows exactly what he's doing.

    F- Favorite position 

       He likes to be close to you, the more touching the better. You laying down and him on top or vis versa, or you both laying on your sides face to face so you can French kiss ;) But he's up to trying any thing new just as long as its with you. 

G- Goofy (Are they serious in the moment, or are thy goofy?) 

 No, he is not going to be goofy. He'll be romantic all the way, he'll do anything to make the moment as sexy as possible. He love's being sexy with you any way he can. He's not dead serious about it, but he's not going to be cracking jokes. 

H- Hair (How well groomed are they? Dose the carpet match the drapes? etc.) 

  He's a well groomed man, but he's no square. He keeps it trimmed, but not bare. Nothing wild, but not bare either. 

I- Intimacy (how are they during the moment, romantic aspect) 

VERY. Nothing about sex with him isn't romantic, he will do everything in his power to make the moment as romantic and sensual as possible, no matter where you guys are at ;)

J- Jack off (Masturbation Head-Cannon)  

 He doesn't pleasure himself often, when he's in the mood he like to do it with you best. But once in a while if you aren't around he won't be object to pleasing himself a bit, all the while thinking about you of course. 

K- Kink (One of their kinks) 

   He's got a pregnancy kink, you and him both love the risk of you possibly getting pregnant, mostly because you him both want a family one day soon. 

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