John Dillinger #3

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(note this might be a short one and its not romantic sorry)

 "(y/n) (y/l/n) non of my men are near as good a shot as you and that is why I haired you. Even though your a lady I know you can do it, now do some digging on Dillinger get to know some about him it might make it easer for you to take him out. Now you have your mission I suggest you get started." Agent Melvin Pervous said as he handed me a loaded pistol. 

"Consider it done sir." I took hold of the weapon and left the building. I'm (y/n) and am the best shot this side of Chicago. When I heard the FBI need help in taking down some guy I volunteered as they were paying handsomely for it.  

I walked home and started my digging. I found out that Mr. Dillinger has gotten away with thousands or dollars from banks he held up across the city, impressive. I did find out that however he did take money he never seemed to harm anyone in the prosses and never took any bystanders money, odd. I had amassed witness testimony's, pictures of him and whatever else that might help me over the next few weeks. 

I had also found out that he had a girl, Billie Franchet. When he was caught recently he was with her in a hotel room, he had taken her on a trip with him. Later I heard that he got away and was wanting to find his girl, I was happy for him for some reason. His only intentions were to make sure she was safe, all he wanted to do was to get back to her and go away with her, make her his wife and have a family. 

Now this really made me think, what was I about to do? Was I really about to kill a man who all he wants is to find his girl and protect her? How could I do such a thing? No, I couldn't do it, never. 

One night about 8:34 I got a call it was Melvin. He told me to be at the Biograph tonight, it was time. So I dressed up looking like every other lady who was out and about and walked to the movies. Melvin said that he would signal when John came out by lighting a sig and that I was to wait for it, so that's what I did. About an hour later I saw Melvin give the signal, there was to be no other men out to shot him just me so it would be less of a hassle for the public. 

I watched as John Dillinger walked out with to other ladies by his side, I knew I was the only hope he had to see Billie ever again, if I shot him what would that do to her? Poor girl, the love of her life taken......  

"RUN DILLINGER RUN!" I shouted, he looked back at me and booked it. I whipped around and shot Melvin dead and ran.  

I got in touch with John later, he had found Billie and she and him were expecting a baby and were going to get married and move to Brazil. He later asked me why I did it, why didn't I just shot him like I was supposed to. I simply said that "Well John I thought about it and decided not to, you have to much to life for you and Billie I could never do such a horrible thing."

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