Gilbert Grape 2

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   'please please please let me be pregnant' I thought as took my fourth pregnancy test the bathroom of the grocery store Gilbert and I both worked at. I held my breath getting ready for more disappointment, this time I didn't tell Gilbert not wanting him to get his hopes up again.

 I flipped it over at the 10 minute mark. And saw a little plus symbol. It worked! 

I was over joyed! Finally we were going to have a baby. I kept it with me to give to Gilbert as a surprise on our break. 

"(y/n), sweetheart Its break time." He said to me and we went outside and ate our lunch. 

"I have something for you love. Close your eyes and hold out your hand." I said, trying hard to keep it in. 

"Alright princess." I placed the test in his hand, he have a confused look as his eyes were still closed. 

"You can open now silly." Gilbert opened his eyes and began to cry tears of joy. 

"Oh (y/n)......dose this mean that?.........are we?......really?.....for sure?" He said as he fumbled his words and hugged me tight. 

"Yes Gilbert, were gonna have a baby." He was beaming with joy, finally he was going to be a father. 

"Do you need to go home? Are you tired? Are you hungry?" He asked concerned. 

"No I'm just fine, we can finish out our shift love." I said as I stroked his cheek. 

"Ok, I'm gonna be a father, were gonna have a family, I can't believe it!" He knelt down and lifted my shirt up a bit and pressed a kiss to my abdomen. "Daddy loves you, daddy loves you so much." A tear of joy slipped down my face as we walked back inside and finished our shift, our faces were all smiles for the rest of the day.

  Later we got home and went up to our room and laid down on our bed. 

"When should we tell them? Sooner? Later?" I asked Gilbert as we cuddled together, his hand resting over my tummy. 

"I don't know, I don't know how they would react........" 

"I know, let's tell them closer to the wedding......unless my symptoms find me out sooner." I said with a smile, by the time of our wedding I'll be 15 weeks along. 

  It was a good plan, except the family started to suspect something was up about 2 months into my pregnancy. With Gilbert and I going to the doctors a few times, me being sick often and my odd food cravings. 

"Alright now, what is going on with you two?" Mamma asked playfully as she got back form her morning walk. 

"Well......mamma....(y/n) and I are........were going to have a baby." Gilbert said as we held hands. 

"Oh Gilbert, (y/n), I'm so happy for you......I'm gonna be a grandma!" She said excitedly. 

   Over the next few weeks we got ready for the wedding which was to be outside by the lake, I got a maternity dress which made my tiny bump comfortable. 

Finally our wedding day was here, and it was beautiful. Gilbert's sisters were my brides maids and Arnie the best man, our friend Tucker gave me away as I haven't been in contact with my parents in years. Gilbert was as handsome as ever, we joined hands and said our vows. Gilbert slipped the ring on my finger and I did likewise to him. 

"Now, with the powers vested in me I now pronounce you man and wife, Gilbert you may kiss your bride." The priest said as Gilbert closed the small gap between us and pressed his soft lips to mine, sealing our union as husband and wife. 

  After the wedding Gilbert and I couldn't go on a honeymoon, as he had to look after his brother and me already being pregnant. But that's no to say we didn't have fun when we could ;) 

 The months seem to fly by. We had doctors appointments monthly and everything was going smoothly for us to have a healthy baby, we had ultra sounds and Gilbert absolutely loved seeing his little one move around and kick there little feet. We found out we were having a girl and we wanted to name her Angel. He also loved to talk to her and it was cutest thing in the world. 

"Hey in there, this is your daddy, I love you so much, your gonna be so cute just like your mommy." Gilbert would whisper into my abdomen and get a little kick in response.

 Everyone we knew was happy us, Tucker made us a crib for Angel, Gilbert's sisters made baby clothes and mamma even knitted us a blanket for her little granddaughter and Arnie was excited to have a little play mate when she got older. 

  Before we knew it I was 8 months along, out little Angel could come any day now. We hired a midwife to help with the birth as it would take us to long to get to the nearest doctor. 

  One night, it was about 3:30am, Gilbert and I were all cuddled up in bed fast asleep his arm was wrapped around my bump. He was so ready to be a dad. I was sleeping soundly, that was until I felt something wet under me, it was time. 

" think its time." I said as pain came over me, his eyes widened and he flew down stairs and called the midwife. She came in the nick of time and came up stairs to us. 

"Alright now, Mr. Grape sit behind your wife, yeah like that, ok now Mrs. Grape start pushing nice and easy." The midwife said. Gilbert was behind me holding me close and making me feel safe. 

" hurts so bad!!!!!! Ughhh!!!......I can't do it!!!!!" I screamed as the pain took me over. 

" can do this babygirl I know it.......its gonna be alright, everything is gonna go just fine its gonna be ok, I'm here I'm here......shhhhh" He soothed, helping me as best as he could. I kept on pushing, it felt like an eternity of pain until the midwife spoke up. 

"I can see the head now......this is good....just a few more pushes Mrs. Grape." She coached as I kept pushing. 

"It hurts!!!!!.........I can't!!!!!.....UGHHHHH!!!!!!" Tears flooded my eyes as I began to grow faint, finally after one more push we then heard our little one cry for the first time. 

"Here she is.......congratulations you two." The midwife said as she handed me our Angel after she was all cleaned. Angel latched on to my breast right away and began to feed, it was sweetest thing in the world. After the midwife left it was just the three of us sharing this precious moment.

"Oh (y/n).........she's perfect..." Gilbert said in awe as he watched his little daughter open her brown eyes to meet his. "I can't believe it.......I'm a father......were a family." 

"Gilbert, you have made me the happiest woman on earth, I love you and Angel more that you know." 

"And I love you and our daughter more than you will ever know to." He pressed a kiss to my cheek as we got lost in the shear cuteness of our little newborn. 

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