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  I looked down at my Instagram DMs in tears, one girl who I thought was my friend just turned out to be a horrible person. She became angry after I asked her not to brag and rub in the fact that she had met JD in person, it hurt so very much and she knew that I had not had that pleasure yet and she rubbed it in my face. I was in tears and felt like I was going to be sick. 

  I was at a Panera Bread waiting for my food to be delivered to me when I heard someone walk up to my table. 

"Excuse me miss, is everything alright?" The man said gently. I shook my head no as my head was buried in my arms. 

"N-no....." I mumbled thought tears. 

"If you don't mind could I sit here?" 

"Yea, t-that's f-fine." He pulled out the hair in front of me and sat down.

"If its not to forward to ask, what seems to be the trouble?" The man asked, I lifted my head up slightly, but through my teary eyes I couldn't tell who he was his voice did sound familiar though. 

"W-well, this girl on Instagram I t-thought s-she was my f-friend but that wasn't the c-case. She was n-nice to me at f-first but then after she m-made a video with me and others in it she didn't give anyone credit and took all the credit herself, didn't even mention anyone's names. Then later over a zoom call she took an hour to brag all about how she meet JD in person and rubbed it in my face, not only that but she unnecessarily stressed the price tag of the event of where she met him, later after that I told her how all of that made me feel and she didn't like that. She accused me of 'putting words in her mouth' and she said that she 'never said any of that' and said that I was 'spreading rumors and about her' and then she threatened to report me for harassing her and it was all just a mess and it make me feel sick. Gee Sir, I don't mean to be a burden to you, telling you all this sad stuff." 

"No no, your not a burden. I am so very sorry that happened to you, I would never want that to happen to anyone. That's a real shame that did happen, it makes me feel sick to and mad." 

"Why would it make you feel sick and mad? You don't even know me-" I looked up at him, my eyes now clear, and my mouth fell open. That man sitting in front of me was Johnny freaking Depp. "Oh gosh." I gulped and blushed. "Hi, my name is (y/n)." I said shaking his hand. 

"I'm Johnny." He said back in a gentle voice. "And I am truly sorry that girl said all those things to you, that wasn't right at all." 

"I'm glad you think so, she told lots of other people that I'm a bad person and she also wanted me to tell everyone that I knew on Insta that I was a liar. I really thought she was my friend and would help me. But I was wrong, see." I said as I handed him my phone and he scrolled though the cruel DMs. I watched as his face contorted from sadness to anger as he read the cutting messages. 

"This is unbelievable, I am shocked and appalled at these words. Oh (y/n) I am so sorry." He said on the verge of tears. 

"Its none of your doing Johnny, that's just how people are, there's nothing you or I could do but pray that they will leave me alone." I said as I hung my head. Johnny looked up at me from my phone. 

"Maybe there's something I could do. Come with me." We both stood up and left the place and walked to the side of the building. He pressed on the video chat icon on the chat she was in and she answered.  

"Look (y/n) for the last time, I'm going to report you if say another word to me, did you tell everyone on Insta that your a liar yet? Because if you didn't I'll-" She stopped dead in her rant as she finally faced the phone and saw that it wasn't me on the chat. "Oh my gosh! Johnny! I didn't mean- well, you'll understand when I tell you about her, she is such a-

"Stop right there lady, I've been talking with (y/n) here for a while and I believe her. You had no right to say those things to her." He said in a stern yet civil tone. 

"Really, you'll believe me when I tell you about her, I did so much for her she should be grateful to me!" The beastly woman shouted into her phone. 

"I've heard these tactics before lady, and its not going to work, you need to stop threating (y/n) she didn't do anything wrong. Now how would you feel if someone flaunted something that you've always wanted to do but haven't gotten to do yet in your face? It hurts, it hurts a lot. And I'd rather if you didn't talk this way to (y/n) anymore." She was silent for a moment with a cross look on her face. 

"Whatever! But I am right! (y/n) is lying scum! Believe what you will, I can't believe that I was on your side anyways. I was always mad that you married Amber! I guess you'll always believe liars Johnny. Good bye!" She shouted and ended the call. I can't believe she brought AH into all this.  

"Johnny I'm so sorry she said that, I really am." I said as I placed a hand on his shoulder. 

"Its alright (y/n), I don't think about that much anymore, I'm just glad I could tell help you out." 

"And thank for that, I think she need someone to tell her all that. Your a good man Johnny." 

"And you are a good woman (y/n)." He pressed a kiss to my cheek and I kissed him back. We exchanged numbers and got to stay in touch. After that I felt much better, and never thought about that girl ever again. Bless you Johnny. 

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