When your pregnant 2

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Gellert Grindelwald 

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Gellert Grindelwald 

 You met Gellert after he save you from a mob who found out that you used magic. He brought you to Numrengaurd and let you live there, after some time you developed feelings for him as did he for you and you started a secret relationship. 

"What is the matter that you need me, my dear?" 

"Please don't be angry." 

"I could never be angry with you (y/n), now please, tell me what is wrong."

".........I'm......I'm....with child."

".......Are you quite certain?"

"Yes, I saw a doctor yesterday and he confirmed it." 

"I see........"

"I knew you would be upset." 

"No no no, not at all love, I'm just surprised that's all. In fact, I am quite happy, I never thought that I would be a father. Oh my dear (y/n), I love you and our unborn child and swear that I will do everything in my power to protect you and keep you safe." 

After you told him the news he proposed to you and you were happily married in the depths of Numrenguard, only having a few present for the ceremony. 

Queenie was all too excited to help you get things ready for the baby. 

Gellert would be up with you when you were sick, casting spells so would not be ill anymore.

He would cancel his meetings and work to take care of you. 

He could not remember a time when he was this happy before. 

After your baby girl was born, Gellert loves to just hold her close and cuddle with you and his newborn. Quennie was more than happy to be an Anutie and spoil your little one rotten. Gellert put his work completly aside to focus on his new little family, the other residence of Numrenguard love seeing Gellert dote over you and his little girl. 

Captain Jack Sparrow 

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Captain Jack Sparrow 

You and he met after you seeked him out and snuck aboard The Pearl in a disguise. It did not take long however for him to find you out, and he let you stay. Jack was kind and gentle to you and soon became protective over you, you liked it and before you knew it you two were in love. Sometime later Barbossa married you two at the helm in a happy ceremony. 

"Love what is the matter? you have not been yourself lately my dear (y/n), are you ill?" 

"......No, well, not really, I have no sickness love........its something wonderful."

"......My love I am not understanding what you are trying to......communicate to me." 

"*sigh* Jack, I'm with child, I'm going to have your baby."

"Your?.... I'm?.... We're?..... Is this true?" 

"Yes, it's true, you're going to be a father." 

"........Then I can hardly wait to meet our little one."

Jack was overcome with joy at the news that he was to be a father and told the whole crew time and time again. 

Elizabeth and Tia Dalma were more than happy to help out while you were pregnant.

He insisted that the ship be docked for 9 months and bought a small seaside home while you were pregnant. 

Lots and LOTS of cuddles. 

He is more than willing to satisfy you when you are feeling frisky ;) 

He will shower you with kisses. 

Jack has you wearing his big loose shirts when nothing else will fit. 

At 8 months you had your little girl, Jack couldn't believe his eyes, he was a father at last. He loves to hold his little one and tell her stories, even though she is just an infant. It is the cutest little thing to see asleep with your little girl resting on her daddy's chest. 

Ed Wood 

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Ed Wood 

   You and Ed meet after you landed a role in his latest film. Ed and you became fast friends and you were there for him after his girlfeiend lieft him. After he became single again you soon caught feelings for eachother (even though you already had a big chush on him early on), you started dating and before you knew it were happily married. 

"Eddy.....I have a suprise!" 

"Thats great sugar! I can't wait to hear it!" 

"You might want to sit down for this dear....." 

"Alright, now, tell me." 

"Ok.......Ed......I'm....I'm pregant." 

"....Oh my gosh! Really? You are for sure!?" 

"Yes, I am, are you happy about it?" 

"Am I happy about it? I am the happiest man in the world! (y/n) I love you so much!" 

It would be an understatement to say that Ed was over the moon with excitement at the news of your pregncay.

 He doted on you continusuly, showering you with affection and attention. 

Ed loved talking to baby every day, even when you were just weeks pregnant. 

He would love reading si-fi stories to you and baby to help you get to sleep. 

  You soon gave birth to a little baby boy, Ed absolutly loved having a son the two are inspritable. The cast of his flims always love to you, Ed and your baby. He would always take the night shifts and rock the baby to sleep while you got your rest. 

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