Willy Wonka #1

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 (y/n)'s prov

      It was about 7:00pm, nearly time to quit for today and my dear sweet boss was working himself to the bone. I loved him dearly and wanted him to stop so I could properly tell him. 

   I've been in love with him ever since I started working here at his chocolate factory about 2 years ago, I never married and have never loved some one so much before in my life. Willy himself has never been married either, perhaps he preferred to be single I hope not, but I have doubts about him loving me back. He's been working so very hard today, more than other days. Willy got up at the crack of dawn and has been working on something non stop, poor dear....... 

Willy's prov 

   I was exhausted, I got up so early today because today was the day I was going to tell my sweet (y/n) that I love her. I've loved her ever since I laid eyes on her, I only hope that she isn't already taken. She is so perfect in every way, her cute laugh, her beautiful eyes, her sweet smile, the way she dresses is so sexy. Gosh I love her. 

  Everything was just about ready, I was working on a candy just for her and a picnic for us for dinner in the candy room. The candy was a simple heart shape with dark chocolate on the outside then milk chocolate in the middle then finally white chocolate with a razzberry filling, simple and I hope she likes it......I really......do........... 

(y/n)'s prov 

   I started looking for Willy when the clock turned 7:16pm. I looked allover the factory till I came into the inventing room and saw Willy with his head buried in his arms fast asleep. Awww he was so cute. I gently rubbed circles into his back causing him to stir a bit, I bent down and tucked some of his hair behind his ear and placed a light kiss to his cheek. He opened his eyes and smiled. 

"Oh, hi (y/n).......did I fall asleep?" 

"You did, your working so hard no wonder your tired." I said as he got up. 

"Well now that I'm awake.......I have something for you, fallow me." Willy said as he gently took hold of my hand and led me into the candy room. "Close your eyes for me princess." I blushed when he called me that and I loved how gentle he was being with me. "Open now." He whispered into my ear. I opened my eyes, we were in the candy room, to see a beautiful picnic with shrimp cocktails and glasses of champagne with a single candle lit in the middle. 

"Oh Willy.........what's all this for?" 

"Its for you cocoa, here, sit with me." He said, I sat next to him and he handed me my glass. 

"So what should we toast to?" I said as we raised up our drinks. 

"To us, and this sweet evening together." I blushed hard. 

"I'll drink to that." 

  Everything was perfect, the food the drinks the company. Willy and I talked for hours, it felt so good just relax with him for once it only made me love him more and more. I only hoped he felt the same for me. 

 "(y/n).....Ummm.....I'm not sure how to say this......because I've never said it before......but.....I really like you......like really like you.....like more than a friend......I guess what I'm trying to say is that......I love you.....I hope you feel the same for me, but if you don't that's just-" I cut him off as I press my lips to his, it took him a moment to register what was going on but once he got the message he kissed me back. Our lips moved in sync as we wrapped our arms around each other, lost in complete love. I gently pulled away. 

"I love you to Willy." I cooed. 

"Oh my sweet (y/n), I love you so much, will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?"

"Only if you'll be my boyfriend." I said. 

"Yes (y/n) I will be, and I promise to love and protect you for ever." Willy scooped me up bridal style and carried me to his room, we decided to sleep together now since we were a couple. He put his pajamas on and gave me a pair of his to put on even though it was a bit big on me. We hopped in bed and cuddled in close. 

"I love you so Willy.....so much." 

"And I love you my sweet cocoa bean." He said as he pressed a kiss to the top of my head and we drifted off to sleep. 

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