JD characters part 2

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(this takes place the same day)

    Red. That's what I was, red in the face. Can you blame me though, in a house surrounded by absolutely stunning men, and they liked me (halalula)! Yet, I was in love with all of them, now you and I know that they are all the same man, but they don't. Gosh, I didn't know if I should tell them or not, best not. But I wanted all of them so badly, my poor body was in such destress just wanting some attention.......one problem still remained, I needed a place to sleep. And the only places that no one was sleeping in were the bathroom and the kitchen, not very comfy places. 

"(y/n)......" I turned around to see Casettii standing behind me "your sure no one else is here, its just I've been getting a lot of nasty letters, people making threats." Casettii said as he looked around nervously. 

"You don't have to worry about a thing, no one is after you here. I promise." I said as I gave him a little smile. Casettii was a sweet guy (then again they all were), soft spoken and yet a little on edge, but I could understand that. I reached out and gently rubbed his arm, he gave me a shy smile. 

"Thank you (y/n)." He said then walked down stairs to his bed. I was happy that I was able to put his mind at ease. I walked out to the kitchen to start dinner when I looked out the window and saw The Wolf eyeing up my chickens, I sighed and walked out to him. 

"Hey Wolf....ummm....could you please leave my chickens alone....dinner will be ready in just a bit k?" I said as I felt big brown eyes on me. He gave a smirk I could feel my cheeks getting red. 

"Alright little girl, just tell me when to come in." He said in a low voice, I licked my lips and looked back up and him. 

"Ok...I will." I say and go back inside. Geez I get this way with all of them, oh (y/n). 

"Hey Willy? Edward? Could you two help me with cooking please?" I asked. 

"Sure!" Willy exclaimed. 

"Ok." Edward said in his small voice. 

   I had Edward on making a salad, as I knew that was something he could do, and Willy on helping me with the twice baked potatoes. Everything was going fine, Edward was chopping lettuce, Willy was stuffing the potatoes, I was setting the table, every now and then Jack would come into the kitchen and take a look at me and give a smirk. Now, I had the oven on at a high temp for the food, there must have been some bit of food in the bottom of the oven (as the food we were making was to in the oven yet) the smoke alarms started going off causing Edward to panic and run towards my room. 

"Edward! Oh poor thing......Mort turn them off!" Mort raced to turn off the 4 smoke alarms that were blaring. I went to go console Edward. 

"Edward?.......are you alright?" I said softly as I came into my room where he was sitting on my bed shaking. I bent down in front of him, he lifted his head slightly his eyes red and tears slipping down his scared face. 

"I'm so sorry you got scared....its ok though we all get scared sometimes." I cupped his face and wiped his tears away. "How are you feeling now dear?" 

".........better......thank you...." Edward said quietly as he gave me that cute smile of his. I blushed. 

"Would you like to back to making dinner?" He nodded, I took hold of his arm and pulled him up. "Edward? Would you like a hug?" I asked looking him in his big brown eyes. He just raised his hands. 

"I can't...." I gave him a little smile and gently lifted his arms and wrapped my arms around him and pulled him in. He was taller than me, his chin rested on my head. We stayed like that for a few minutes when I heard a knock at my door. I pulled away from Edward. 

"Thank you (y/n)." He said with a small grin. 

"Anytime. Come in!" It was Ichabod. 

"Ah yes, (y/n), I was just seeing if you and Edward were coming back out." He said properly. 

"yeah were coming, come on Edward." I said as I we got up and walked out to the kitchen. Edward went back to chopping the veggies and Willy and I finished the main dish then called the guys in to eat. 

"What is that?" Sweeny asked in a dry tone while poking it with a fork. 

"Its a twice baked potato, its got sour cream, chives, cheese, bacon, butter, I think you'll like it, please try it." He raised an eye brow and placed a bit of it in his mouth. 

"It smells delicious, thank you (y/n) and Willy." James said politely as he tried to break the heavy mood that Sweeny caused. I looked over and noticed Barnabas lightly touching the sliver where. 

"Its alright Barnabas its not real sliver, just medal." I said with a smile. 

"Thank you my dear." He said and started to eat. 

I sat in between Edward and Mort so I could help Edward eat, I was glad that no one made fun of or otherwise teased him for his appearance. Then again we had a pirate, a vampire and a 'wolf' so I guess Edward was not the oddest one here. The Wolf gobbled his food down in a flash thanks us for the meal and headed back out doors. 

"Wonderful meal love and....uh Willy....." Jack said as he praised me and just barely mentioned Willy, making me chuckle a bit. 

"Why thank you Jack." 

"Great food, better than anything I've had in Chicago." John said as he wiped his mouth clean. 

"Yeah, better than anything I could make myself, that's for sure." Mort agreed with John. 

  After they all thanked us we started getting ready for bed (and sadly not like that, I know what you were thinking) I put Sweeny, John and Casettii down stairs as I thought they would get along best, I just prayed that Sweeny could control his temper. After getting them all settled I just had one task left. to find a place to sleep. I walked around my house with my firm pillow and sleeping mask in hand just looking for an unoccupied place for me to rest. (I had decided to dress in a particularly sexy looking night where as my mother would have never let me ;) 

    After I made sure that Edward was safely tucked in in my bed I went out to the kitchen for some tea. I made myself mint tea and sat down at the table thinking about where I was to sleep. As I pondered this I heard footsteps coming out to where I was. 

"Hello?" I tensed for a moment but then remember that my parents were gone and I relaxed again.  I heard the distinct creeks of the floor boards.  It was Jack. 

"Oh hi Jack, did you need something You weren't drinking were you?" I asked while getting all hot. 

"No, not a drop love......I was just looking for......alright I was looking for rum." He said defeatedly. I chuckled. 

"I thought you might be, here." I said as I handed him a cup with some watered down rum in it. 

"Thank you." He said as he gulped it down. "Why are you out here, its so late, are you not tired?" 

"No I am, I just don't have a place to sleep." Jack gave a smirk. 

"Well I just so happen to have room if your interested."

I thought about it.....................and immediately said yes. I stood up and Jack wrapped his hand around my waist and I did the same around his and we walked to his room. He shut the door and I fell back on the bed, I could feel my core getting soaked, Jack laid next to me and I leaned in for a kiss. He kissed back and we made out for like and hour or so (no joke), after which I was getting pretty sleepy. Jack scooped me up and pulled the covers up over us and I fell fast asleep. 

"Good night love." He whispered. 

"Goodnight Jack."

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