*Edward Scissorhands Alphabet

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A- After care

      Umm......you have to clean yourself up, he'd love to help and wants to, but there's not much he can do in that department accept give you kisses.

B- Body Part 

  He likes your lips and hands best, he likes it when you cup his face and give him kisses. as for himself, he likes his 'hands.' He likes to give you fun hair cuts with them. 

C- Cum 

    He likes to cum deep inside you, or in your mouth. It took him awhile to understand what was happing inside you and inside himself, one day he asked you were babies come form, he blushed hard when you told him. However after you did he got baby fever bad, you two talked it over and decided that having a family would be wonderful. 

D- Dirty Secret 

  Sex is pretty new to him, so he doesn't really have an dirty secrets..........yet ;)

E- Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what there doing?)

    In short no, he's got zero experience. But that's not to say he isn't good in bed ;). You were his first, so he likes to experiment and find what you two like and don't like.

F- Favorite Position 

  He likes any position where your on top (that's all that works anyways) you have to tie his 'hands' to the bead posts. He also likes it when you suck him off or when he gets to eat you out.

G- Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous?) 

  Since he's very new to having a sex life, he's not confident enough to try and be goofy, nor will he be serious. He'll tell you how good you make feel and give you lots of kisses.

H- Hair (How well groomed are they? Dose the carpet match the drapes?) 

  Oddly enough, yes! He can cut hair anywhere so he's mostly bare. 

I- Intimacy (How are they during the moment? Romantic aspect.) 

  He's a soft boi and romance is quite new to him, so he'll say sweet things to you during the moment and tell you how much he loves you. 

J- Jack off (Masturbation Head-Cannon) 

  He would if he could. But since be can't, if he really wants to he'll ask you to help him do it. 

K- Kink (One or more of their kinks) 

    He likes having his hair tugged, and love it when you call him baby boy ;) 

L- Location (favorite places to do 'it') 

     He likes to do it at his mansion, if you two are at the Boggs and everyone else is asleep and in his garden. 

M- Motivation (What turns them on/ gets them going?)

   Seeing you naked, or when you have a towel wrapped around yourself. When you kiss his temple and jawline and when you kiss his nose, he gets all red in the face. 

N- No (Something they wouldn't do/ turn off) 

  Nothing that would hurt you, nothing to risky. He doesn't want to take a chance on harming you accidently. 

O- Oral (Preference on giving, receiving, skill etc.) 

   This boi loves receiving, and will loudly let you know how much your pleasing him. As for giving he wasn't quite sure about it at first, but he soon learned and now he'll gladly pleasure you with his tongue and taste your sweetness. 

P- Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual?) 

   He like soft sex best, and never wants to go rough. He likes to make it meaningful and gentle every time. 

Q- Quickie (Their opinions on quickie rather than proper sex, how often? etc.) 

   He can get needy, and if there's a spot you two can go where you won't be heard then he'll gladly have a quickie with you. You two usually have about 3-4 quickies a week. 

R- Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks?) 

  He's up to experiment with you, find new kinks and find out what you and he like and dislike. As for risks, no just no. 

S- Stamina (How many rounds can they go? How long do they last?) 

  About 2-3 rounds on a regular night, be he can go up to at least 5 rounds if he's feeling needy. 

T- Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner themselves?)

            No. Just, no. 

U- Unfair (How much do they like to tease?) 

   He doesn't tease, he doesn't really know how. But he likes it when you do, he gets all red in the face sweet baby boy.

V- Volume (How loud do they get? What sounds to they make?) 

   He gets VERY loud, he'll moan your name a whimper and tell you just how good you make him feel ;) 

W- Wild Card (Random head cannon for the character of your choice) 

    Imagine you having to help him get a shower, he sees you naked and gets hard and you two have steamy sex. 

 X- X-ray (Let's see what's going on in those pants)  

    He's pretty big, I'd say about 5-6 inches when erect. 

Y- Yearning (How high is their sex drive?) 

   Not to high normally, unless he sees you undress. But like I said baby boy gets needy, and when he is his drive goes though the roof!  

Z-zzzz (How quickly do they fall asleep afterwards?) 

    After you clean yourself up and get back in bed he'll lay his head on your chest and fall asleep. 


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