First Flight p1

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I was shaking as I sat down in the waiting area with my bags waiting for my plane to be called. I had always been terrified of flying, even though it was my first time. I was headed to Florida to vacation with my grandma, who was already there, and my uncle Brian, aunt Tonya and cousins Sam and Mia. I was alone, my generous uncle had paid for my ticket, he had got tickets for my folks to but they, epically my mom, hated him for no apparent reason so they declined his offer. So I continued to sit there shaking in fear desperately trying calm myself down in any way, I was on the verge of tears when a man walked up to me. 

"Is this seat taken?" He asked looking around at a very full waiting area. 

"Nope, you can sit here." I said as I patted the set next to me. 

"Pardon my asking, but are you alright miss?" The man said in a calm voice. 

"W-well..... n-no," I stuttered, "See t-this is my first t-time on a air p-plane and w-well I'm s-s-scared and I'm by m-myself." 

"Oh, I understand I was very scared my first time in a plane to. If you don't mind me asking, what's your name?" 

"(y/n) (y/l/n)." I stammered. 

"(y/n) what a pretty name, I'm Johnny." he said as he extended his hand to shake mine, I shook back. 

"Well its nice to meet you Joh-" I looked to his face and froze. Sitting in front of me was Johnny Depp himself. I could feel my heart being to race as my cheeks flushed red. I was pretty embarrassed as I was wearing one of my favorite POTC shirts along with a braid in my hair and complete CJS makeup to match, boots and not to mention rings and a neckless.  

"Mr. Depp." I said trying to act polite. 

"Just Johnny please, no need to be all formal. So where are you headed (y/n)?" 

"St. Augustine Florida, to vacation with my relatives." 

"That sound nice. Well it just so happens that I'm headed there myself, its the one place in Florida I haven't been to yet." 

"Really? Its my favorite place in Florida!" I said excitedly. 

"And seeing as how this is your first flight and its  my first time going to St. Augustine, would you like to fly with me?" 

"Me!? Fly with you? Oh I don't know........I'm kinda weird and well most people don't really like me much...." I said shirking away." 

"Well I happen to like weird people, I find them fascinating and unique." He said with a warm smile. 

"Well ok, if you insist." I said and we soon boarded the plane. 

We go to sit in first class, which had much more room, I liked that, considering I'm claustrophobic. Johnny gave me the window set, I liked him sitting next to me it made me feel safe. The plane stared to take off, then the turbulence came witch had me feeling scared and I tensed up. 

 "Don't worry its just a little turbulence, it wont last for long." He said softly as he looked at me with those chocolate brown eyes making me feel all warm inside. He let me hold his hand, which made me blush all over again.

"Ok." I said back. Johnny got us some food, cocktail shrimp and sparkling grape juice my favorite. "So what do you like to do in St Augustine (y/n)?" He asked trying to distract me from the fear.

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