When your on your period #1

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     He has a sister so he knows what women go through once a month. 

   "Come here sugar, its gonna be ok, were just gonna take it easy today alright?" 

"Ok Wadey, I love you."

"And I love you doll."

Lots of cuddles.

 will get you whatever you need.

just wants you to relax.

 has plenty of feminine products he bought for you. 

hates to see you in pain and will do anything he can to take the pain away.

wanted you two stay home from school but you insisted you would be fine to do that.

will sing softly to help you get to sleep. 


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  Edward Scissorhands: 

      "(y/n) are you alright?" He asked one day as you were holding you abdomen in pain on the couch, you shook your head no. 

"No sweetheart.....I'm on my period." He cocked his head in confusion. "See that's when a woman........" And you went on to explain to him, after you did he was a bit embarrassed and red in the face. 

"I hope we can have babies someday (y/n)." He said with a small smile. You blushed back. 

"Me to Edward." 

      Helps you as much as he can. 

    Tries his best to prepare food for you (mostly salads). 

   Hates seeing you in pain and cries when you cry. 

   He braved a trip into town to ask for Kim and Mrs. Peg's help. 

  Has you lay your head in his lap knowing it make you feel better. And he likes it to :)

Ed Wood: 

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Ed Wood: 

    Has had a girlfriend so knows about it........ somewhat. 

 "There there pumpkin, I've got you, shhh shhh, it'll go away soon." He cooed to you as he held you close. You nuzzled into his chest as you cried in pain. 

"Thank you Eddy, I love you so much." 

"And I love you to (y/n)." 

He stayed home from filming  to take care of you.

You both laze around the house in angora because it feels good.

He reads Si-Fi novels to you in bed to help you sleep. 

Has all the feminine products you need. 

Make you hot tea as you two cuddled and watch old horror films on TV. 

Don Juan DeMarco: 

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Don Juan DeMarco: 

    Has been with..........how many thousand women was it again? So its safe to say he knows all your monthly. But since he's found you he has stayed loyal to you and only you. 

  "It hurts so bad!" 

"Shhh Shhh I know my love, I know, I'm right here I've got you." 

  Is as soft and gentle as humanly possible. And will defend you and your honor from anyone. 

Will softly massage the pain away. 

Will take you someplace quite and peaceful where you two can rest with no disturbances. 

Went to get lady products for you despite getting many lust filled stares from the women he passed. 

He is disappointed that you two can't have sex, but is not going act needy. 

Will lay in bed next to you if your in to much pain to move. 

Ichabod Crane: 

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Ichabod Crane: 

    You were his first girlfriend, so this is all new to him. He's an educated gentlemen so he knows about a woman's body and your needs, but this is the first time he as actually been around a woman on their monthly.

"Is there anything you need my dear?" He asked nervously. 

"Just hold me, please?" You said while giving him doe eyes, he gave you a soft smile and laid down next to you in bed and held you close. 

Is very squeamish around blood, but tires his best not to let it show for your sake.

Though he is a workaholic he puts aside his work to take care of you. 

One day he was so stressed that he would mess up somehow as he helped you out you had him lay down on the bed and sucked him off to calm him down.

Insisted that you two stay inside at the Van Tassels, he was not taking a chance on loosing you to the headless horsemen. 


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