JD Characters part 1

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My mother's cruel words she yelled at me last night ran through my head as I tried to wake up. Its a long story about what happened but long story short, I was just trying to protect Johnny, no I'm not a lair like my mother would like you to believe. My family was packing up to go on an extended trip to Florida without me, the couldn't wait to get away from me, well that's what they said. 

I sat on the edge of my bed soothing the redness on my wrists from where my father squeezed them till they turned red. Ouch. But I was glad they were gone, at least they couldn't hurt me now. I grabbed my firm pillow and sleeping mask and started walking to the living room to finish my sleep, that's when I noticed that there was a light on in the kitchen. 

I thought that maybe they just left it or something, I walked closer to see that there was a shadow of a man in my kitchen. I got closer and saw that he was cooking something that smelled sweet, like chocolate. I dropped my mask a pillow and got closer to the said man. I saw who he was and covered my mouth. Willy Wonka. 

"Good morning star shine, we were wondering when you would wake up." He said in a chipper voice.  I just stood there fumbling with what to say. 

"Uhhh...yeah....hi...good morning." I say nervously as stare at his handsome features, he was pretty hot, who am I kidding there all hot. "Gee this is some dream I' having." 

"Oh its not a dream coco bean, would you like some coffee?" He said as he poured me a cup. 

"Yeah...thank you..." I dipped my finger in the hot drink and my finger got a burned. Yup this was not a dream. Wow. "Wow this is great coffee, thank you." 

"Glad you like it." 

"So you said that WE were wondering when I would be up, are there more people here?" I asked still feeling star struck.

"Yeah, but I'm not sure who they all are really." 

"Hmm....do you know were they are in the house?" 

"Kinda every where, I think one of them is on the couch sleeping." 

"Well that's fine, I guess I'll go greet them then. Ummm Mr. Wonka?" 

"Please call me Willy." 

"Ok, Willy, how did you get here?" I said as I could feel myself blush. 

"I'm not quite sure, one minute I'm working on my latest candy then I find myself here." He said though he didn't sound disappointed, which I was glad. I was still pretty tired so this was good enough for me.   

"Well you and the others and welcome to stay as long as you want, I don't think my folks will be back anytime soon." I kinda mumbled that last part. He gave me a sweet smile, I smiled back, then I went to look and see where the others were. I walked into my living room which was pitch back, as the currents were drawn and there were no lights no yet, I walked close to the couch and indeed there was some one sleeping on it. I didn't want to wake them up so I kept the lights off, but I did want to know who it was. So, I slowly reached my hand out and touched there back, it felt like where ever they were whering was ripped in the sleeve, my hand went up to there head and felt longish messy hair, that was enough for me, it was Mort Rainey. I internally squealed with delight. I bent down and placed a small kiss on his cheek, I knew that he had been through a lot. 

I turned to go back to my room when I passed the bathroom, which was now lit with someone in it. I cocked my head to see Sweeney Todd giving John Dillinger a shave. It was killing me to hold in my excitement and shock.

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