*John Dillinger #1

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Cuz who doesn't want John Dillinger smut? ;)

"Billie I don't know about this." I said hesitantly as we waited at our table at the nightclub for a man who she wanted me to meet. 

"Come on (y/n) I'm your sister I wouldn't set you up with someone rotten." She was right she would never do such a thing. Billie and I worked as coat check girls and we moonlighted various jobs at the nightclub, ever since our folks passed away 3 years ago we became very close like best friends. My last relationship ended about 4 months ago when I found my man sleeping with two other girls in our apartment, not to mention he was a preachers kid, my grandfather always warned me about those boys.  

"And your sure he's a gentlemen right?" I asked. 

"Yes he is, he is handsome, dark, mysterious, sexy-" 

"Billie!......all this is true?" 

"Yes, look here he comes." She said as the man came over to our table and sat down. "John, this is my sister (y/n) (y/l/n)." 

Billie was not kidding about what she said about John, he was all those things indeed......I could feel my cheeks getting red just looking at him. 

"Hello there (y/n) its a pleasure to meet you." He said as he kissed my hand. 

"I-its n-nice to meet you to John." I stammered. 

"Well I'll let you two get to know each other I have work to do." Billie said as she got up and left. 

"So (y/n) your Billie's sister? Its a pretty name you got darling." He said in a smooth sexy voice, gosh I was falling for him already. 

"Thank you, and yeah I'm her little sister. So Mr. Dillinger what do you for a living." 

"I rob banks, where all these people put there money." 

"Sound exciting......do you shoot people?" I asked hesitantly. 

"Well sometimes I have to, but I try not to make a habit of it, but you don't have anything to worry about I'm not gonna hurt you doll, not now or ever." He said with a warm smile that made me feel safe. We scooched closer. "Can I put my arm around you?" He asked. 

"Yes you can." I said as I felt his strong hand around my waist. We began to chat some more and I told him about my folks and how my sis and I work here and my ugly ended relationship. He felt sympathy for me and made me feel better. He also told me about his past and his favorite things: He likes, movies, baseball, whisky, fast cars and me. 

"You like me?" I asked hopefully. 

"Yes I do darling." He said, gently John lifted my head to meet his as I anticipated the kiss only to see Joshua Pierce, my ex, coming up to us. I could smell the booze on him. 

"Hhhey (y/n) long time so see girly." he slurred. 

"And just who might you be?" John asked in a commanding tone.

"Wwwhy I'm Joshua.......Pierce." 

"Now I think you've cause (y/n) enough trouble already." John said as he stood up showing that me was much taller and more muscular than Joshua. 

"Aaand wwhat are you gonna do aaabout it Mr.?" Joshua slurred as he bent down to my face and attempted to kiss me, but John yanked him back by his wrist and slammed his face in to the table. 

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