Ichabod Crane 3

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(Note, this is a continuation of part 2) 

(y/n)'s prov 

  It's been about three weeks since Ichabod and I first had sex, and we haven't stopped since. Lately, Ichabod has been very needy. Sometimes the Van Taseles servants would ask us to keep it down. We always laughed when told to do so. 

 However, lately, I've been feeling odd, as if I'm sick. I was curious about my symptoms, I had a hunch but I wanted confirmation, so I went to the local midwife and told her how I was feeling. 

"I see, I have helped many women through pregnancy before, and (y/n), I'm happy to tell you that you are going to have a baby." She said with a warm smile. I was elated and couldn't wait to tell Ichabod. 

"Evening love, how was your day?" I asked my lover as he came into our room late. 

"Shocking, I don't know if I can keep going on this case." Ichabod said as he pancaked out on our bed "But, I'm glad to be back with you now." He smirked, I already knew what he meant. 

"I'm glad your back to lovey." I said as I pressed a kiss to his lips. "Ichabod, I have something to tell you.........sit down dear." He sat on the bed with a confused look. 

"Are you alright my dear?" Ichabod asked with concern. 

"I'm fine.........You love me don't you Ichabod?"

"Why would you ever think otherwise (y/n)? I love you more than anything, and I want to make you my wife." He said with a sweet smile. 

"I want nothing more than for you to be my husband," I said. 

"Now, what was it you wanted to tell me, love?" 

"Well..........you know how we've been.....sleeping together a lot......well.....I went to the midwife in town here......she checked me out, as I wasn't feeling well.....and said that I'm going to have your baby." Ichabod looked at the floor for a moment, processing what I had just told him. A smile appeared on his face as he lit up with joy. 

"Really? Oh......oh my.......(y/n) I'm so happy." Ichabod cried as he wrapped his arms around me, I nuzzled into his chest.

"Me to Ichabod, me too."

"Umm.....(y/n).......you know that I love you more than anyone....and want to make you my wife....now that we have a baby on the way.....(y/n) (y/l/n)....will you marry me?" Ichabod was down on one knee holding a simple silver ring.

"Yes, yes Ichabod I will marry you!" His face lit up with pure happiness as he slipped the ring on my finger. He stood up and took me in his arms and press his lips gently to mine, I kissed back our lips moving in sync as we were lost in our love.


    Ichabod and I were married two months later, we decided to keep the pregnancy a secret till we were married as I would surely have been shamed for it. After we were married Ichabod took us back to New York because he feared the headless horseman might attack me in my delicate state. 

  "How are you feeling darling?" Ichabod asked one afternoon as he came into your shared bedroom and laid down next to you on the bed. 

"Good right now, thank you for all you've done for me love," I said sleepily as I laid comfortably on the bed a blanket covering me and nothing else.

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