*Sam #1

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Been working a long time on this one lol

  I woke up on the couch were I slept in the art room that Joon and I shared. It was bright sunny day and light was casting colorful shadows in the room through the colorful glass bottles. I was lucky to be living here with these kind people. 

  My friends Benny and Joon took me in about a year ago after I ran away from my abusive narcissistic mother. Because of her years of abusing me I developed CPTSD (complex post traumatic stress disorder), its a little different than PTSD. I'm hypervigilant, its hard for me to trust anyone, I have flashbacks to when my mother and father physically harmed me. When Benny takes Joon to her therapy sessions I go along and her psychiatrist talks to me as well and had been helping me through it.  

  I'm an artist like Joon and I'm happy to stay home and paint with her while Benny is at work. One night Benny took Joon and I to a card game he was having with his friends and Joon joined in after he quit. As I watched them I noticed a handsome guy outside playing with a hub cap making it spin around, I laughed at his silly antics and kept on watching him. The man noticed me staring and smiled at me, I blushed. He had brown hair down to his shoulders, soft brown eyes and was dressing in 30's style clothes with a funny little hat on. 

"Hey, who is that man out there?" I asked, one of Benny's friends spoke up. 

"He's my looney cousin, you want him? You can have him." I laughed at this answer. 

"Well........" I said as my voice trailed off, thinking about that handsome funny gentleman out there liking me back. 

"Ha! Tonight's your lucky night (y/n)! You get to take that odd ball home! I'm free!"  The man said as he jumped up form the card table. Benny came into the room and his friend rubbed it in his face that his cousin would be living with us now. We walked outside and met the strange man. 

"Hi I'm (y/n)." I said shyly as I reached out my hand to him, he took my hand and gently shook it. 

"I'm Sam." He said sweetly, I noticed that he was a bit red in the face as well. 

"Alright then Sam, let's get you home." Benny said begrudgingly, we hopped in the car and went on home. 

"Ok ummm.........gee.....(y/n)......I don't got any extra bed for Sam........is it alright if he says with you?" Benny asked me nervously. I blushed at the thought of Sam and I sharing a bed, well, he was pretty handsome after all. 

"That's ok Benny.......we'll be just fine." He left and closed the door leaving Sam and I alone. 

"I like your name......its pretty....(y/n)......" Sam said shyly. 

"Thanks.......so yeah....we have to share the couch......is that ok with you?" 

"Oh yes, absolutely." He said happily. "Do you paint?" 

"Yeah I do, Joon and I do. This is our art room." I said as Sam looked at one of my paintings. He looked around the room curiously like a child, so cute! Sam picked up a paint brush and started lightly hitting it on various objects making music, I giggled as he continued to make up a song with his tapping. I don't remember the last time I laughed so hard. 

 He stopped and took a bow, I clapped and he sat back down next to me on the couch. 

"Your brilliant Sam!" 

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