Frank Tupelo #1

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"Please no, please no." I muttered under my breath as my heart began to race, I thought I had just seen some former 'friends' that had it out for me. I moved from to London from America about 4 years ago. While I was there I made some friends at my workplace, it was the 5 of us. After a while, though things began to get weird. They wanted us to go to the same places and dress similarly, they also started to come up with their own beliefs and wanted us to believe the same. Later, Jay and Ann, the leaders, began to get violent so I decided to leave.

At first I just left the group, I thought that was all I had to do. However, they soon began stalking me, I tried going to the authorities, but that did no good. They then began sending threats, that's when I decided to leave the country. I went to Spain, they were there, now I'm in France heading to Venice waiting for my train. That's when I saw them, my train couldn't get here soon enough. As soon as it arrived I hopped on board at quick as I could with my luggage, but it was heavy and it slowed me down. Slowed me down just enough for them to get on right behind me.

I was panicking inside, but I knew I had to keep calm. If only I could have been with someone, someone to meet here, someone to- Aha! As I frantically looked for a free seat I spied a very attractive man with dark semi long hair sitting by himself smoking an e-cigarette. I didn't know who he was so I decided on a generic name to call him and quickly sat down. "Hi Frank, sorry I was running late, I was having a rough morning." I said to him as tears ran down my face.

"Oh, hello Mrs......" his voice trailed off as a look of confusion spread across his face. I darted my eyes to the left where the two were seated, hoping he would understand. Luckily, he did. "Mrs...." "(y/n)" I said quietly. "Yes of course (y/n), sorry it's just been so long, how are you?" He asked clearly concerned. "Oh, well, things have been.......interesting.....umm.....I won't be in Venice for long I'm just catching a flight then I'll be off to New York." I said loud enough for the two of them to hear. 

"Really? Well, while your here would you like to spend some time together?" He asked with kind eyes. I gave a small smile while tears stained my face and nodded my head. "Yes.....I'd love that, thank you." He continued to talk while he kept an eye on the two who followed me. They later got off at the next stop, thankfully. "So, how did you know my name was Frank (y/n)?"

"Oh, that's really your name? No I didn't know that was your name, I just picked a name and, well, you do look like a Frank after all." I said back. "I guess you can't argue with logic like that."
"What brings you to Venice Frank?" "Well.....I guess I just wanted some cheering up." "Oh? Why's that? I'm sorry I don't mean to pry." I said just trying to be kind. "It's wife passed away 3 years ago, and I suppose it's time that try to move on."

"I'm very sorry to hear that......she was a lucky woman." Frank smiled, "is there someone in your life?" "No, never was......I don't think there will be, I've loved men before, but then never loved me. I'm not pretty, I know that, and I know I'm not what men want." I said as I hung my head low, feeling my eyes swelling with tears again, last thing I wanted to thank about right now is yet another handsome man dismissing me.

(Frank's POV)

This poor woman, she's so gorgeous, who told her these things? No man wants her? Well, I think I might know someone who might. What horrible things has she been through? I was feeling so many emotions all at once for her, attraction, desire, sympathy, and perhaps some love. My heart was breaking for her and beating so fast at the same time. But, why get ahead of myself? She's a stunning young woman with her while life ahead of her. I'm just a math teacher, I'm not special, I'm just Frank, why would she be interested in me?

"Who told you those things (y/n)?" I asked with sympathy. "My former friends, I know I shouldn't believe it, but I do. I just can't get their words out of my head."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2023 ⏰

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