When your pregnant 3

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Glen Lantz 

   You and Glen meet after you moved into town with your parents, it was love at first sight

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   You and Glen meet after you moved into town with your parents, it was love at first sight. Tina, Nancy, and Rod also became your friends, making up a friend group. Glen and you started dating 3 months after you met, it was all kisses, cuddles, and good thoughts. It wasn't long before you two started making plans for the future, even though your parents disapproved.


  "Are you ok (y/n)? Something wrong?"

  "No.....well.....not really wrong..........you might want to sit down."

  "Ok, lay it on me babe." 

   ".....ok.....Glen..........I'm pregnant."

   "......Wait......you're......for real?...." 

   "Yes....I am........are you mad?"

   "No, no, I'm not mad (y/n)........I'm happy, really." 

   "You are?.......me too." 

After your parents found out they forced you to leave, and Glen had you move in with him. His parents took pity on you and supported you and Glen's relationship and pregnancy. 

He was over the moon excited about being a father! 

Gives you all the cuddles you need.

Will hold you in his arms and whisper sweet nothings to you when you can't sleep. 

Glen was so worried that Fredy was after you and his unborn baby next, after your friends Tina and Rod had died, that he ended up killing Fredy himself.

He loves to talk to his unborn baby; "Hi in there, it's your daddy, daddy loves you, and daddy gonna protect you, I promise." 

Glen proposed to you after your bump started to show, you and he made plans to get married after the baby was born. 

  9 months later you gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, Glen and you both cried after the doctor handed you your tiny newborn son. Even though you both became parents at a young age, you two imbraced it. Once your little bundle was 4 months old Glen and you were married in a simple ceremony and moved into a small apartment, he continued to shower you and baby with nothing but care and love.



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