*Cry Baby #1

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(y/n)'s prov

    "I have to get to class baby." I said breathlessly as my boyfriend Wade "Cry Baby" wouldn't stop pressing kisses to my neck. 

"I know I know, but your so beautiful darling. I can't help myself." He said between kisses. I wish I didn't have to go away from him, but this was the only class we didn't have together so I guess it wasn't that bad. Wade sighed and begrudgingly stopped kissing me. 

  "Alright, I'll let you go, just let me walk you to your class." He said with that cute pout face of him. I kissed the tip of his nose and we held hands and he walked me to my class. 

 I met Wade about a year ago when my family moved to Baltimore. My folks were affluent squares and they wanted me to be one to, but I was a drape at heart, a 'scrape' if you will.  I would always changed my outfit at school to one I preferred from the dress I wore form home. I felt right at home with the rest of the drapes and quite frankly more protected. Baldwin, one the squares, would always make inappropriate comments about me to my face. One day Baldwin tried to touch my breasts but Wade punched him in the face and made him run off. And later that same day Cry Baby asked me to be his girlfriend, I gladly accepted and to be honest ever since I met him I thought he was the sexiest man I had ever met.  

   But he's much more than eye candy. Cry Baby's sweet, kind, protective, smart, strong, and just a wonderful person. I love him, but my folks don't. They really wished that I had gone with a square, but that's not for me. However my folks didn't just hate Wade, they hated all the drapes including me. My mother would often abuse me daily for whatever reason she came up with and Cry Baby knew it and he didn't like it one bit. One day I came to school with a deep red hand print on my left wrist that my father gave me after me squeezed my wrist hard, my folks had found my red lipstick and black leather jacket and they hurt me for it. Cry Baby said that if they do anything like this again that he's gonna have me live with him and his relatives up at "Turkey Point." I aggreged. He wanted to punch them for what they did to me, but I convinced him not to, thought I hated them to I knew if the cops got involved they would let my folks go free and lock Wade up instead.  

    After school was over Cry Baby drove me home, with kisses all the way there. Once we got to my place I hopped out, I gave him one last French kiss and walked inside. I opened the door and dropped my bag but I didn't see of hear anyone. I looked around for a bit till I found a note. It was from my folks, it said that they would be gone for three weeks. YES! With a huge smile I ran for the phone and instantly dialed up Cry Baby.  

"Hi Cry Baby." I said seductively. 

"Hey sweet thing, everything ok?

"Yeah, my parents are left a note saying that they will be gone for three weeks." 

"Is that right? Well how about I come and get you and you stay with me for awhile.

"Yes please I would love that!" 

"Alright, I'll be right there. I love you.

"I love you to." I ran up to my room and packed everything I'd need for a month with Cry Baby. 

Cry Baby's prov 

  "That was (y/n) wasn't it?" My grandma said, she over heard my conversation. 

 "Yeah, her parents are out for the month and I said that she could say here with us, I hope that's alright?" 

"Oh of courses it is, (y/n) is a great girl don't loose her now ya hear?" She said as she shook her finger at me. 

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