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Hey all so I got my first request yesterday and I am working on a Sweeny Todd smut for SlytherinQueen43 and I can't wait for you guys to read it. Here is a list of charters I write for: 

Mort Rainey 

Captain Jack Sparrow 

Cry Baby Walker

Gilbert Grape

Charlie Mortdecai 

Sweeney Todd

Barnabas Collins 

Edward Scissorhands

Ichabod Crane 

Axel Blackmar

John Willmot 

Agent Sands

Gator Lerner 

Edward Cassetti (Ratchet) 

Ed Wood 

Willy Wonka 


John Dillinger 

Mad Hatter 

J.M. Barrie 

The Wolf

Will Caster

Russell Poole (City of Lies)

Richard Brown 

Don Juan DeMarco 

Dean Corso 


William Blake 


Gellert Grindelwald 

George Jung 

Spencer Armacross 


Jack Marshall

Tom Hanson

 Colonel Joll (Waiting for the Barbarians) 

and of course Johnny 

I'll add anymore I can think of. Just comment or message me if you have any requests :D I do smut, fluff, drama and really what ever you want. 

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