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Warning: this chapter contains elements of gore and mutilation with a clear description, even though I didn't include a photo in it. Even though I have the intention to include it anyway, hahaha.

----- stay with me, Yuto -----

That night I couldn't stop the water coming out of my eyes, hiding my face above the crook of my legs and taking out everything I felt today.

Yuto, he did not go to the bedroom and chose to leave the house. Before Yuto left, he shouted in front of my room, "don't come out until I come back, understand? !!!"

Those were the last words Yuto said before leaving the house leaving me alone in the room and secretly shedding tears. I wiped my tears with the back of my hand and looked at the package that I had been leaving behind.

The red plastic package containing the novel that Yuto gave me with Yuto's book, which I didn't know what the title was. I walked over and took the red package and sat on the edge of the bed. The first book I took was a novel of my choice about a psychopathic romance where a serial killer is crazy about a woman.

Everything the serial killer has to get, makes the killer have to kidnap the woman and lock her up. I didn't open the novel book and chose to take the book Yuto bought when I was at the bookstore.

I can definitely guess that Yuto will definitely buy a horror novel like mine or a book about extraterrestrial objects. But I was wrong.

It is not a horror novel book that i often read in the library and it is not a book about extraterrestrial objects, but a book about ethics.

'a thousand ways to be kind to your family'

That's the title of the book I currently hold. My right hand trembled again and slowly opened one by one the book that I was holding at this time.

"If you are a brother who has a younger sibling, then you have to be more nice and make your younger siblings feel more comfortable with you. If you are a younger brother who has an older brother, be a younger brother who always supports his brother and don't be disobedient to your own brother."

This time I chose to close the book and don't want to continue reading it anymore. 'don't be a rebellious little brother'

"Have I become a disobedient little brother to Yuto? I'm an ignorant brother. Even though I promised to obey and not make Yuto angry with me anymore. But, I'm breaking my promise now. You stupid Yuya!"

I put the two books on the table and decided to go out looking for my brother, no matter if later I would feel pain in my body. I'm still wearing my school uniform, it doesn't matter if I haven't showered yet.

When I opened the door, the sound of thunder and water sounded and immediately dropped thousands of raindrops as if to prevent me from getting out. I don't care and walk out of the house without wearing shoes or sandals.

I ran and ran not caring if these rains continuously hit my body with rainwater that felt like being showered with stones. I ran and screamed for Yuto, no matter if anyone thought I was crazy or what. After all, the clock has shown the number ten at night, aka the neighbors are asleep in dreams.

"No! Don't do this!"

I stopped running when I heard a voice originating from a narrow alley not far from me. From his scream, the man's voice sounded so painful.

With slow steps, I tried to approach the narrow alley. I fear now, afraid that the man who screams in pain will become the victim of organ abduction and murder.

The police have informed on TV that the killers usually occur in dark places and are unknown. For this reason, the police appealed not to enter narrow and dark areas such as alleys for example.

Do I have to go in and see who the killer is or leave the alley as if I don't care about his fate?

This time I chose to step into the alley even though I was afraid. I followed the small moaning sound that came out. It gets darker and darker and is only accompanied by dim lighting and the moonlight which is currently in the shape of a crescent without caring if the black clouds seem to block the moon from shining its light above.

Five minutes I've been around the intersection of alleys and in the end I found what I should not see.

I sat behind the big trash can so that the person in the black hoddy jacket wouldn't see me. That person must have been a murderer who had kidnapped and taken human body parts as many as 12 victims, including Bryan and Andrew.

The man in the black hoddie jacket was still preying on the prey in front of him. He took a knife and cut the stomach of the other man who was still lying weak with pale skin.

The hoddie man cleverly used a knife to dissect the man who was lying in front of him and slowly his two hands entered the inner area of ​​the male organ which I believe was dead. The killer begins to take one by one the organs of the body such as the lungs, liver, heart, and many more.

I felt like I wanted to vomit all of my guts when the killer shrewdly pulled out the large intestine not forgetting with his knife he took out all the contents of the intestine. Yuck! Just imagine if you were in that position?

The killer took all the internal organs and put them into a clear jar one by one according to the number of jars that the killer took out.

Approximately the number of jars that the killer put out were nine. The killer was dissatisfied with the victim who was in front of him and his hands reached over the victim's head and broke it again and again making the victim's head fall from his body.

Not only that, the killer also took the knife back and this time he cut the poor man's waist in half, from neck to waist and the rest from waist to toe.

I could no longer take a peek at every sadistic scene that could make my stomach churn and I accidentally kicked an old tin can.


I immediately closed my mouth so I didn't make a sound suddenly hoping that the maniac killer wouldn't come here.

"Ahh, looks like someone wants to join the party. Come here before I got you, baby"

This time I also closed my eyes holding what was coming from my eyes. "please don't let him come here!"

The sound of the groan between the sole of the shoe and the wet ground was getting closer and closer. Until the ringing sound from the killer's pocket rang. "Tch!"

The killer immediately walked a little away and picked up the phone from the other side. "Yes-yes, I'm finished! Just waiting for my partner who hasn't finished his work. Okay, I'll catch up with him!"

The killer immediately turned off the line and ordered, "It's always him, why is he taking so long? I better catch up with the psychopath."

The killer immediately took all the jars that contained internal organs, not forgetting to remove all evidence of the murder he had previously committed using alcohol.

The sound of the assassin's footprints faded away from time to time, there was no sound other than the sound of the rain and my breath.

This time I ventured to make sure the killer was gone. It's empty and there are only a few trash bags with the corpse of a poor man I don't know who.

This time I breathed a sigh of relief, the killer didn't find me. But I was wrong. As soon as I wanted to step my feet to get away from the crime scene, a hand tapped my shoulder from behind. A hand with fresh blood still on his palm.

"What are you doing here?"

Tbc .......

How about the sadistic gore scene and the mutilation?

Monday, 4 january 2021

Stay With Me, YutoOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz