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The News about Bryan's disappearance spread widely so that the police asked the school to send their students home earlier than usual.

Currently I am still sitting on the bench where I sit staring at the teacher who is now explaining material about literature and novels. This time Yuto came with me to school and at this time he just lay his head on the table not listening to the teacher's explanation in front. All the students here mostly stare at the wall clock and there are only five minutes left to send the students home.

"Did you kids listen to me? Looks like you didn't listen to me and stared at the clock hoping to get home early. Then, your homework  at home is to make a short story about someone you like and read in front of the class during my lesson!"

"Yah, sensei! That's embarrassing!"

Most of them wanted to protest and didn't want to do it at home because it would be embarrassing and worse, they had to come forward and tell it in front of everyone. The teacher did not accept the protest and if those who did not do it, they would receive punishment, cleaning the warehouse, gym, and laboratory for three days. Cruel isn't it.

Kring .....

All the students immediately rushed to clean up their books and immediately brought bags out of the classroom. Only my brother and I are still in the same position who haven't left the classroom.

"Yuto, wake up. It's time to go home"

Yuto only wriggled a little and finally got up from his sleep and looked around the class. "where's the others?" he asked and covered his mouth with his right hand, yawning.

"The others have come home. Just me with you who hasn't come out yet"

"well, let's go home"

Yuto carried his backpack and walked quickly leaving the classroom as well as me who was walking behind him following each of your steps. When we arrived at the gate, Yuto was stopped by three teenage boys.

"Hey, where is our friend Bryan huh? We know you are the cause of Bryan's disappearance," said one of the three school students who blocked him.

The three of them haven't realized my existence because I was hiding behind Yuto's back even though Yuto's body and height are two cm taller than me.

"I don't know about him"

"Don't pretend you don't know! You know were with Bryan yesterday and when he disappeared!"

"Want him to disappear or whatever, I don't care. Now get out of my sight!"

Yuto pushed the middle man and just walked away. I just looked down and followed he from behind.

"Isn't he that freak's younger brother? How about we just ambush him and force him to talk"

As soon as I heard a whisper from them, I immediately walked beside Yuto and hugged his hand. Yuto just silent, not the least bit uncomfortable. In my brain I thought, Bryan disappeared after meeting brother, then where did he disappear and what is the chronology.

There was no conversation between the two of us so there was only the sound of passing vehicles and people talking.

"Yuto, tomorrow, you have time?"

"I don't have time tomorrow. I'm working. Why?"

"Well, tomorrow is Saturday. But, if you is busy what else can you do?"

Yuto was silent and didn't say anything while on the road. The atmosphere was quiet again for five minutes.
"then Sunday, you and me go out"

I still stared at Yuto in disbelief when we both arrived in front of the house. Yuto came in first and left me outside the house. He will go out with me on Sunday. Finally!

I entered the house and took off my shoes and put them down carelessly.
Yuto is in the kitchen checking the contents of the refrigerator. I quickly hugged his neck until the owner was surprised. "Thanks Yuto! I will make you more open on our Sundays!"

Yuto was silent and didn't respond and I immediately let go of my hug and ran to the bedroom. I threw my bag randomly and threw myself on the soft mattress. "It's been a while since I went out with Yuto. I'll make the weekends better. I have to make a plan."


"I'm going to be away for a long time. So remember, don't go anywhere until I get home understand?"

I nodded my head because my mouth was full of the cereal I ate this morning. Yuto was neatly dressed and immediately walked out the back door. "I'm alone again" I said to myself, eating my breakfast in silence.

It didn't take long for me to finish my breakfast and put the used bowl into the sink and wash clean. Once done, I decided to do household chores like mopping, washing, and drying clothes maybe.

The three hours I've been doing my homework made sweat flood my shirt. Bored, I decided to watch tv and change the news channel.

"A man with the initials F.R disappeared last night. According to witnesses, at night the victim was about to go home after work. But once he got near his house, he disappeared as if he was swallowed up by the earth. Two people had disappeared on the third day. We recommend not going out at night on and do not approach narrow alleys at night "

I changed the news channel to drama channel. First Bryan, the missing student I don't know how the chronology is. Now, a man I don't know about is also missing. But, why should I care? After all, as long as Yuto isn't missing, I'm fine.

Anyway I believe, Yuto will not do something like that. Just mom, dad, that japanese teacher, and neighbor poodles are the victims.

"oh my goodness, I have homework! I have to do it before Sunday"

I turned off the tv and rushed to the room and got my pre-book. I stared at the blank book while lying down with the pen I bit. This time my job is to tell about the person we like. Honestly, I don't like anyone yet.

But, not liking doesn't mean loving. I ended up scribbling the blank book into two sheets. I read it for a while and corrected the words which I thought were wrong.

"finally finished!"

I stretched my hands and put my book on the table. "Has Yuto done it yet?"

I want to help hom make a essay about what he likes, but I'm afraid he will get angry again. Besides, I promised not to upset him again.

I got out of bed and walked to the kitchen. I opened the refrigerator and there was nothing in it. I closed the refrigerator door and opened the cupboard where you usually store snacks or cereal in it. There are still some snacks and a box of cereal that hasn't been opened yet. I took a snack and closed the cupboard again.

In silence I eat snacks in silence occasionally staring ahead at passing neighbors or other animals such as dogs or cats.

"Excuse me, did you see my husband? He disappeared last night and I didn't find him nor did the other neighbors"

"Um, sorry madam, I don't know"

The woman sighed heavily and left me without saying a word. Poor woman, she was lonely because she lost her husband from yesterday like that news case.

Tbc .....
Hi-hi, finally the author is back refreshed and cheerful again! Yey !!!

Tuesday, 24 desember 2020

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