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"I did what you said! Now don't ....."

"what ?! You're crazy!"

"If you or your people dare to approach him, then your lives of both of you will be gone ....."

I opened my eyes slowly, even though it was a little heavy because I only slept two hours last night. I positioned my body to the side and there was already Yuto holding his cellphone. "Yuto ...."

Yuto turned his head and looked at me, why you? Why does his face turn red every now and then looks at me wistfully. Yuto turned off his cellphone and sat on the edge of the bed. "do you want to go to school?"

I shook my head slowly, "i still sleepy, Yuto, today I don't want to go to school"

Yuto smiled and stroked my cheek, "okay then. What do you want to eat? Let me make it"

"W-are you sure? You better to go now. In five minutes you will late, you know."

"today I have to work"

I paused and rubbed my eyes, "Yuto, don't work anymore. I... don't like it when Yuto works as an assassin. T-there many peoples have become victims. Don't you feel bad about them?"

This time Yuto was silent, confused about what to say. "I'll stop ...."

I looked at my brother, "when i done with a few more"

I sighed heavily, when will he stop doing that dirty work?


When I tried to move both of my legs, pain suddenly attacked. "Does your leg hurt? And ... Why is our bed so many scattered sperm?"

He don't know what he did to me last night. For 4 hours straight I had to endure the pain last night. But I understand that that night, Yuto fell asleep and did it without realizing it. One round and he did it for four hours and incessantly my cock and his cock took out white lava and made the bed I shared with Yuto dirty.

Yuto carried me bridal style to the bathroom and turned on the water in the bathup. He lowered me in the bathup and came out to get my clothes and towels, I guess.

The mind is still floating, what really happened? Why does he yell at the person on the other side on the phone?

Yuto came in and brought new casual clothes and towels. "are you done?"

I nodded my head in response, Yuto lifted my body which was only wrapped in a wet white singlet shirt and then dried my body with a towel. "T-let me do it"

My two hands tried to take the towel from Yuto's hand, but Yuto didn't allow me and told me to be quiet and let him dry my body. Not only that, even my brother also dressed me in my orange shirt with shorts.

"can you walk?"

Yuto put my dirty clothes and didn't forget the slightly wet bed sheets into a bucket. I tried to move my right leg slowly, "akh!" the pain attacked my leg again

Yuto panicked when I groaned a little and quickly Yuto carrying me to the bed which had been replaced by the sheets of the bed which had been plain white to red rose patterned.

"You stay here, let me bring you something"

Yuto lay down on the mattress with my head resting on the pillow. I nodded weakly and my brother immediately came out of the room. I looked around my bedroom.

Since the first time I stepped back on this house, I didn't find a single frame or photo frame nailed to the wall or left on the table. I looked at the table beside me where there was an alarm clock, a small calendar, with a small photo frame there. My right hand took it and my eyes fixed what was in there.

The black and white photo where there are already two twin boys complete with formal kindergarten with kindergarten clothes. It is a picture of me with Yuto. In the photo, I smiled while forming my index and middle fingers to show a symbol of peace, while Yuto at that time only had a flat, cold, and cynical face while holding tightly to my left hand.

Yuto used to be very quiet and hated to hang out, but now? Yuto has changed, to become an older brother who cares about his younger brother even though his work and whatever he does is not good.

Yuto came with a bowl still emitting hot steam with a glass of strawberry milk. "open your mouth, akh ..."

I opened my mouth and brother skillfully put a spoonful of porridge into my mouth. It only took ten minutes to finish a bowl of porridge and a glass of milk.

Yuto wiped my lips, which turned out to be a trace of porridge and milk on the corner of my lips with a sweep of his thumb. I felt blushing when Yuto beside me treated me like a child.

"I'll be down for a moment. Do you want something?"

"I want to play a video game"

"alright, wait here and don't move out of bed"

I nodded my head in response and Yuto immediately closed the door leading to the basement. I looked at the calendar beside my bed, the 5th of July.

Two more days will be the day the tanabata festival will reopen. "The tanabata festival will reopen. Will he come with me later?" I said myself quietly.

"what festival?"

I looked to the side, on the doorstep there was a brother with both hands holding the PSP, came in and sat beside me.

"tanabata festival, what ...."

"I'll go there with you later on July 7"

"Finally! Thank you, Yuto. I love you, my prince!" I hugged his neck tightly and immediately I kissed Yuto's left cheek.

Tbc ......

Will be next again tommorow :)

Thurday,7 january 2021

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