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The rain still hasn't stopped to drop its water on this earth. I looked at the clock that is not far from the bus stop. 4:23 p.m. and only I'm here sitting waiting for the rain that hasn't stopped. "Should I just go home? The rain hasn't stopped and it's getting heavier every second. I better get home before Yuto comes home"

I immediately put my back bag over my head and ran without caring about a few drops of rain that hit me to make my school uniform wet. The streets were lonely and dark because no one was leaving the house or wanting to go home because of this heavy rain. "hey! Be careful it's dangerous!"

I immediately bowed my head apologized to the man in the office uniform which I accidentally hit that made the man fall. The man snorted in annoyance and immediately took his umbrella and left. Seeing that opportunity, I ran again and ten minutes I arrived in front of the house.

"i'm home!" I immediately took off my shoes and threw them carelessly and then ran towards the room. I threw away my bag not forgetting to take all my books and put them on the table. "The books is wet, I better not have to go to school tomorrow. Besides, my country book is wet and I have homework too"

I immediately took my towel and nightgown and went to the bathroom. It took fifteen minutes to finish my shower and immediately I put the wet towel on the towel rack and went to the ground floor to find Yuto. "Where's Yuto? It's not as if it's not home yet"

Bored I stepped into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator door. The contents were still the same as before, there were eggs, milk boxes with vanilla and chocolate flavors, some blackforest cakes that I didn't know where he got them, vegetables and friends, fruits, and some black plastic that was neither big nor small which were I know it's meat inside. "what do him want to eat today? Should I just cook vegetables today?"

I immediately took the apron that was hung over the hook and shrewdly took the necessary ingredients such as broccili, tomatoes, shallots, mustard greens, and his friends. It took an hour to successfully make sauteed vegetables and omellete filled with chopped onions and sausage pieces inside.

I put two dishes of food on the table and cover it with a cover that is usually used to protect food from bacteria or insects (ps: don't know what the name is for closing it😂😂).

I glanced at the clock that was not far from me, the clock was already showing the number six past five minutes, aka the sun will sleep in a little bit and the rain outside there is still heavy, not forgetting the lightning that blew the sound of lightning.

Yuto still hasn't come home and it makes me feel a little worried. Usually, Yuto will come home earlier than me and he will cook the food when I get home or eat the donuts on the dining table.

I brushed off negative thoughts if Yuto is missinh and my two feet stepped into the living room and opened the tv. There is no interesting program and at this hour it will not show animated films or anime. "huh, why aren't there any good shows?"

My right hand has been pressing the remote button to try to enjoy temporary shows if it's exciting. Until I found an article under it,

"Cases of people disappearing are increasingly happening. Today, as many as three people are declared missing. The previous victim whose initials F.R has been found but with his body split in two. His upper body has disappeared along with the organs inside. The victim can only be identified through his wallet in his pants pocket. .... "

Pip ....

Three people disappeared, today.
All I know is that one of them is named Andrew and both must be outside the school environment. Could it be .....

I immediately turned off the TV and rushed to take Yuto's leather jacket. I want to find him now! I want to make sure Yuto is okay. Oh my God, please convince me that it's not him who disappeared.

If it's Yuto, then I feel like being his brother has failed. I immediately put on my boots and immediately ran out of the house not forgetting to lock the house. No matter the rainwater that rained down on me with water that felt like a stone that god had thrown from above.

I walked around the house complex occasionally asking people from the house or people who were out. All the results are the same, most of them do not know the name Yuto Sakaki. Even though we have lived in this complex for so long compared to myself.

I gave up and decided to sit on one of the park benches not caring that my clothes were translucent because of this heavy rain. It felt like the water in my eyes wanted to melt, imagining that my brother had really disappeared. If that happens and his body is not found, then I as his younger brother feel like I'm really stupid to let Yuto work even though I don't know what his job is.

You can prohibit me from working back to where I used to be, but i can't let me feel worried and lost. It's enough that my mom and dad left me because of Yuti's act, now I don't want to lose Yuto, who is the only one I have.

I bent my knees to hide my face without caring about the strange looks of the people who are looking at me at this time. I'm just silent and waiting for his presence. "what are you doing here? You can get sick you know"

A red umbrella sheltered me from the rain and the person was still behind me. Yuto's umbrella is colorless, only transparent, not red. I looked back to see a kind person willing to calm me.

The person behind me is Yugo, my former teammate. Yugo is currently looking at me with pity as if asking 'why are you here in the rain?'

"Hi Yugo, I'm just waiting for my brother to come home. But, he hasn't shown hisself yet"

Yugo sat beside me without caring that his trousers would get wet because this seat was wet because of the rain. "Your brother must have come home. Don't think that your brother is missing"

"I'm just afraid of that. Besides, I believe that Yuto is strong in facing everything"

Yugo this time looked at me intensely, "strong? Hmm, maybe"

I raised my eyebrows, why did Yuho's tone change? As if he was hiding something.

"Ahh, looks like I have to go first because the house people must be worrying about me. Bye"

Yugi left me and one minute after Kou's departure, a boy's whistle appeared in front of me with his transparent umbrella. "Yuto!"

I immediately approached Yuto who had been walking casually stopped when I hugged him from behind. I don't know how long I hugged him from behind until Yuto's right hand touched the back of my hand.

"why are you here? I told you not to go anywhere while I was go out and you...."

"I'm worries about you!"

Yuto looks at me with an expression that I can't guess. Either shocked or confused. "Worried? Are you worried about me that much?"

I nodded my head in response. I don't care if he will punish me because I left the house while he were away, what is important is that he are not a victim of the human kidnapping case that is still happening right now.

Tbc .....

Tuesday, 29 december 2020

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