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"Thank you and oh ... Wait a minute!"

The woman worker returned to the shop and as soon as she came out she was holding some poster paper in her hand. The woman gave me a poster and I looked at the poster.

The tanabata event will be held at ***** is back!

"thank you madam"

The woman nodded her head and went back into the shop. My right hand was grabbed by Yuto and pulled me towards the city park. I'm still busy paying attention to the poster leaflets that will be holding the tanabata festival.

The Tanabata legend originates in China, but the story has long been known in Japan and has been told from generation to generation. This legend tells of 2 stars, namely Orihime (Vega star, a Weaving Goddess) and Hikoboshi (star Altair, a shepherd). They fall in love with each other until they forget and neglect their respective duties.

This made Tentei (God of Heaven) so angry that he separated the two. However, because of his pity for the two of them, the God of Heaven finally allowed the two of them to meet even if only once a year. They can meet when the heavenly bird spreads its wings to form a bridge on the heavenly river, on July 7. Orihime and Hikoboshi continue to work hard to carry out their duties throughout the year after one day of the meeting they have been waiting for, namely Tanabata Day.

Hearing his story can make me sad. This story is actually almost the same as mine. It's just that now Yuto and I can meet every day after four years of not meeting because of my own ignorance that left my brother alone right then.

"Yuto, next week there will be a tanabata festival at *****. Do you want to go with me on the 7th of July?"

Brother took the poster sheet in my hand and looked at it. "tanabata, huh? I don't promise"

I was just silent and wasted my breath when Yuto told me to find a seat when we arrived at the city park. The city park really feels lonely today, maybe because of the news of kidnapping people like yesterday.

I tightly grabbed the grocery bag earlier, I felt like I wanted to throw away the maid clothes that my brother bought. "Tomorrow I have to work, tell that old man that I not going, understand?"

I nodded my head slowly, my voice seemed to run out when I was beside Yuto right now. "Ahh, I want to buy ice cream there. You want?"

An ice cream merchant seemed not far from me taking other people's orders. "You better wait here. I'll buy it"

He quickly approached the ice cream merchant without waiting for an answer from me first. I looked at the fallen leaves that were above me, maybe the season factor.

"Ah, Yuya! Long time no see!"

I looked to the right, there were already two of my part-time friends at work, Yugo and Yuri. They both came over to me with several plastic bags in the hands of Yugi and Yuri who were holding their bamboo bread.

"Hi Yugo, hi Yuri!"

They both immediately sat beside me. "Long time no see you, Yuya. By the way, why did you leave the part time cafe? We all miss you" Yuri said while biting his bamboo bread.

"I just wanted to take a day off. After all, I'm still a student"

"We both are also students like you, it's just that we're both older than you by one year" this time Yugo who answered me.

"Em, how come you guys are here? Instead of today your part time, yeah" I changed the topic of conversation so as not to discuss the previous topic.

"Miss Monik is sick today, so close it. Eh, what if the three of us go to the cinema or to a cafe? The three of us haven't gotten together for a long time"

Yuri nodded in agreement with Yugo. "Do you want to join Yuya? You are the most difficult when invited out you know"

"Sorry friends, it's just that today I ...."

"Come on Yuya! We never get together, you know. At least today we can go for a walk. Anyone always refuses our invitation"

This time I was silent and stared at the city park ground. That's right, all this time I've always refused requests to leave both Yugo and Yuro. But did I just say yes to Yugo and Yuri's invitation today?

I want to go out with the two of them and hang out with them, but there is one problem I will face. Yuto, did he allow me to go with the two of them without telling him anything.

"You want it Yuya, right? Please, this time you just accept it. Yugo will be angry again if you refuse again" whispered Yuri beside me, making Yugo who was in front of me raised an eyebrow intimidatingly.

"I-I ...."

My right hand was suddenly pulled from behind causing my body to fall. "Where are you going? Let's go home"

"Wait a minute you brat! " this time Yugo pulled my left hand.

Yuto stared at Yugo as if telling him to take his hand off me. Yugo who realized that just smiled crookedly, while Yuri himself was confused behind Yugo.

"let go of Yuya's hand and don't approach him anymore"he said who pulled my right hand but was held back by Yugo.

"You are just Yuya's older brother. What rights do you have over Yuya, huh? Can't you tell Yuya every day not to see me and Yuri again?"

"I don't care. Now remove Yuya's hand and get out of my sight."

Yugo just tilted his head as if he didn't want to let go of my hand which made Yuto even more furious. "let go!" With a quick movement brother pulled my right hand so hard that Yugo lost his balance and fell.


Yuri immediately helped Yugo to his feet. Yuto skillfully carried my body in bridal style and looked at Yugo with displeasure. "You approach Yuya once again, then you will deal with me"

Yugo looked down at Yuto as if he was not afraid, while Yuri himself was silent and did nothing but help Kou to stand up. "We'll meet again. I guarantee that and that too, I'll make Yuya feel sorry to be by your side"

Yuri turned his body, ignoring Yugo's words who had been babbling. I held my right hand which hurt when I was pulled tightly by Yuto. It felt like my tears wanted to melt from holding the pain in my right hand.

"What's wrong with your right hand? Is it because I'm too rude huh?"

I shook my head, lying. Yuto just stayed quiet and carried me out of the garden towards the house.

"From now on, you can't meet that stupid boy. or anyone else"

I looked up at Yuto, "B-but why? Yugo and Yuri are just my friends"

"I don't care about both of them. To hell with bullshit friends like them," he said a little loudly able to make the attention of the people around us both.

"but they both are not like ...."

"Stop rejecting whatever I say or you will be punished until your feet can't walk anymore"

This time Yuto won made me speechless again. During the trip home, the sun will sleep more precisely, only silence and the voices of people talking around.

Tbc ....

See you next chapter!

Sunday, 27 desember 2020

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