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The day had turned into a very long holiday. Yeps, today is the distribution of the results of the class increase and the school will be closed for two weeks.

Unfortunately I couldn't take my graduation results because of yesterday's incident, where Yuto punished me in the classroom, making both my legs and my lower half bruised a little. I looked at the ceiling of the bedroom, waiting for the arrival of Yuto who said he would take the results of his class increase with the results of my class increase.

Anyway, I can't get below rank three, that's my agreement with the principal before I enter that school. Huh, being a school student by relying on scholarships is difficult. Everywhere I have to study, practice, and so on.

But now, I'm free! During the next two weeks I will be doing a lot of things like playing games into the night for example.

Speaking of games, I miss my grandparents who just came home when my exams were still in progress. They left me some money and other basic food items to bring Yuto and me back later, even though I didn't insist.

It was nine o'clock in the morning and Yuto was not home yet. Is it that long to receive a grade promotion?

"bored! Aww!"

As soon as I stretched my arms upwards, pain started attacking me in the area below me. I took a bottle of mineral water from the table and drank it, to reduce the pain a little. My tongue was a little bruised as a result of yesterday Yuto biting my tongue, so my tongue hurt when I moved it here and there.

I couldn't do anything but lie down on the bed until the sound of the door opening made me turn to the source of the voice.

Yuto came with two books  with the school logo on the cover. "How much do you get grade? And what grade do you get?" I asked a little curiously, Yuto sat beside the bed.

"Not bad. Your grades are not bad and you go up to the grade. Congratulations," he said while giving me a book about my study report.

I opened my study report book, a grade that was so satisfying to me. My grades are all get A and B, except for sports lessons which only score C.
This time my two eyes traced where the class ranking description was. Seriously, I'm 2nd!

"Yuto, who is the first rank? I'm so annoyed that I can't get number one" I grumbled.

Yuto was just silent and his gaze looked at the report on his learning results. I tilted my head looking at Yuto's study report. In my opinion, my value is not bad, above seventy is good and he are declared to have graduated.

"Why you look so sad?" I asked when I realized that Yuto had only looked blankly at his study report.

Yuto woke up and looked back at me, "I don't look sad. You are the only one who is sad."

I puffed my cheeks, "how come it's me? Right ... Awww .."

My tongue felt the pain again, Yuto panicked a little hearing my moan and Yuto's hand immediately pulled my chin slowly. "open your mouth"

I obeyed and slowly opened my mouth even though the pain attacked my tongue. "your tongue is a little hurt"

"um ..."

My lips met Yuto's lips again and both hands pulled my face so I had to turn around. My position is above Yuto and Yuto below me by pulling my face, making our lips very close.

"akh ..."

My tongue seemed to be sucked by Yuto and my hands supported my body on top of my brother, because of fatigue I sat on Yuto's crotch, who was already tense there.

"stop ...."

The brother below me ignored the moans that came out of my mouth and the stronger his suction on my tongue made my saliva and Yuto's saliva switched, I don't know whose I was swallowing right now.

Five minutes I had to support my body until Yuto below me decided to release the kiss. There is a connection between the tip of my tongue and the tip of Yuto's tongue in the form of clear saliva threads.

The two of us both took a deep breath and sighed heavily, taking in as many breaths as possible. "Yuto ... Why is your face red? Are you sick?" I said when I noticed Yuto's face was red and his eyes became weak.

The back of my hand touched your forehead, he has a fever!
"you have a fever! W-wait here, i will ...."

I, who wanted to get up from the place of the bed, planned to buy fever-reducing medicine for Yuto, held by Yuto's hand.

"stay here"

I looked at Yuto, his face was pitiful to make me not have the heart to go out to buy medicine for him. But, what should I do? If I don't go out to buy medicine, what will i take later?

"B-but ...."

Yuto's gaze that was pitiful became sharp as if there was no reason to refuse it. I let out a heavy breath, "Yuto, I'll go down first to get some food. I will come back anyway"

"but before that ...."

I stopped reaching the door, waiting for the next words to come out of my brother's lips.

"Wear the maid clothes I bought for you before. Anyway ... You have to wear it now" he said deliberately emphasizing the letter must.

I let out a heavy sigh and nodded my head before I turned the door knob and walked out of the bedroom to the kitchen. My steps are a little slower because my feet still feel pain as soon as I go down the stairs.

Once in the kitchen, I took a tray and put some snacks such as cookies and cakes, not forgetting to put a bottle of warm mineral water for Yuto and headache-reducing medicine too.

I stared weakly as soon as I took the maid outfit Yuto bought for me, the girl's maid dress with accessories such as headbands, rubber bands, large white ribbons, and leg stockings.

I took off my nightgown and changed into the maid clothes I bought in the past. Oh, tell me if this isn't me right now. I'm like that maid boy who tastes great out there.

As soon as I finished changing my clothes, I immediately brought the tray that I had put some food and medicine on to the second floor. I turned the doorknob of the bedroom and brought the tray in with myself inside.

I put the tray on the table and took two pills of medicine with a bottle of mineral water. "Yuto wake up, let's take the medicine first"

Yuto who was lying on top with his eyes which had been tightly closed now opens slowly. I helped Yuto to sit and put two pills of medicine into her mouth with a bottle of warm water at the same time.

After finishing taking the medicine, Yuto closed his eyes again and his right hand supported his head which might feel a little heavy. I put the half-remaining warm water bottle on the table and put Yuto's head on the pillow.

"don't go" Yuto's right hand suddenly pulled my left wrist into his embrace. Yuto hugged me so tightly and his temperature didn't go down.

"Yuto ...."

"stay here, Yuya"

I finally shut up, let Yuto hug me tightly. I returned my hug by wrapping my hands around his neck as if to calm him down.

Yuto is so cute when he's sick, I like it. From her soft tone, from all the chaos yesterday, and now Yuto is hugging me so tightly as if afraid that I will go away quietly.

Yuto, I love you. More precisely, love at first sight. If ...

Tbc ........

Wednesday, 13 january 2021

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