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"What are you doing here?"

I did not dare to turn around and chose to remain silent and not reply to his words. That voice, his hand that still touched my shoulder, and the sound of his breath I could feel.

The young boy immediately turned around and didn't forget to pull my chin back to feel the pain. Those eyes, I came back to meet him again, Yuto.

He stared at me even though he were wearing a jacket hood hiding his forehead. All of his body was covered with blood spots, not forgetting that there was a sack next to his feet. I don't know what is in it and when I saw Yuto like this, I was sure that the sack contained internal organs like the previous killer.

This time I didn't hold it in anymore, my two eyes burst into tears again. Really, the figure of Yuto in front of me is completely different from before. Yuto is currently like a murderer like before, but this time it was he who was even scarier than before.

"Are you deaf? Now ....."

"Hey, you! It turns out that you are here, I'm from there ...."

This time the killer who had appeared earlier and stopped grumbling when he saw Yuto who was still holding my chin. The killer was surprised to see me, but a second later he smiled like a murderer, a sweet and deadly smile

"Wow, see what I got right now? Am I seeing it wrong right now? Yuto, I didn't know that you have a cute younger brother right now"

Yuto is silent, doesn't reply to all the murderous words behind Yuto. This time Yuto removed his hand from my chin and turned to glare at the killer behind him.

The killer smiled crookedly, "could it be that the person behind you is the person he is still after? If so, then this boy will be at stake. Yuto, we'd better just kill him, Yuto!" The killer threw away the origin of the sack that had been filled with jars containing the internal organs.

He want to kill me!

Yuto was silent and this time his right hand took a knife that was not very sharp, blunt and medium size. The killer realized it and immediately he also took the knife which still had blood spots on the surface of the knife he was holding.

"Do you want to fight me, huh? Well, that means you have betrayed him and for those who are against the rules you must die!"

"You thought I would care about someone like him? I don't care with fucking bullshit with him, got it!"

Yuto and the killer fought knives with each other cleverly. Nobody was hurt and nobody was tired.

"Your internal organs will become the rarest collection, Yuto!"

"It is your organs that I will give to stray dogs like you"

Yuto swung his knife and managed to injure the killer right on his right shoulder made the owner screaming.


The killer was again swinging the knife in all directions up, down, left or right. But none of them succeeded in hitting or injuring Yuto. Yuto casually dodged every attack.

The killer growled in annoyance that each of his strikes didn't hit Yuto, causing the killer to stop swinging his knife and propping his hand over his thigh and breathing heavily.

"Is it done? Is that all you can do?"

The killer growled again and this time he swung the knife and Yuto managed to dodge it. "You're not the one who will be my target, but you !!"

The killer ran while pointing his knife at me, my two legs? Why can't it move? He want to kill me, please help me.

"Your organs will become fresh meat !!!"

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