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The days have passed and in five more days the school will reopen and I will enter a new class and new exam. During the previous few days, my activities had remained the same, namely keeping the house and doing activities at home such as cooking and others.

During the same day, Yuto was also not allowed to leave the house for reasons that I certainly could not accept.

Like today, in the morning to be precise. I wanted to go out to buy some foodstuffs that were running low and Yuto forbade me.

"Yuti, i'm going out to buy food. Our food supplies will run low" I had been whining and occasionally pulling Yuto's sleeve.

Yuto quieted me and was engrossed in a bowl of cereal and three donuts who did not know when he bought it. I puffed out my cheeks and this time my index finger poked Yuto's right cheek again, even though it's not deep.

"Come on! I'm only going to the market. Yuto, don't you feel sorry for the same, if you starve at home there is no food"

Yuto's reaction is still the same, relaxed as if no one bothered him even though my index finger was continuously poking his cheek.

'Patience Yuya, be patient. Don't be mad like a girl '

I finally gave up and stepped my feet into the living room and played games on the PSP to get rid of my annoyance. Why try every day I have to be locked up like this, every day?

"Oh, someone is upset."

Two hands suddenly wrapped around my neck and without needing to know I already knew who the owner of these hands was. I was silent and my two balls were enjoying watching the game I was playing.

Until a soft pink object touched my neck it made me gasp and almost threw the PSP from my hand. "Don't  licking me like that, it dirty!" my grumbles and this time my eyes looked directly at Yuto's eyes.

"you want go out?"

Hah? What was that Yuto? Earlier at breakfast he silenced me and didn't allow me to go out even though he only wanted to buy food supplies.

Yuto suddenly asked me out, what wind suddenly entered his body?

My hand touched Yuto's forehead, it wasn't hot and didn't sweat. Yuto's eyebrows raised one side, "You think I'm weak thinking I'm sick because suddenly asked you out?"

I quickly shook my head, are he offended by what I said just now?
I moved my hand that touched Yuto's forehead, "I don't like to repeat my words, do you want to go out with me today?"

"Y-yes, I want to," I said in a tone that sounded so low and nervous.

Yuto took his hands off my neck and pocketed them into his trousers pockets with his cool style. "put your shoes on, we will go"

As soon as Yuto stepped out of the house, I immediately put my psp in the drawer and hurriedly put on the black shoes I usually use for school.

I came out of the house and didn't forget to lock the door and put the key in my pants pocket. Yuto was waiting for me outside and his back was leaning against the fence and his hands were still in the same position as before, inside the pants pockets.

Seeing the cool-looking Yuto and he looks so handsome, I blushed and my face seemed to flush seeing this cool-style.

Even though Yuto and I have the same face and body, it's just that he are two centimeters taller than me. "ready? Why are you looking at me like that? Oh, I know. I'm so cool that I can make you blush"

I immediately realized what he said and I shook my head so I could calm down.

"e-no really"

Yuto approached me and bent a little, matching my height and Yuto's hand suddenly touched the top of my head and stroked it.

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