My Hero

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Ben was driving on his way to the golf course. When his brother called.

"Hey what's up Curt."

"Oh thank God your okay."

Ben replied back "yeah I’m fine, why?"

"You didn't hear there's an active shooter at the hospital where you work. Its all over the news.

"No , I didn't,  oh My God Miranda." Ben said quickly making a U-turn at the next light.

"She's at work today." Curt asked. Ben took a while to respond he couldn't even speak at the moment.

"Curt I'll call you later."
Ben changed the radio to the news and listen to the reports. "Active shooting at Seattle Grace Mercy West. Doctors and nurses are being killed as well as innocent patients or bystanders."

Ben drove as fast as he could parking his car and running over checking for her. He saw a group of doctors together. So he checked with them. "Have any of you seen Dr. Bailey?" They all shook their heads no.

Ben saw Richard standing talking to the police, he walked right beside him cutting off their conversation.

"A surgeon by the name of Miranda Bailey where is she?" Ben asked the chief of police standing outside.

"Sir check over there with the names."

" No I’m not going to check over there, tell me if she's inside of there now." Ben said sternly.

Ben watched as the man scrolled through a call list and he saw her name.

"She is still inside sir." The man said and his face fell.
"You can't go in there stay right here."

"Don't tell me what I can't do.  If she's inside I’m going in there and I’m bringing her out." Ben didn't even realize the news cameras was recording him.

Ben ran behind the blockage straight past the yellow tape he could hear the officer call for him to stop and that it was dangerous or that you can't go in there, but he didn't care he needed to make sure she was okay and to get her out of there.
Ben checked floor by floor looking into all the rooms he could think of. He took the stairs by two jogging up.
When he arrived on the fifth floor he jogged up and down the long halls until he saw a trail of blood, it was smeared in a thick rectangular line. He followed the blood and he heard sniffling around the corner located by the elevators.

When Ben walked around the corner his heart was over joyed she was alive and okay.

"Miranda." Ben called earnestly rushing over causing her to snap her head up.

Miranda held a look of relief on her face. "Ben." Miranda replied crying.

Ben got onto his knees beside her, pulling her head into him. Miranda embraced him careful of Charles's head. Ben kissed her head, cheeks, and lips.

"Baby, Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Ben asked looking over her face.

"I'm fine." She said with tears pouring out her eyes.
Ben nodded still checking her over.

"Ben we need to get Charles to an OR. I-I packed the wound but it wouldn't hold. They shut the elevators off. There not working, We-we need an OR because he can't die I was with him and he didn't shoot me. He can't die." Miranda huffed.

Ben looked at Charles wound then back at Charles. Miranda must have been in shock, because Charles was already gone.
"Miranda come on Charles is gone we have to get out of here, before the shooter comes back.

"No I promised him I wouldn't leave. I would stay by his side. I promised."

"You kept your promise. You were here the whole time until he took his last breath, and the plan wasn't for you to stay here until you take yours.”

Miranda slid Charles head off her lap and gently placed it on the floor. She stood on her feet and covered Charles head with the sheet he was in.

Miranda grabbed onto Ben's out stretched hand. Locking her fingers with his.
"Come on Mary. We’re getting out of here." Miranda said.
Ben, Miranda, and Mary walked down the stairs going to the 1st floor door. Finding it was locked.

"Do you have your key card Miranda."

"No it's in my coat upstairs."

"Okay we will just go up on the maternity floor and take the west wing stairs down to the main lobby. "

She nodded her head. Walking with him up onto the next floor. Miranda cried walking carefully on the maternity floor. There was so many dead nurses why would he even come on this floor.

Dr. Bailey, I don’t feel so good. Mary said clutching her stomach.

"Doctor." they heard a voice say behind them.

Miranda froze turning with tears falling out of her eyes to face the voice that was getting closer.

"You lied to me. You're a surgeon aren't you?" Mr. Clark said waving the gun.
Ben pulled Miranda behind him stepping in front of her. She was so short that her whole body was shielded by Ben.

"This hospital killed my wife. You people cut off machines. I lost the love of my life at the hands of you people."

"I'm sorry that you lost the love of your life, I truly am and I cant imagine how you feel, but don’t take away mine. She's the love of my life and I can't and won't allow you to hurt her."
Miranda cried harder against his back. She loved him too. This was the first time he's ever said it out loud.

"Maybe I should just kill you." Gary said pointing the gun at Ben.

"Then so be it." Ben said back forcefully.

Miranda gasped and stiffen grabbing his waist tighter. "Benjamin." She said in a warning tone.

He didn't answer her. He just stood staring at Mr. Clark.
"I can't live without her so you might as well kill me."

"Baby please don't." Miranda said shaking against him sniffling.

I didn't mean to kill all those people I only wanted to kill the 3 people who did it." Gary said hysterically.

" If I’m correct from the looks of it your almost out of ammunition. You don't want to waste it on us. If you want to murder the people who took your wife away from you." Ben said eyeing him.

Mr. Clark waved the gun around thinking." I guess your right, sorry for the trouble." He said walking to the door of the stairwell and leaving.

Ben exhaled deeply turning to face Miranda. He pulled her into him and she hugged him tightly standing on her tiptoes.
They stood hugging for a while "oohh." Miranda said squeezing tighter and hitting him on the back of the head.

"Why would you do that Benjamin Warren. You scared the hell out of me. He could have killed you."

Ben looked down at her face and wiped the tears that were falling out of her eyes.

"I love you." He said resting his forehead against hers.

"I love you too." Miranda said exhaling.

Miranda, Ben and Mary made it outside. They watched as Mary jumped into her husband's arms and embraced him.

"I thought you were off today?" Miranda asked looking up at Ben.

"I was , I heard what was going on from the news and I came for you."

Miranda hit Ben for the second time today. "You ran inside a hospital with an active shooter. You ran inside a hospital with a shooter on the loose."

"I couldn't let you be in there by yourself,  I had to make sure you were okay." Ben replied rubbing his arm.

Miranda kissed him with everything she had within her. Ben pulled her close by her waist and kissed her back passionately pulling her bottom lip into his mouth causing her to moan. She loved when he did that.
Miranda broke the kiss laying her head on his chest.

Her head flew up and she rushed out "oh my God , my Residents!"

"Come on we can check for names over there." Ben said grabbing her hand.

Miranda rushed over rattling off their names.
"Meredith Grey, Christina Yang, and Alex Karev.
They watched as the woman scrolled through names of the hospital staff.

"Meredith grey is fine, Dr. Yang is performing a surgery on Dr. Shepard and Alex Karev was taking to Seattle press with a GSW.

Miranda nodded taking in all the information. She walked over to sign a list stating that she was out of the hospital safely and not a casualty.

"Can we go to your house." Miranda said turning to Ben.
"Yeah of course." Ben said nodding his head.  He reached and took his jacket off handing it to her.

Miranda looked at her body and hands seeing the dried blood. " No its okay I don't want to mess your jacket up." Miranda said shaking her head.

"Take it Miranda." Ben said sternly.

Miranda nodded and put the jacket over her bloody scrubs.

Ben and Miranda walked to his car and he unlocked and opened the door for her.

"Hey, I’m going to go inside and see if I can get your purse out o-

"No just stay with me , I don’t need anything out of it. I have my phone." Miranda said in a rush of words and it sounded as if she was on the verge of tears.

"Okay okay." Ben said getting in the car and driving home.

Ben casually looked at Miranda while he was driving. Her head was resting against the window and she just stared at everything they were passing.

When Ben pulled up at his apartment building. He opened the car door for her and helped her out. They got inside and Ben pressed the elevator button waiting.
Miranda heard the humming of the elevator and gasped as tears started flowing heavily out of her eyes.

Ben cursed himself he didn't think about any of that. He pulled her into his arms and told her everything was going to be okay and that she would be okay.

"Come on Miranda, we can take the stairs." Ben said while her face was buried in his chest.

"No the elevator is fine." Miranda said as it ding signaling that they could get on.

They rode the elevator up quietly. When they got inside his apartment. Ben grabbed Miranda's hand and lead her to his bedroom. Which was so familiar to her now after 9 months of being together.
He lead her towards the bed and motioned for her to sit.
Ben walked into his bathroom and drew her a bath.

He walked back into his room and unzipped his jacket off of her. Then he knelt down and untied her shoes pulling her socks off sitting them aside. He pulled her scrub pants off leaving her in her black panties. When he stood back up fully he lifted her arms and removed her blank tank top and scrub shirt at the same time leaving her in her matching black see through bra.

"I can put these in the wash machine." Ben said grabbing her discarded clothing.

"No, um throw it all away. The shoes too." Miranda spoke quietly.

"Are you sure." Ben inquired.
Miranda nodded her head in response.

Ben walked into his bathroom and cut the water off in the tub checking to make sure it wasn't too hot. He walked into his kitchen and grabbed a trash bag putting her clothes inside and tying it tightly.

Once Ben came back into the room. He finished undressing her completely leaving her sitting completely bare. They both walked into the bathroom and he help her inside the tub until she was fully submerged into the warm water. Ben took a towel and put it up under her head so she could lay back comfortably.

He walked over to his shower and grabbed her soap out of it. They rarely used the Jacuzzi tub unless they were doing other things.

Ben pushed up his sleeves and took her wash cloth wetting it and put soap onto it. He started washing her with the rag starting with her feet and her legs. His touches were soft and careful and he paid no attention to his sleeves that despite all the rolling up were now getting soaked.

He washed her thighs and her stomach coming up to her breast and he washed her fully. Ben took her hands and washed both of her arms and hands making sure to get between her fingers and wash her finger nails.
He sat Miranda forward and washed her back.

"Dip your head, please."

"What?" Miranda asked turning her head to see him.

"Dip your head. I'm going to wash your hair."

Miranda nodded held her breath and submerged under the water.

Ben chuckled a bit that's not really what he meant but it will work.

When she came back up he took the towel and dried her face.

Ben poured shampoo into his hands and lathered it.
He then gently began massaging her scalp.

"He’s washing my hair." Miranda thought as she sat in a daze, hands braced against the side of the tub, while Ben worked shampoo through her wet hair. "This is a new side of him. This is definitely new." He has always been so attentive and sweet but he has never washed her hair before.

All of the tension in Miranda's shoulders slowly fell away as she relaxed. Ben scooped some water in his hands and poured it over her forehead to rinse away the bubbles near her eyes. She slowly opened them and peered up at him, with an expression unreadable. Ben leaned over to kiss her temple but as he pulled away, Miranda pulled him towards her lips and kissed him so gently that Ben was almost concerned, but the peaceful expression she now wore conveyed nothing to worry over.
Once Ben finally got all the shampoo and now conditioner out of her hair. He wrapped a towel around her head.

Ben stood up and took Miranda by the hands to pull her up from the tub. He then grabbed the large towel that had been on the nearby chair, and as she stepped out from the bath he wrapped her in the towel and started to rub her dry. After a little while she felt she wasn't dripping wet anymore but saw that Ben's shirt was probably more wet than dry.

Ben gave Miranda one of his shirt and she threw it over her body climbing onto the bed.
Miranda watched as Ben changed into his pajamas. He climbed onto the bed. He wanted to make them something to eat, but he knew it was no way in hell Miranda was going to go to sleep without him in this bed. He laid back in the bed and pulled her into him and Miranda laid her head with damp curls on his chest.

"Everything will be okay. We will get through this." Ben said rubbing circles in her back.

Miranda paused for a moment before saying.
"We, you weren't in there when he shot Charles in the closet of the room we were in. You weren't there when he dragged me by my ankles and pulled me from under the bed where I was hiding." Miranda snapped.

"Miranda I’m so sorry that this happened to you. I’m sorry that I was not in there. If I could have taken your place I would in a heartbeat. So, No I was not in there but my heart was."

Miranda turned her head to look up into his eyes.

"Miranda when I found out that you were in that hospital my heart dropped. I know we haven't been together not even a full year yet, unless we count the two months of dating, but you are my heart and I am in love with you and the thought of losing you or just the thought of something happening to you is and was unbearable." Ben told her seriously while continuing to rub soothing circles into her back.

Miranda never responded back to him she just made herself comfortable on his chest and laid their silently until she fell asleep.
Ben watched her for a while he wanted to make sure she was in a deep sleep before he moved to make her dinner.

Ben got up replacing himself with a pillow under her head. He stood for a while making sure she was okay before going into the living room. He cut the tv on the news and began cooking her favorite chicken and rice.
After he was finished he put the food on low to simmer and went to take a shower. Ben took a shower in the guest bathroom so he wouldn't wake her up.
Miranda opened her eyes slowly and felt the bed beside her. She shook her head when it was empty. She sat up some and looked around the room. She smelled food so she knew that her boyfriend was still home.

Miranda got up and walked out into the living room. She looked around for Ben but didn't see him. She walked back towards the hall and heard the shower going.
Miranda walked into the living room once again and she heard the news reporter talking.

"Out of all that happened in todays events this is the most popular video on the internet today, receiving over a million views. America
views this as the most touching and heart clenching; a man runs into a hospital with the active shooter on the loose to find his significant other. Here is the clip now." Miranda stood and looked at the tv she watched as Ben jogged up to the chief of police.
"A surgeon by the name of Miranda Bailey where is she?" Ben asked.
"Sir check over there with the names."
" No I’m not going to check over there, tell me if she's inside of there now." Ben said sternly.
"She is still inside sir." The man said.

She watched intently as his face fell and he looked to be in disbelief.  She could tell that he was thinking because his eyebrows knitted together. Ben started jogging towards the building.
"You can't go in their stay right here." The chief of police said sternly.

"Don't tell me what I can't do.  If she's inside I’m going in there and I’m bringing her out." Ben's voice boomed causing her to gasped.

Miranda watched as Ben ran behind the blockage straight past the yellow tape she listened as  the officer called for him to stop and that it was dangerous or that you can't go in there, but he didn't care he needed to make sure she was okay and to get her out of there.

"Now as you can see here approximately 47 minutes later. This clip was found." The woman said
Miranda watched as she hit Ben on his arm. Mad at him for coming inside and she kissed him passionately.

"The woman seems to be upset probably at the fact that he came inside and put his self in danger. Like any wife or girlfriend would be, but she is grateful and kissed him before resting her head on his chest."

Miranda quickly grabbed the remote with tears streaming down her face and replayed it again. She was on her third replay when Ben emerged from the bathroom.

He cursed to himself he forgot he left the news on.
"Hey baby I'm sorry, I didn't think. I didn't mean to leave the news on we can watch something else."

Miranda wiped her face and turned towards him.
She reached up and kissed his lips hungrily placing her hands on both side of his face while pushing her body into him. His tongue swept inside her mouth. His other hand left from his side and moved to the small of her back. He pressed her to him and Miranda's hand slipped around his neck.

Her tongue slid along side his while she angled her head, giving him deeper access. They danced together, a dance where each one led while the other explored the texture, taste, and heat of the other. When they parted, Ben took a steadying breath and pressed a soft kiss against her forehead.
Miranda kept peppering his face with kisses turning him on. Ben knew that she did not need sex and after everything that happened today it was an inappropriate time too.

"Miranda stop we shouldn't" Ben mumbled against her lips.

She licked his lips in return. "We should."

"No this isn't healthy,  its not going to mask the hurt you feel or pain. Something traumatic just happen you should eat and rest." Ben said walking into the kitchen with Miranda following him.

"I don't want to have sex with you because I’m in pain. I want to have sex with you because I love you. I’m in love with you and I know for a fact that you love me, so what do two people who are in love do? They make love so Benjamin please make love to me." Miranda said looking into his eyes.

Ben stood staring in her eyes intently before speaking
"I love you," they both said at the same time. Their lips collided again. His fingers moved from her sides to skate up her shirt. When the pads of his hard, callused fingers he pressed against the swells of her breasts. Her breath caught and she pulled her lips away. He lifted the material from her torso and watched as her naked curvy frame came  into view.

"You are so beautiful." Ben complimented.

He dipped his head down and his teeth reached her shoulder. He kissed the skin presented there.. He bit her flesh with teasing nips, followed by long hot strokes of his tongue. Benjamin fingers buried themselves in her hair as he walked her backwards to the counter.

"Miranda, you taste wonderful," he whispered in her ear, before licking the curve of it and pulling on the lobe. He lifted her up and settled her on the counter. Her hands fell to his shoulders and she leaned in to kiss his hot flesh. She ran her tongue along his collarbone and up his neck, where she suckled hard.

He trailed his hands over her shoulder blades, along the back of her neck and then down her spine. His nails raked skin that begged to be touched.

"Mmm . . . "she purred. He grinned against her neck, allowing her to enjoy the brief back scratch he gave her.

She giggled and slipped her hands down his arms. The tips of her fingernails grazed her hardened nipples and she whimpered from the teasing caress. "Ben, please," she begged him.

Ben knew what she wanted and he was more than willing to oblige her needs. His hands came up and he cupped the firm, yet soft globes. His thumbs flicked over the tips and as his lips descended on the right peak, the left was treated with a rolling action that two fingers forced it to accept.

"Oh yes, Ben," Miranda hissed as she felt his tongue scrap over her areola and then flick her nipple. Her breasts ached as he teased them, pulling with his fingers as well as his teeth. Her vagina tightened as he released them both only to grab them again and push them together, forcing the hard buttons to meet.
He taunted and tortured them both simultaneously, lavishing them with kisses, licks, suckles, and bites. When he released them, he ran his tongue between her cleavage and up to her neck, then her chin. He grabbed her head with his hands, before plundering her mouth with his tongue.

"Miranda, I want all of you. God baby," he muttered. His voice was thick with longing. His cock hurt and he felt it pressing against the counter as well as the elastic band of his boxers. Her hands moved to his hips and she slipped from the counter. Her breasts rubbed his chest and she shivered over the sparse hair that tickled her skin.

He lifted her up and carried her to his bedroom and then his bed. Her lips pressed warm kisses along his skin. When they reached the room, he cut the small light on. Ben gazed down on her figure and watched her chest rise and fall. Her brown hair spilled over his pillow just like it had a thousand times before.

His eyes feasted on her sex, her legs, her stomach, breasts, and her welcoming lips.

Kissing his way down her body until he was positioned between her thighs,  Ben spread her legs open. Not making contact with her sex, he just breathed and inhaled. Blowing his warm breath on her center until her body was quivering with eagerness. Moving in closer, her scent, her beautiful scent, a scent he could recognize anywhere filled his nostrils and Ben exhaled deeply.

The very tip of his tongue grazed her swollen flesh, and the tiny drop of her essence that fell on his tongue was enough to ignite his taste buds and have them blossoming to life in search of more. Before Miranda knew it, Ben had flipped her over on her back and her legs instinctively fell open, waiting for Ben to devour her.

He sat on his knees in front of the bed, grabbing Miranda's thighs until her center was only a breath away from his face. Draping one of her legs over his shoulder, Ben pushed her other leg back completely until it was almost touching her stomach. Kissing her clit, he spread the lips of her sex and parted his mouth.
Placing open mouth kisses against her sensitive bud before running his tongue back and forth across her.

Miranda grabbed her thigh, her fingernails cutting into her skin when he stroked his tongue deep inside of her. "Oh..B-" She cried, his name never leaving her mouth. His tongue was everywhere, flickering hard, flickering fast where ever he could place it. Inside her, around her, against her, Ben stuck his tongue where ever there was flesh.

It was as if someone took a spoonful of heaven and poured it into his mouth. She would always be the sweetest thing to ever touch his tongue. He was sucking and licking his way around her core. He needed to taste it all. Every experience he had between Miranda's thighs was different. He didn't know how she managed to do it, but each time was better than the last. He could spend hours licking up every drop of Miranda Bailey.

Finding the sounds she made above him to be exquisite, so much so that Ben began moaning himself, his tongue vibrating against Miranda’s clit, sending shivers through her. With her head rolled back, and her body ached completely off the bed, Miranda gripped Ben's head not sure if she wanted to push him away or pull him in closer. He was bringing her so much immense pleasure, she wasn't sure her body could sustain anymore.

He was more than the moth to her flame, the beat to her drum. It was the stroke of his tongue that left her feeling numb. A stroke, a touch that she would never get use to. She was his instrument and Ben played her with perfection. His skill was an art.
She could feel the rhythm he set with his tongue all around her. It ran through her veins, attached to her skin, filled itself in the air. She could feel the flicker of Ben's tongue in the atmosphere and it sent a shiver down her spine.

With her mouth open wide. "Shit Benjamin." Miranda gasped.

Her breathing stopped for a moment and she could feel trembles forming deep down inside of her gut and rolling through her.

Ben continued to feast between her thighs with insatiable hunger. He could never have enough. He was infatuated with her taste, her smell. The scent that she left would linger in his nostrils all day. Each lick was explosive on his tongue, leaving him addicted to the sweetness between her thighs.

His own arousal was beginning to peak against the fabric of his boxers and pajama pants. He pushed his tongue inside of Miranda, with every intentions to eat her from the inside out. He pushed and pushed until Miranda lost control and withered around him, her orgasm bursting out of her.

"Oh God baby damn." Miranda moaned out.
Ben stood of his knees, tracing his eyes over Miranda's body. Evidence of his journey between her thighs were sprinkled all across his face. legs spread wide and still ridiculously wet. So wet just for him.

Miranda was panting hard. Her chest heaved up and down as she rolled onto her side leaning her elbows. The fire in her eyes and the flicker of her tongue against her lips caused his cock to jump and Ben to wince. She was so painfully beautiful. She had the power to bring him to his knees if she wanted to.

Their eyes met and held when Ben stepped forward and grabbed Miranda, pulling her body back to the edge of the bed. The head of his thick erection was pressed against the entrance of her sex and he was ready to be buried deep inside of her. He planned on slowly pushing himself all the way to the hilt and fill her completely.

Spreading her legs wide and pushing them into the air, he held on to her ankles and slid inside of her. His groan was deep and long when she gripped him and tighten around him.

His hips barely moved forward, his rhythm was so slow. His eyes were locked on his cock sliding in and out of her. He enjoyed watching himself disappear deep inside of her core. It amazed him how stimulating such a trivial thing as watching yourself stroke in and out of your girlfriend could be.

His eyes gazed up when he heard Miranda try to moan. Her voice was caught in her throat, and all she could do was look up at Ben with begging eyes, pleading for him to give her more. To stroke a little deeper, to push a little harder. This agonizingly slow speed he was serving her was beginning to drive her mad. She reached her hand up to grab his hip and pushed him in deeper, but he swatted her hand away.

"I got this." He breathed and Miranda complied, stretched her arms back, clasping her hands together over her head.

"Harder baby." Miranda said raspy.

He stared down at her face, loving each priceless expression she made. The ruffle between her eyebrows, the wrinkle of her button nose, how tight her eyes were clenched shut, and what really turned him on, the way her tongue brushed across her bottom lip before pulling it back inside her mouth and biting down. It drove him wild, awaking the beast inside of him, but he had to contain himself.

He fought the urge to flip her over and drive into her, something he really wanted to do, but he couldn't muster up the strength to break away from her face. Being able to look her deep into her eyes and watch them fill with hungry lust- there was nothing like it.

Pulling out of her, he thrust back inside of her and picked up his speed. Finding a natural rhythm. Each stroke was filled with passion, his want to please her, to unlock her release, fulfilling her desire. Letting go of her ankles, he gripped her hips and piston into her. The bed rocked back and forth as Miranda gripped him and released, gripped him and release.
His speed picked up more and his head fell back in ecstasy. He was only a thrust away from the edge.
She came, he came both of them hard. With a raspy grunt, Ben rooted his love deep inside of her. She was still so tight around him while he throbbed inside of her.
They remained connected, their climax still slowly riding through them. They both were on a natural high. Endorphins filling them each, especially Miranda who was completely sated and floating on a cloud. Ben fell forward and placed his hands on either side of her, sucking down on her neck. His open mouth kisses moved across her ear and he whispered the words "I love you" repeatedly, over and over again until his erection was no more.

"I love you so much Benjamin Warren." Miranda said kissing his lips.
" I love you too Miranda Bailey." Ben replied laying on the side of her body out of breath. She threw her legs across his body and laid on his chest looking down at him.

"Ben, Thank you for being here and for being my hero. As a little girl I was in love with  superman aka Clark Kent, but I didn't know that I would have my own Benjamin Warren."

"You want to be my Lois lane." Ben asked smirking.

"Uh no I want to be your Miranda Bailey. Lois lane looks nothing like me. She wouldn't be able to pull off these curves."

"You damn straight." Ben said chuckling.

               2 years later
"You Paged?" Callie asked walking up to Miranda.

"I found a ring box." Miranda said

"Aww oh my goodness,  did you look at it ?" Callie squealed

"No I didn't. I want to, but then I didn't want to be nosey."

"How long do you think he's had it?"

"I’m not sure I couldn't find a receipt.  I was cleaning out our closet. While he was at work and it fell out from the top shelf."

"I’m so excited for you."

" I don't know if I’m ready for marriage again." Miranda sighed "Don't get me wrong I love him, but I don’t want it to end up like my last marriage and I don’t want to hurt him."

"Miranda it won't end up like your last marriage because Ben is nothing like Tucker. That man made a dinner in the hospital cafeteria so you wouldn't miss a valentines day date from working so late."

Miranda smiled at the memory he was really sweet.
"He knows what he's up against and what he's dealing with. He does it because he loves you. That same man almost two years before that came into a hospital with an active shooter on the loose to find you and make sure you were okay. He put himself in danger repeatedly that day and then still proceed to stand up straight in the face of a man holding a gun to protect you. My favorite part of the story is the shooter said since he was protecting you that he was going to kill Ben instead of you and what did Ben say Miranda."

Miranda eyes started watering " He said then so be it. I can't live without her so you might as well kill me."

"Exactly." Callie said smiling rubbing her arm.

"I believe that he is your one. Make a list on one side write down all the reasons you shouldn't marry him , then on the other side write why you should and why you want to marry him. At the end see which list is longer and that's your answer."
Miranda made the list and smiled when the positive side was overflowing.

Miranda walked into work glowing she was on cloud nine.

"What is that?" Callie asked gasping.

"Are you referring to this?” Miranda said extending her left hand showing off her huge engagement ring.

"Or this?" As she took her right hand pulling up her scrub top showing her pregnant belly.

"Oh my god when?" Callie exclaimed.

"He proposed last week and I actually found out I was pregnant two days ago. I don't even know how I even missed this huge belly."

"Did you tell him yet ?"

"Yes,  he shouted , jumped up and down. We are hoping for a girl."

"I’m so excited for you Miranda."

"Thank you I’m excited too, he is already planning the wedding and the baby shower." Miranda said chuckling.

"Aww man I wanted to plan the baby shower." Callie said pouting and rubbing her belly.

"You can I officially pass the duty to you. The theme is super baby."

"Super baby! So like Superman and Wonder woman or comics theme.
"If it’s a girl it will be predominantly Super and Wonder woman with the comics. If its a boy it will be superman and the comics."

"That’s cute how did yall come up with the theme."

"I called my soon to be husband my hero and superman one time two years ago and now its the baby shower theme." Miranda said playfully rolling her eyes.

"I believe you said it more than one time that night." Ben said coming up behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist. Causing Callie to laugh.

"What? I did no such thing." Miranda questioned.

"You did. It was more like a chanting."

Miranda popped his hand and spoke laughing
"Don’t be nasty."

"I love you." Ben said turning her to kiss her lips.

"I love you too." Miranda said pecking his lips multiple times.

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