Not a threat 1

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Miranda finished her last patient for the day and checked her phone. She finally turned it on silent after seeing 248 calls. Strolling through, she checked her missed calls to make sure it wasn’t anyone important. Seeing a text message, she clicked on it and gasped.

"Oh my God." Miranda exclaimed, looking at a picture of Tuck. She clicked on the number and saw that this person had called her over 40 times. She tried to analyze it to see exactly where he was in the school and where the person would be standing to take the picture.

Her eyes watered, and she bit her lip. This was entirely too much. She could hear Ben in her head clear as day telling her that themselves and the kids were in danger. She never thought these maniacs would do this to her children.

"Oh God, what if someone was stalking Joey and Pru, too?" She thought. 

She immediately jogged to the elevator and hit the floor for the daycare. Getting off the elevator, she looked around at the mostly empty hallway. She saw a few parents getting their children, but she could recognize that they were doctors and nurses who worked at the hospital. Going inside, she smiled, seeing Pru sitting at the table coloring.

“Baby girl.” Miranda called out and watched as she looked up at her excitedly. “Come on, let’s get your things so we can go.”

“Look at my picture.” Pru expressed, sliding out of the chair and handing it to her. Miranda grabbed the picture and held it up “Oh this is so beautiful, baby girl. Is that me and you?” Miranda questioned, pointing at the two people. She could make out that they both had on white coats and blue scrubs. They way she drew her twist made her chuckle. She was very detailed with the highlights.

“Yes.” Pru squealed happily.
“Mama loves it. I am going to put it right on the fridge.” She told her seriously. “Let’s get your bookbag.”

Miranda walked over to the cubbies, holding Pru’s hand tightly and making sure she was in front of her. She was in deep thought as she collected everything.

“Bailey.” Teddy called out, but Miranda continued to grab things without looking up. “Miranda.” She repeated this time, grabbing her shoulder.

Miranda jumped hard with a slight scream and pulled Pru closely to her legs.

“Ow.” Pru whined.

“I’m sorry, honey.” Miranda breathed, rubbing her back as she looked up at Teddy.

“I’m sorry, Bailey. I didn’t mean to scare you. I called your name twice.” Teddy said softly.

“it’s fine.” She stressed, putting her hand on her chest.

“You okay, Bailey?”

“Yes… No.” Miranda replied, picking Pru up and putting her on her hip.

“What’s wrong?” Teddy asked as they walked out of the daycare together and to the attendings lounge.

“These people have been calling my phone all day nonstop. I am up to 366 calls. I eventually put it on silent, and when I went to go check it 15 minutes ago, I saw that someone sent me a text message earlier today, and it was of Tuck at school. Someone knows where he goes to school and is following him.”

“Oh my God, Bailey.” Teddy exclaimed.

“I know, and now I have to go tell my husband this.”
“What are you all going to do?’

“I am not sure. I just need to talk to Ben and make sure the kids are safe. I am probably going to take off for a day or two."

“Ok, keep me posted.”

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