Natural for the Win

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*Short* *requested*

Miranda crawled into bed, snuggling into Ben's side. He was sitting up against the headboard, reading medic one paperwork
he was wearing his glasses.

It was rare for him to wear his glasses but when he did, Miranda loved it. Upon feeling her press into him, he took off the glasses - much to Miranda's dismay- and set the papers on the night stand. Ben bent down to kiss the top off her head. Feeling the wetness of her hair, he looked down at her with eyes of wonder causing Miranda to look up at him confused.

"What's wrong, do I have toothpaste of my face or something," Miranda inquired trying to figure out why her husband was looking at her with such astonishment.

"Your hair, it's curly," Ben replied in amazement.

"Yeah and, " Miranda said wanting more of an explanation.

After working for weeks on end, Miranda knew it was time to wash her hair. She didn't have time to get an appointment for her normal weave or for her hair to be straighten, and she doubted the leave out of her hair would survive the humidity. When she found herself in a situation of wearing a weave or her hair. She returned to her curls.

"I didn't know you had curly hair," he answered.

"I don't understand what's so important about my hair being curly," Miranda said, shaking her head in amusement as a few drops of water landed on his shoulder.

" your hair it just always straightend or- ," Ben started, not sure how to approach the subject.

"What is it?"

"Its just always straightend or a weave what you call it.  And when its not done you tie it up until you go to the salon " Ben confessed causing Miranda to laugh.

"Do you like?" Miranda questioned.

"Of course its beautiful, can I touch it?"

"Oh baby, you're adorable," Miranda giggled as she leaned over giving him a quick kiss. "The ways you've touched my body. The things you've done to me and your asking can you touch my natural hair.  It's endearing," Miranda said with a smile, her warm chocolate eyes shining brightly into his.

"I wanted to be considerate," he said innocently.

"I know, baby."

"So can I, babe, I know its still wet ,but " he asked with eagerness.

"Of course you can," she smiled, granting him permission.

Ben took one of her curls and twirled it around his finger. He then brought his hand to her roots and massaged her scalp, which led to Miranda moaning involuntarily. Ben looked at her with an impish grin and continued his motions, pleased with the reaction he was receiving. In all honesty he was truly fascinated by her hair.

The way in which no two curls were identical and the way the hair on her crown and sides wasn't as thick as the rest of her hair. When her hair was straight everything was neat and uniformed; however, her curls were wild and untamed. In retrospect Miranda 's hair was much like her. In public Miranda was clean cut and no nonsense, but when she was at home with Ben, she was a completely different person.

"You are easily amused," Miranda laughed at Ben's almost trance like state.

"No, you just look different," he said," in a good way certainly," he clarified quickly. "Your curls make you look younger, they soften you; I like it," he complimented.

"How old do I look?" Miranda asked raising an eyebrow.

"No no you look so young baby."Ben stuttered.

"Im just kidding baby, I know what you meant."

"Why don't you wear your hair like this more often," he inquired.

"Several reasons. For starters there's the fact that wearing my hair curly does make me appear younger. Do you believe people would take me seriously as the chief.? Im already the first female. "

"Your presence commands respect. It doesn't matter if you wear your hair curly or straight."

"You're biased, but thanks for feeding my ego. Now back to your original question, let's see... It's less time consuming for me to wear my hair straight. When my hair is curly it has to be washed more frequently; I have to use more styling products, and it takes forever for my hair to air dry. That's time and effort I could be contributing elsewhere," Miranda answered.

"So your hair just does this when it gets wet?" Ben asked genuinely wanting to know.

"Yes it because,  it just natural. With no chemical straighteners.
Ben nodded in response.

"What would you have to do keep it like this. Instead of your normal. "

" I could explain the routine but I'll spare you all the boring details. "

"No, please continue," he urged, truly wanting to learning. With those words, Miranda began to explain her hair routine. She gave details why she slept with a certain type of pillow case. She gave examples of how different her hair was in its natural state.

The explanation of certain terminology was given. Miranda also incorporated hand gestures to demonstrate what her styling routine would resemble. All the while, Ben sat attentively watching her every move, holding onto her every word Periodically, he would interrupt, asking for clarification. To Miranda the fact that he found a topic as minimal as her hair fascinating made her love him even more. Her husband was really her best friend.  His curiosity showed he wanted a better understanding.

"Interesting, I never knew hair could be so complex, I rarely paid attention to my mom and sister doing their hair growing up." Ben stated," One day will you let me wash and style your hair," he requested.

"One day. Now any more questions?"

"One more," he answered and Miranda sighed dramatically but countered with a smile. "Typically you sleep with your hair wrapped with some clips, do you do the same thing when it isn't straight?"

No I wrap my hair so it lays right in the morning and it keeps my hair from sweating out at night. For this im going to do two twist on both sides of my head and put my hair scarf on.

Ben stared as she got up out of the bed. He got up and followed her to the bathroom. Miranda looked up at him and laughed.
She grabbed a comb out of the drawer. She sprayed more water on her hair and grabbed her bottle of moisturizer rubbing it through her hair. Miranda handed Ben the comb and he held it in confusion.

" Part my hair into fours. Take the comb and split my hair down the middle and then across from ear to ear." Miranda said and Ben smiled as he began to do as told.

Miranda twisted her hair in to twist on are four sides and then she tide her hair scarf on.

Ben smiled staring at her before he lifted her up by her thighs. Throwing her on the bed. "What." Miranda laughed loudly.

"I just feel like I am in highschool or college watched you do this. Or maybe it's my shirt you have on. This is all incredibly sexy." Ben said kissing her lips before making his way down her neck. 

" I want you." Ben replied lifting her shirt up.

"I'm right here, do what ever you please." Miranda moaned as he kissed her stomach.

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