Messy ex's 2

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“Miranda Bailey.”

Miranda turned with her tablet in her hand to the familiar voice.

“Eli Lloyd.” Miranda gasped looking him over. She noted that he had on a suit and a full grown beard which complimented him nicely.

“What are you doing here.” She inquired.

“Oh, so I don’t get it’s good to see you or nothing like that.” Eli chuckled.

“Well, it is good to see you, but I am still wondering.”

“There was a position available for head nurse seeing as how I have been a nurse practitioner for 4 years now.”

“Oh, really and you are interviewing with the department head and wow you went back to school for NP… congratulations” Miranda said and Eli nodded still looking her up and down.

“I should be the one congratulating you Chief.” Eli said clapping his hands.

Miranda smiled lightly and did a small curtsey. “Well thank you Mr. Lloyd.”

“So how have you been.” Eli asked wondering.

“I’ve been fine –

“I can see that.” Eli complimented, cutting her off then biting his lips.

“Thank you for the compliment but my husband wouldn’t like you saying that.” Miranda said sternly.

“Husband.?” Eli questioned.

“Yes, of five years and counting.” Miranda said showing her ring.

“Well, I guess there is another congratulations in order.”

“Thanks.” Miranda said before looking across the room, she saw her husband walk in with a patient on a gurney.

“Oh, there he is now.” Miranda smiled happily. She hadn’t talked to him today so it relieved her to see him.

“Excuse me. I hope your interview goes well.” Miranda said not waiting for a response as she walked over to her husband.

“Ben warren.” Miranda smiled.

“Hey baby.” Ben said touching her hand.

“Who was the man in the suit?” Ben asked. The man looked familiar but he couldn’t place them. They probably wasn’t important enough to remember.

“Eli Lloyd.” Miranda stated flatly.

“The nurse, your ex, your fling.” Ben said looking at her intently.

“Yes, but now he is a nurse practitioner.”

“Oh.” Ben dryly replied. “So what is he here for?” Ben asked.

“He has an interview to be head nurse.”

“Here?” Ben inquired rolling his eyes

“Yes.” Miranda answered plainly.

“Mmm.” Ben said clenching his jaw.

“What’s the matter.” Miranda said noticing his demeanor.

“Its nothing Miranda.” Ben replied with his jaw still clenched.

“Well I have to go back to my office to do paperwork, you want to walk me there.” Miranda asked changing the subject.

Sliding her hand in his.

Ben called Miranda he was suppose to pick her up, so they could go out to eat this evening. She didn’t answer so he figured she probably got caught up with paper work.

Miranda sat at her desk as she heard a knock at the door.

“Come in.” Miranda called looking through her paper work.

“Hey.” Eli said walking in and shutting the door.

“How was the interview?” Miranda questioned.

“It went good. I’m hoping I get the job.” Eli replied.

“that’s good.” Miranda responded looking up.

“Your husband’s a firefighter.” Eli stated.

“Yes.” Miranda smiled.


Ben was sitting in his car when his phone rung.

“Hello Miranda.” Ben said into the phone.

He waited for her to say something and then he heard her talking but it wasn’t to him.

“ What was that for Eli.” Miranda asked.

“Doesn’t seem like your type.” Eli spoke.

“Eli Lloyd are you implying that I shouldn’t love my husband because I make more money than him.” Miranda voiced.

“Well you wouldn’t be with me because I was a nurse.” Eli told her with a duh tone.

Miranda stood up and walked In front of her desk.

“My husband is an Anesthesiologist, a Certified Surgeon and a firefighter. Who now operates a physician response team and does surgery in the field. Every career choice that he has made has lead up to this point in his life.” Miranda defended him.

“Me and you Eli we were just sex and the reason we didn’t work out was because I saw no future with you. Whether you were a nurse or not, there was no love and it was because I already was in love with Ben.”

“How were you in love with him and then having sex with me every chance we could get? Come on, you remember the car sex just as well as I do.” Eli retorted with a small smile.

“You really want me to break this down for you. I can’t believe after 5 years you are still holding on to this but fine, I loved Ben two months after we started dating. We started dating in middle of my divorce. I didn’t expect to fall for this man hard the way I did.  But I did we were moving so fast but it was natural and then I got cold feet. We progressed so much in our relationship and I knew that there was nothing else to do but get married and after the shooting, I was messed up and I felt like he was so perfect and I didn’t want to mess it up, plus I wasn’t ready for marriage so I broke up with him or ad least I thought I did.”

“You just came along during that time and for me it was just sex.”

“Do the math Eli. You have been gone for five years, I’ve been married for 5, I got married 6 months after I ended things with you.” Miranda’s voice picked up.

Ben was listening to the conversation in disbelief. It wasn’t his wife that he had a problem it was this disrespectful man that she slept with years ago. Ben found himself walking into the hospital with his phone to his ear.

“You know I use to love when you get all riled up and snappy. It’s so sexy, you are still so sexy to me and just standing her. I wanna show you who really is the boss like I did at my house.” Eli stated licking his lips.

Ben was in the elevator waiting for it to get to the second floor. He was angry the more his listened the more he wanted to slam his fist into his face and his mind was already set on doing just that.

Miranda scuffed. “Eli leave out of my office now.” Miranda hissed.

“Okay” Eli said

“Thank you.” Miranda blew out a breath.

And Ben was jogging at this point to get to her office before Eli left.

“ But first just one kiss for closure, I won’t tell a soul.”

“Eli, are you crazy.” Miranda yelled.

Eli stepped closer. Touching Miranda’s arms.

He leaned in to kiss Miranda and she turned her head, putting her hands up to push his chest to stop him.

“Get your hands off of her.” She heard the voice of her husband boom. Before her eyes could register she saw Ben grab Eli from the back of his white coat  and throw him back from her. Eli hit the table, knocking her things over. Ben then grabbed him by his legs and dragged him down until he was flat against the floor.

Ben then got on top of him and threw punches into his face.

“Ben stop.” Miranda yelled walking over to them but Ben ignored her.

“Bennnnnn.” Miranda yelled, she tried pushing him off. When they broke apart Eli threw a punch at Ben connecting to his face.

Watching someone punch the love of her life in the face really hurt her to her soul.  “Stop it. Both of you please.” Miranda yelled again as tears fell down from her eyes. Miranda went behind Eli and tried to pushed him away.

Eli snatched away from her accidentally knocking her over. She looked up at Ben’s eyes and she saw even more rage than before. Ben grabbed Eli and put his hands around his neck choking him. Lifting him off the ground “ No, Ben I am okay. I’m fine.” Miranda tried to get him to hear her.

“Hey, what is going on?” Deluca asked grabbing Ben and throwing him off of Eli.

“You tried to kiss my wife.” Ben exploded.

“She wanted it to happen. She still has a thing for me.” Eli said holding his nose as it bled.

Ben’s jaw tighten and he charged forward. Knocking Deluca out if the way. He grabbed Eli by the collar of his white coat.

“I will kill you.” Ben harshly huffed.
“Don’t you ever touch, talk to or look at my wife again.” Ben yelled; his voiced laced with venom.

“Ben please.” Miranda begged as she helped Deluca up.

Ben shoved Eli one more time pushing him back causing him to fall on the coffee table that already had a broken leg causing it to break.

Ben rubbed his hand across his face and then walked out of Miranda’s office.

“Benjamin.” Miranda called after him but he just kept walking.

“Ben come here.” Miranda yelled jogging to the door.

“Deluca please escort this man out of my office and take him to be examined.” Miranda commanded.

She turned to look and saw all the doctor standing by the window looking in. Miranda rolled her eyes.

“Shows over and get back to work, don’t you got a job to do.” She yelled reaching to close her blinds.

Miranda reached in her coat pocket to call Ben and she looked at the phone.

She swept her eyes over the time and saw that the call duration has been 25 minutes. So she knew he heard everything.

Miranda put the phone to her ear and she spoke softly. “Ben Warren.”

“Miranda.” Ben said reaching in his back pocket, putting the phone to his ear.

“Ben I’m sorry I didn’t- Miranda tried.

“I know it wasn’t you Miranda. I heard it all.”

“Where did you go? Can you come back, your fist and your face, let me look.” Miranda was now crying.

“I just need air Miranda.” Ben told him signaling that he wanted space. Something she didn’t want and wasn’t going to give.

She could hear a big fan blowing in the back ground and she already knew where he was.

“Okay, I love you.” Miranda declared hanging up.

Miranda went down to the supply room and she grabbed a cold compress and a first aid kit.

Taking the elevator to top floor, Miranda walked until she got to the door going to the roof.

Miranda looked at Ben as he sat on the ground.

“Baby.” Miranda pouted. 

Ben looked up at her and Miranda held his gaze before she walked over to him. She got down on the ground In front of him. Moving her legs to the side because of her skirt.

“Can I look at your hand.” Miranda asked and Ben held his right hand out.

“Damit Ben.” Miranda gasped and even in the dark she could see the dark bruising and swelling with redness.

She grabbed the cool compress and activated it before setting it on his knuckles.

“Why would he try to kiss you like that.” Ben asked disgusted.

“He’s an ass and clearly something is mentally going on.” Miranda scuffed.

“You’re my wife.” Ben said and Miranda nodded.

“Ben you can’t let your anger get the best of you like that. He could press charges against you and believe me I’m not defending him. I’m just worried about you. Your life, your career, your reputation” Miranda said.

Before moving her hand to his face to lift it up to meet her eyes.

“I’ll do it all over again Miranda. Every single time. Your mine and he doesn’t get to disrespect me, our marriage and you and think that’s okay.” Ben snapped.

Miranda looked at her husband and she had a light smile. She loved him more than anything and she knew that he would do this over and over again, he was her hero and protector. Ben guarded her mentally, physically and emotionally.

“Come here.” Miranda huffed blowing out a breath before smashing her lips against his. She pulled him until his body was flush against hers.

“I wouldn’t leave you if you were in jail either.” Miranda said against his lips.

“Hey as long as they have conjugal visits. I’m down.”

“Shut up you idiot.” Miranda laughed kissing him again, swiping her tongue against his letting out a small moan.

“We need to get out of our bubble and face this mess.” Ben said and Miranda nodded.

“Come on Mike Tyson let’s get this hand x-rayed.”

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