Santa Baby (Mrs.claus)

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After 3 hours of being Santa, Miranda could see sweat on Ben's skin, beneath the hat, wig, and beard that she meticulously glued on that afternoon. Between the roaring fire and wearing a green velvet dress with little bells at the bottom, she was feeling warm herself.

“Thank you, Zola. Santa will see you soon!” she waved her off, Meredith was holding Zola's hand and waved her little hand goodbye at Miranda as she giggled and went to another station.

“Okay, next in line, please!” Miranda said and tried to disguise a groan of being over this. Somehow her Fiancé talked her into being an elf this Christmas as he played Santa. She already had to ignore his dumb short jokes and now she had to pretend to be jolly for hours.

“Hello, Nicole! Happy Christmas!” Ben greeted the girl in his deep, rumbling Santa voice that sent warmth pooling in her center every single time.

“Up you go, my dear,” Miranda chirped as she helped the girl up onto Ben's lap.

When she stepped back to wait, she did her best not to fidget and tug at loose threads on her costume or fuss with her brown wig and latex ears, but it was difficult to keep her hands occupied as she watched her fiancé speak with all these children. All this assisting children onto his lap only caused her mind to wander to what she would do if she could sit down on him like last year.  

And there was also the surprise she had for him that was deep in the back of her mind.

Part of her was wondering if Ben would really like the surprise. Thoughts crossed her mind on if he would be into it. Did he like role-play? Would he find it sexy? She knew he would find her sexy in any outfit but the role play aspect she wasn't too certain.

After sitting on his lap last year leading to the rekindle of their relationship. She couldn’t put the image of Santa and Christmas time out of her mind. It seemed fitting that they were having a Christmas wedding on December the 17th which was a week from today. He came home early for the hospital Christmas parade/ party.

It made her nervous to surprise him like this, but the thought of him as Santa, with his deep voice, fucking her from behind and all the naughty things he could say to her…

It made her unbearably wet and achy, her center begging to be filled.

She did her best to focus on the task at hand, which at this moment was pulling Nicole, Nurse Liz's daughter off Ben's lap after he refused to promise to bring her a bunch of name-brand stuff. Miranda refrained from rolling her eyes.

"Merry Christmas, nurse Liz, and Nicole." Miranda chimed waving with her left hand showing off her engagement ring.

Next up was another little boy and Miranda helped him onto Ben's lap.

"You didn't have an elf last year," the little one said looking at Miranda. Ben laughed in Santa's voice before speaking. "I brought a friend to help me manage you all. She came all this way from the North Pole."

"She seems nice and I didn't know that the elves were really that short. That's cool."

Ben laughed genuinely and Miranda this time openly rolled her eyes. "Ho, ho, ha, ha, whatever, just ask for your gifts," she remarked irritated.

Ben kept laughing and saw all the kids until his time ran out and he promised to be back next year.

"Thank you all Santa will be back next year. He has to get back to the North Pole to start getting everyone's gifts ready," Richard spoke closing up this portion.

Ben was talking to a few co-workers and Miranda excused herself. She leaned over and whispered in his ear. "I'm going to go change and get out of this costume. Meet me in the on-call room when you are finished here."

Once upon a BenleyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora