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Ben watched his wife as she walked into the room. He loved the way she commanded everyone's attention with out saying a word. She was breath takingly stunning.

"Miranda Bailey." Ben looked up as a man called her name in surprise.

"Marcus king." Miranda said smiling.

"It's been a long time." He said. Ben furrowed his eye brows. "Marcus King." Ben said trying to think if he had every heard mention the name.

"What? about 20 years." Miranda asked brushing her bang out of her face smiling. She straighten her skirt.

Who the hell was this guy that she was up here talking to him. Nevertheless he was brought in on a gurney, and she has yet to access the situation or the man's injuries.

"Oh right, bring him this way. Let's get him into an bed." Miranda said moving along the cart. 

Ben causally walked across the room with his arms crossed.
"Chief." Ben said acknowledging her as he stood beside her.
"Doctor Warren." Miranda smiled looking at him.
"Chief.?" Marcus asked.
"Like Chief Resident." Marcus asked  knowing the truth.
Miranda smiled widely.
"No, Chief of Surgery but you flatter me, do I really look that young?" Miranda asked seeing how that was almost 12 years ago.
Ben scrunched his nose up at the man and his wife, clearly that should have been considered an insult but she was clearly smiling.

"You look not a day from highschool."
"Highschool." Ben asked not meaning to say it outloud.
"Yeah, she was my tutor."
"Oh how fortunate." Ben replied.
"Very, I wouldn't have passed majority of my classes with out her."
"Uh huh." Ben replied not interested.

"Dr. Warren could you get me a suture kit along with local anestics" Miranda asked Ben.
"Sure thing Doctor Bailey." Ben answered walking to go get them.

Ben came back with the things she asked for and he listened as the man told her how he got the head lac.

"But now that you know about me how are you." Marcus asked.

"I'm fine... I have a- "

"I can see that." Marcus said slyly.

"Marcus king." Miranda gasped.

Ben looked up at the man and then his wife. He wanted to say something but he also wanted to remain professional. They already had a conversation about being professional at work and infront of patients and co workers. So he wanted to remain true to his words of not acting like a jealous possessed husband. He trusted Miranda and knew that she would never step out on him.

"Cheif let me do the sutures. I know you probably have paper work and other things, seeing as you run this whole hospital." Ben told her.

"Oh no, I got it Doctor Warren." Miranda answered and Ben clicked his teeth before he heard Dr. Webber call him.

Ben excused him self and walked out of the room. After Ben was done with Dr. Webber, assisting him with this woman coming off of the rig. Ben walked back passed the beds and he saw Miranda suturing the man's head. Her body was so close to him and her breast with practically in his face as she sewed him up. Ben was now angry and thoroughly annoyed with Marcus and his oblivious wife. He watched as Marcus stared down at the valley in between her breasts from the shirt that showed her cleavage.

Ben was never one to complain, the blue shirt that she had on was actually one of his favorite and it did show a hefty amount of cleavage but it wasn't too much that it wasn't professional and now he absolutely hated the shirt and wished she would never wear it to work again.

And hell he really couldn't be mad at the guy,married or not she was absolutely beautiful and desirable. If he had met her when she was still in her first marriage there is no guaranteed that he wouldn't want her and go after her.

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