The Door 2

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"So you are going to take him back, after all of that?" Ben questioned.

"He's my husband." Miranda responded looking him in the eye.

"Miranda he doesn't deserve you." Ben said simply wiping his hands on his napkin.

"I deserve to give this marriage a chance and to fight for it." She argued.

"You also deserve to be loved, cherished, and respected. You are the most beautiful woman that I have ever laid eyes on. You're intelligent, sassy, hard working, and passionate. If I would have known that you were married. I would have never had sex with you last night or this morning. "

Miranda looked up at him and tried to read him.

"I don't just have casual sex, I want you and all of you. Which is why I'm pissed about your husband. You're everything that I have been looking for. I watched you at work before I had the guts to ask you out, you were amazing. The sex was amazing, damn amazing. I think I'm addicted to you because I could put you on this counter and have my way with you right now and for the rest of the day, month, maybe year,... or forever." He trailed off.

Miranda gasped and bit her lip, looking away from him. She felt the same way, she definitely wouldn't mind going one more round for closure, but that was wrong.

"I'm sorry Ben. I didn't mean too." Miranda said sheepishly.

"I know you didn't." He said seriously. "I do know for a fact that your husband did go on that date yesterday. What really happened is that he didn't enjoy himself and he realized that he missed his wife and that he should work it out with you. I'm not telling you to not work it out with him, but is he suddenly going to be ok with your career and the amount of hours you have to put in? No. He won't mention it for a little while but it will be back. I don't want you to get hurt."

"Thank you, but I think it would hurt either way. Leaving him after 12 years is going to hurt. Not being able to work it out after 12 years is going to hurt."

"That is true. I wish you the world."

"Thank you." Miranda replied stressed. They continued eating silently. Miranda opened her mouth to say something plenty of time but couldn't find the words.

"I'm going to go get dressed." Ben informed and Miranda nodded.

"You're clothes are in the duffle bag." She enlightened and Ben chuckled.

He went to go wash off and put his clothes on. Making sure he had everything.
Miranda looked at him as he walked towards the door.

"Can we be friends?"

"No." Ben shook his head and she pouted. "Don't look at me like that, I can't torture myself like that. I can't be your friend."

"Ok, well I guess I'll see you around." Miranda said sadly.

"See you around Miranda Bailey." Ben responded leaving.

It had been two months since Miranda was tangled up with Ben blissfully.

Miranda handed her charts off and she saw Ben walk pass and walk into the on call room. She wanted him and badly. She longed for his touch. Lately she would wake up in the middle of the night panting from the dreams of him, she found it funny that she would always wake up before the earth shattering orgasm. Other times Tucker would wake her because she was mumbling. If he only knew in her dream realm she was chanting Benjamin Warren.

Ben walked around the outlets looking for a gift for his brother Curt. He couldn't decide on if he should get him shoes, a jacket, jewelry, or shirts. He wasn't really good at gift giving. He always preferred people to give them a wish list or a gift card but gift cards didn't seem thoughtful.

He thought about Miranda these pass two months and he missed the sex. Ben chuckled to himself, he couldn't get the sex out of his head. He knew that it would be good, he just didn't know that it would be that. Dam. Good. He's never had this problem before. He was able to have sex with someone and it not mean nothing other than what it was sex. But sex with her, he craved.

He had to attribute it to the fact that he wanted more. He wanted more than just sex with her. He wanted everything she had to offer and he was willing to give her everything he had to offer. Time and love. Ben sighed he hated how things ended. It was like Moses being showed the promise land and not allowed to enter.  It was just punishment and he didn't know what he had done to receive such torture.

As Ben walked out of Ralph Lauren he walked pass the Mexican restaurant on his way to The Nike store. He stopped in his tracks when he noticed Miranda's husband come out with a woman, holding hand with their fingers intertwined. He knew it was him because he seen his picture in her house. "This ass hole." Ben fumed. He felt his blood boiling. This idiot was seeing someone else.

He had a perfect, sexy, intelligent woman at home and he's using her. Ben couldn't remember being this angry since college. He always had anger issues that he spent a great deal of time suppressing, but this pushed him over the edge and quickly, before he could stop himself. He hauled off and punched him. "You dis loyal son of a bitch." Ben barked.

"Hey why would you do that!?" The woman screeched as she bent down to check on Tucker who was on the ground holding his face.

Ben looked Tucker straight in the face before walking off.

Miranda came home from work around 9. She walked inside and set her purse at the counter.

"Hey honey." Miranda greeted Tucker who was sitting at the counter, holding a frozen vegetable bag to his face.

"Tucker what the hell happened to you?" Miranda questioned looking at his face.


"Clearly its not nothing. Your face is bruise and swollen."

"Let me see it please." Miranda asked worried moving the frozen vegetables as she examined it.

"Damn, Who did this to you?" Miranda whined feeling bad.

"Some maniac was pissed off. About what? I don't know and he hit me."

"You should have called the police and pressed charges." Miranda responded looking at him intently.

"Its fine Miranda. I’m going to let it go. There's no sense in crying over spilled milk."

Miranda sighed Tucker was tall as hell who ever did it, planned to do this because you don't just hit someone as buff as him for no reason. She knew he had to be lying about what happened. She figured he got into it with someone.

"It's bad Tucker. Just keep putting ice on it for 10 minutes, maximum 30 and then ice off for 15 minutes. You can do that cycle for 3 hours. When laying down you have to try to keep your head elevated to keep pressure off. Then after 36 hours a warm rag will help the blood circulation. Did you take medicine for the pain."

"I did." Tucker replied.

"I'm assuming Tuck is down for tonight."

"He is."

The two ate silently before Miranda called it a night and went to bed.

The next morning, Tucker got up and was already dressed. "You are going to work after what happened yesterday."

"Yeah it's fine. I'm going to take Tuck to the daycare or you want him to stay with you since it's your day off."

"You can take him. I will pick him up earlier."

"Okay see you later. Love you." Tucker voiced.

"Love you too." Miranda responded turning over in the bed to go back to sleep.

After catching up on her rest, Miranda got up and took a shower. She dressed and cleaned up a little before making herself a cup of coffee.

Three knocks at the door brought Miranda out of her daily thoughts of Ben.

Miranda opened the door to see a women standing there with a smile.

"Hi I'm looking for Tucker Jones"

"Um who are you?"

"I'm Monica." She smiled.

Miranda looked her over and she recognized her. "You're from the mommy and me group."

"Yeah how did you know?"

Miranda started to say she went to the classes in the beginning, but she wanted to know exactly who this woman was to him and why was she here.

"He told me about it and you." Miranda smiled weakly.

"He told you about me?" She gushed.

"Yes he sure did." Miranda replied.

"Oh that's great, I hope it's all nice things. He is so sweet."

"That he is." Miranda remarked refraining from rolling her eyes. "May I ask why the pop up? Tucker went to work already."

"I was just coming to drop his jacket off, he left it in my car after we went to lunch."

"You've been here before or?"

"Yes, a few months back. I was hoping I picked the right door."

"Definitely the right one." Miranda smiled calmly but in the inside she wanted to burst. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out her husband was seeing this woman.

"Do you know what happened to his face. He doesn't want to talk about it?" Miranda asked curiously.

"Yes, It was the craziest thing. We were getting ready to walk around the outlets after our lunch date and this man came and just punched him. Called him a son of you know what and then walked off."

"Wow that was bizarre."

"Crazy, Tucker did not deserve that at all."

"I'm beginning to think he said you were on a lunch date how long have you two been dating?"

"Two months." She smiled brightly.

"Uh huh." Miranda pursed her lips together.

" Yeah, so far so great. I'm really happy that he could move on from his wife. It was sad that she was never there for him. Emotionally or physically...but as his sister I'm sure you know all about that."

"Oh his sister now." Miranda couldn't help but laugh. "Yup I know all about that. Now if you would excuse me. I'll take the jacket."

"Oh yeah of course, sorry to hold you up. It was nice talking to you and meeting you." She said sheepishly.

"It was nice meeting you. Thank you for the clarity on everything." Miranda quipped.

She closed the door and put her back against it, finally letting her tears fall.

"Son of a bitch." Miranda yelled combing her hands through her hair. She threw his jacket in the trash before rushing into her room and going into the closet. She started grabbing all of his things in piles and placing them in garbage bags.

Tucker came back. "Hey Miranda I forgot my work bag." Tucker called out but ultimately didn't receive a response, the only thing he heard was mumbling and moving around.


"Miranda what's wrong? What are you doing?"

"Get the hell out of my house." Miranda yelled tossing a trash bag full of clothes at him.

"Miranda..." Tucker voiced with wide eyes, he started to walk up to her but she backed up. "Don't touch me Tucker Jones." Miranda growled as she rushed to the closet and began throwing shoes. One hitting him in the chest.

"Go live with that bitch from the mommy and me club."

"Miranda that's's not what you think."

"Do you think I’m dumb. She came here today looking for you. You went out on a date with her yesterday. You're a sorry son of a bitch. 10 years Tucker...10 years and we have a son. I have been with you every step of the way. I let you be jobless for a year while I took care of everything and this is how you do me!"

"Miranda I'm sorry."

"You're sorry I found out. Why did you even come back!? You moved out. I was dealing with you not coming back and that we were over and then you came back. You said you wanted to be with me. Why would you do that? You came back to cheat on and to use me."

"I came back because I love you and missed you."

"Man bullshit. Get your stuff all of it and leave. I don't care where you go but you can't be here and If it's not clear, we are over." Miranda yelled shoving another bag into his already filled hands causing him to stumbled.

"Miranda I'm sorry."

"Be sorry and walk out of here." Miranda pointed.

She watched as him walked out grabbing his things. "When will I be able to get my stuff."

"Come back tomorrow while I'm at work tomorrow."

Miranda sighed after he was gone. She didn't have any more tears. She was just angry and felt dumb. As intelligent as she was, Tucker really made her look stupid. She chose him over starting something new and fresh with Ben, who was so sweet and had a hell of a sex game. Miranda sat on the bed and blew out a huge breath.

The next day she pulled herself together and tried to push pass her attitude.

Miranda walked into the attending lounge and she grabbed herself a cup of coffee, adding the cream and sugar. She sat down at the table and looked up as Ben came into the room.

"Good morning." She chimed, the first time she spoke to him in months.

Ben looked at her surprise. He wasn't expecting to see her and he definitely didn't want her to see his hand. He slid his hand behind his back slyly, but it didn't go unnoticed by Miranda's peering eyes.

"Good morning." He greeted back turning to get him a cup of coffee.

"What's in your hand?" She asked.

"Oh nothing."

"Ben..." Miranda dragged standing to her feet as she walked over to him.

"It's really nothing Miranda." Ben replied.

"You're the guy that hit my husband." Miranda stated grabbing his swollen hand. Ben winced at how hard she gripped it and Miranda soften some.

"Why? Why did you do that?" She knew why, but just wanted him to say it.

"It was nothing Miranda."

"It wasn't nothing, you don't just punch someone, tell me."

"I was walking the outlets and I saw him. I remembered him from the picture in your house. He was walking and holding hands with another woman. They were laughing and talking. I couldn't control myself. He's disrespecting you publicly and using you. You love him and you're giving your love to him. You're fighting to be with him and he's hurting you. He's selfish. Selfish to you and to me ."

"To you?"

"Yes, he took away my chance. I wanted to be with you and to properly date you and possibly have the opportunity to love you."

Miranda smiled up at him and pouted. He was so cute. She couldn’t help but to push up on her toes and kiss him. Ben sighed contently. Grateful she wasn't mad. He kissed her back quickly and intently. Miranda moaned and slipped her tongue into his mouth. Ben pulled her closer until her body was tightly pressed against his.

"Wait you're not angry about your husband cheating?" Ben questioned.

"I was. Am...I found out yesterday when she came to the door. I put him out yesterday too. I thought about it all dam day yesterday. But we are over and I can't dwell on this. I want to dwell on this and you...start something fresh and new, sexy and exciting."

"I want that too." Ben voiced looking down at her.

"Good, thank you for defending my honor yesterday. You have a mean ass right hook. The whole side of his face was swollen and bruised."

"Good." Ben mumbled.

"But don't go to jail behind me either Benjamin. He could have pressed charges and I like you but I can't hold you down in jail." Miranda laughed.

Ben laughed before kissing her lips again. "I want you." Miranda told him wrapping her arms around his neck.

"I want you too. I don't think you understand how bad I've been wanting you." Ben replied.

"I can feel it." Miranda returned lustfully, his hard on evident against her stomach. Ben lifted Miranda up easily and she pecked his lips.

They looked back at the door as Callie cleared her throat. "Clearly I am interrupting something."

"Clearly." Miranda retorted sliding down off of Ben. She turned in his arms and looked at Callie.

"I like this for you Bailey. I'm proud." Callie laughed.

"Oh my god." Miranda rolled her eyes embarrassed a little. This was not like her to get caught kissing her coworker.

"Come on let's go." She told Ben grabbing his hand.

"To an on call room." Ben whispered in her ear.

"Uh huh." Miranda agreed grabbing her things off the table.

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