what about me?

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Miranda looked at her phone as Ben's voice-mail came up. "Hey Ben, call me when you get this. I haven't heard from you today? Did a fire happen and you had to go In? Just checking to make sure you are okay." Miranda said into her phone as she got into her car.

The black firefighter Coalition banquet was suppose to be over by six and Ben was suppose to call her to see what they were doing about dinner. She worried about him so much after she found out he had a growth.

He was stalling to get the procedure done and it was making her go crazy.

Miranda drove home and she walked into the house.
"Hey boys I'm home." Miranda said throwing her keys into the bowl.

"Pizza?" Miranda questioned yelling.

"Hey ma." Tuck said coming out of his room.

"Hey mama Miranda." Joey greeted following suit.

"Did your father call you all?" Miranda asked concerned.
"No I tried to call him but he didn't pick up." Tuck said shrugging his shoulders.

Miranda stared into space. Something didn't feel right but she figured it was everything that had taken place over the last week.

"I liked your suggestion of pizza." Tuck said to Miranda as she nodded her head.

"Go head and order for us and use your card. I'll send you money back. " Miranda said as she walked to her bed room. Miranda tried Ben's cell one more time and it went to voice-mail again. Blowing out a breath Miranda tried to calm her nerves. "What if he's passed out somewhere ?" She thought to her self. Miranda slid through her phone to call Dean.

She waited until she got his voice mail.
"This is ridiculous." Miranda groaned in frustration before she got up.

"Hey boys, I'm going to the station. I sent you the money to your account to replace what you spent. " Miranda yelled throwing her jacket on.

"Is everything alright?" Joey asked.

"Yeah. You know how I am, I'm a worrier and when your father doesn't answer, I won't sit still and my mind won't stop racing, I'm just making sure he is fine. I will be back in less than an hour." Miranda explained as she walked to the front door, grabbing her keys out the dish.

Miranda called both Ben and Miller again but still no luck.

Miranda pulled up at the station and she parked her car getting out quickly.

Miranda walked inside and looked around. "Hello is anyone here?" Miranda called out.

"Hi can I help you?" A woman Miranda didn't recognize came out to sit at the desk.

"Hello yes, I was coming to check on my husband Benjamin Warren." Miranda said holding her phone.

"Oh, I'm sorry Mrs. Warren your husband is on A team and tonight is B team shift." The woman explained.

"so there is no fire that anyone is attending ?" Miranda questioned as her heart rate increased.

"No ma'am, not tonight."

"Okay, thank you for your time." Miranda said turning to walk on your heel.

Miranda looked down at her phone as it rung. She looked at the caller Id. "Bishop." Miranda answered firmly.

"Doctor Bailey, can you come down to the station?" Maya said into the phone.

"I'm already here, what for? What's wrong?" Miranda asked urgently.

"I'll be there in less than five minutes." Maya said before hanging up.

Miranda took a seat on the stairs by the entrance waiting for Maya.

She jumped up when Maya walked through the door.

"We can talk in my office." Maya said walking that way.

"No, I don't want to talk in your office. Tell me what's wrong now!" Miranda demanded.

"Okay, while at the African American Fire Coalition banquet today on the yacht, the ship came back to dock. Only to discover that Dean Miller, The fire chief of Seattle, and Your husband were not on the ship." Maya said firmly with sad eyes.

"What the hell does that mean? They didn't show up?" Miranda asked.

"They did um they-

"Oh dammit to hell. My husband is in the ocean." Miranda screamed.

"Some how they are overboard and the ship attendees or guest did not notice and continued going to dock." Maya explained and she watched as Miranda’s face were now soaked with tears.

"Ben's out there and we don't know if he's dead or alive. My husband is either floating or drowned at sea." Miranda cried.

She wiped her tears and rushed passed her. "Doctor Bailey where are you going ?" Maya asked.

"I'm going out there." Miranda yelled and Maya grabbed her arm. "The coast guard was called and they are searching. It's best if you stay-

Miranda snatched away and shoved Maya. "Get your hands off of me and don't tell me to stay anywhere. If Ben's out there lost. I'm not standing here and waiting."

"It's dangerous for you to drive like this Miranda."

" Do you not understand that my whole life is overboard a ship?" Miranda snapped as big tears pooled down her face. She had to tell her self multiple times to breathe because it seemed as if the seconds went on, she was forgetting to do the one thing that came natural to all animal and human forms of life.

Miranda brushed passed her again and she walked out of the station. She rushed to her car and got inside pulling off.

"Ben." Miranda cried to herself.

Miranda pulled up to the beach and she got out.  She saw all the lights and people in uniforms talking.
she jogged to the beach. "Hughes." Miranda called squinting her eyes.

"Dr. Bailey." Vic said crying.

"What the hell happened?" Miranda asked wiping her eyes but that wouldn't stop her eyes from releasing tears. 

" I don't know, I was on the inside of the ship and I thought that Warren and Miller were below deck talking to one another with the chief or something but when we got to dock. I couldn't find them any where." Vic explained.

Miranda nodded her head and she walked over to the coast guard as they talked to someone on the radio.

"3 adult males are stranded at sea."

"My husband is Benjamin Warren. He is 5'9, 167 pounds and his body mass index is about 24.7" Miranda gave off information.

The man looked at her with wide eyes probably shocked that she knew his information to a T.

"Thank you for that information." The man replied writing it down.

"So have you sent a search team out? What are your plans. When are-

"Ma'am one thing at a time. We have to-

"You have to what? My husband is out there and has been for hours. I need for you all to do your job and quickly." Miranda snapped.

"I will appoint a mission coordinator to run the search and rescue. In addition to organizing planes, helicopters, and boats. We will find them." The man assured her.

Miranda stood around and she listened as the people talked.

"The temperature is really cold in the water and because it is 3 men overboard and only two floatation device. These men don't have long before hypothermia will set in. They have been lost at sea for about 5 hours and if we don't find them in the next 12 hours they will be presumably dead." The coast guard spoke talking to another man.

"Dead." Miranda yelled.

"I'm sorry ma'am but according to our cold exposure survival model. That is the time frame we are given."

Miranda wanted to scream at the top of her lungs. If she lost Ben, she literally lost half of her self. She hated this helpless feeling. She hated that he was out there cold, he could be alone because who knows if him and Miller drifted apart.

She didn't know if he would even make it. He hasn't got the surgery yet to see if he had cancer or if it spread. What If that had secretly taken a toll on his body.

Miranda sat down in the sand not caring about her pants and she put her face in her hands as her tears began to fall.

"Two men have been found on shore of Bay view Beach." Miranda perked up.

"Dead or alive?" Miranda asked.

"We are not sure, no other information was given, we are sending two coast guards to check it out and we will give you a call."

"Give me a call?...I'm going for my self." Miranda said jogging back to her car. She was unbelievably tired. She stayed either on the sand waiting or in her car all night but she needed to get to that beach. 

"Bailey let me drive." Sullivan said and Miranda nodded jogging over to his car.

Miranda road with Sullivan to the beach and she saw two ambulances and a fire truck along with coast guard trucks.

She jogged over to the white truck down at the beach. "Ben." Miranda called out loud.

she got to the front of the truck and clutched her chest when she saw her husband trying to sit up, probably because he heard the sound of her voice. "Benjamin oh thank god." Miranda sniffled as she ran over to him.

She instantly got down on her knees to get to his face. Miranda put her hands on the side of his face and brought her fore head to rest against his.

"I love you , I love you. I love you so much." Miranda chanted as tears of joy were pooling into her eyes, threatening to fall.

"Miranda." Ben said softly. "Yes I'm here honey." Miranda answered as Ben put his head on her chest. He felt a whole lot better to smell his wife's scent, hear her voice and feel her touch.

"I need a another insulated blanket. Start him on o2 and iv rehydration fluids." Miranda ordered still feeling his body was cold. She watched as the paramedics put him on the stretcher board and the other men put the oxygen mass on his face and started and iv line.

"Okay on my count." Miranda ordered loudly.
"1,2,3." Miranda counted off as they lifted him up.

She stood up and grabbed on to his shoulder as they walked with him to the ambulance.

Miranda got inside of the ambulance and she sat beside him as he laid back with his eyes closed.

She put her hands in his and rubbed them back and forth. "You're okay." She said out loud as she finally could breathe correctly.

Getting off at Grey Sloan, Miranda got out and she gave people orders.
"Uh I will be in charge of my own husband's treatment." Miranda told the doctors who were waiting.

She didn't want them to see him naked nor did she want them to find the growth that he has, through scans and exams.

Miranda called Rosalind and told her the situation. She then walked into his room and looked down at him sleeping.

"Miranda." Ben called out.

"Hey baby." Miranda said walking over to the bed. She put her hand on his leg and stood over him.

"I'm tired." he said groggy.

"I know. Just rest. I will be right here when you wake up." She encouraged.

"Can you lay with me? You know I sleep better when you are next to me." He said softly.

"Of course I can. I think that would make me feel better too." Miranda admitted chuckling.
Miranda looked up from the bed as she heard a knock at the door.

"Sorry to bother you.  We just wanted to thank you Benjamin for saving our son."

Miranda sat up as Ben opened his eyes.

"You must be Miller's parents."

"Yes they are, hi its no big problem and this is my wife Dr.-

"Oh Mrs. Warren. I thank god for your husband and no big problem Warren ? Anyone that would jump in the ocean to save our son, we are just eternally grateful.

Miranda looked over at Ben. She wanted to yell. You jumped in the fucking ocean but she bit her tongue.

Hearing that made her livid but she knew now wasn't the time to argue with him while he was recovering. But how could he be so selfish. She saw this as him risking it all and leaving her behind.

A week passed and Miranda was still fairly silent with Ben. She still was at a disbelief with him and it made her distance herself from him

Miranda what is it that you have to get off your chest, you have been distant and silent, say what you need to say." Ben said looking up at her from the bed as he sat.

"How could you do that?" Miranda asked blowing out a breath.

"Do what?" Ben questioned.

"Tell me the story again Ben let's go back through it." Miranda said getting annoyed.

"Okay uh I was coming from the top deck when I saw the back of Miller fall off the ship. I ran and banged on the glass. I told them that it was a man over board and he needed help 3 times. Then I saw the life vest and I put it on and grabbed the yellow flotation device and I called for help again before I jumped in after him.

"So you didn't think to go up deck where all the other fire fighters were and get help and to just stop the ship. You just jumped in." Miranda said as her voice picked up louder.

"Miranda he is my friend I owe it to-" Ben yelled.

"And I am your wife." Miranda yelled back cutting him off. "You don't owe anyone at that fire station anything but you owe me. You owe it to me to make it back home. " Miranda added still yelling as she pointed to herself.

"You didn't stop to think about me. What about Miranda? What about our kids?" Miranda yelled as tears fell.

"Miranda my job-

"This isn't about your damn job. Your job is one thing but you were off duty. That wasn't your job to save him. Your job was to throw a raft out to him and go get help."

"Do you not love me as much as you use to?" Miranda questioned pacing the floor.

"What?" Ben questioned.

"What happened to being there for you is my main job now? When we jumped over that broom we left the I's, my, and me behind. This is us.” Miranda yelled fuming

"Miranda why does everything about we, and us applies to me but it does not apply to you?”

"You walked into that hospital and knew you were having a heart attack. You let them put you under and I wasn't even aware.  Miranda I have done everything you have ever asked me to do because I love you. I even changed the way I wanted to live because it didn't satisfy you.”

"The way you wanted to live?" Miranda questioned.

"Yes, I wanted extraordinary measures and I changed that because it's what you wanted." Ben stressed.

" all I want to know is why do you constantly put yourself in harms way? Do you know that if you would have died last week. That would have killed me Ben. I don't know if you take me for a joke or not but I can't make it a day with out you in this world." Miranda said crying.

"Miranda I can't change who I am. I want to save people and I'm sorry that I take risk to do it."

"I don't need a hero, I want my husband." Miranda stated firmly

"You are selfish Miranda." Ben said truthfully and Miranda's eyes widen.

"I'm selfish. I'm selfish because I love you so much that I can't breathe with out you. I'm selfish that I want you alive for me and our children. No Ben you're selfish. You would get your self killed to save someone else and leave me alone for the rest of my life. When we got married, we made promises to each other and you are gambling your life. Playing with your fate like your fate doesn't affect me.

"If I would have known you would have been like this I would have never married you. I invested my whole life with you, I gave you my whole entire heart, I love you physically and mentally and it's until death do us part but now it's when ever you see fit." Miranda said backing up to their bedroom door.

"Miranda I'm a man. We are married but I have the right to live how I want. I have the right to process my cancer, that's on my body. With out anyone jumping down my throat. Miranda I give you 1000 % percent every time. You want me to be something that your not. We have been married for so long and there are things over the years that you don't do. "You had your 3 patient scare and you didn't tell me, you were dealing with ocd and pushed me away. The heart attack, you put me out of our house, our miscarriage you wouldn't talk to me about. Bringing Joey home, Your mother's death you wouldn't open up to me about...you hold back from me with every huge situation, like you don't trust me or I am not privy to that part of your life and I let it go and slide time and time again because I love you.

"So I'm such a bad wife right, I can't give you what you need huh. Well maybe this is our end of the road too. It's been about 10 years right? Time to end this marriage too because you realized that this isn't what you want either."

"Miranda don't do that." Ben said, he did not want to be compared to her ass whole of an ex husband.

"I'm leaving Ben." Miranda said grabbing her phone. She walked out of their bedroom and grabbed her keys out of the dish.

"Miranda no, you are not going anywhere." Ben said seriously walking behind her.

"Leave me alone Ben...I don't want to talk to you. You can add that to your list of all the things I don't do."

"Miranda." Ben said firmly with his eyes now misty, he had his hand firmly on the door so she couldn’t open it.

"No Ben, this is over. Move your dam hand" Miranda said opening the door and walking out as she slammed the door behind her.

Miranda got into her car and she started it. She looked as Ben opened the front door and jogged to the driveway. "Miranda please don't go."  Miranda backed out of the driveway and she drove down the road.

Miranda cried and she thought about her and Ben. She hated that he was right about her when it comes to her keeping things from him and expecting him to be so open. As she continued driving she kept having flashbacks of them laughing, talking, eating, dancing, and even singing, Ben was a terrible singer but that didn't stop him from participating in house karaoke with her. She loved him so much and she did not want them to be over.
Over for them would be when one of them closed their eyes for a final time and even if Ben played games with his life, leaving him would not make his death any less hurtful.

He had her mind, body and soul and that was one thing that death wouldn't even change.

Miranda blew out a breath and made a U-turn in her car.

She thought about Ben all the way home. Miranda pulled back into their driveway and she saw Ben sitting on the steps of their porch with his face in his hands.
Miranda got out of the car and she walked over to him. Ben looked up and Miranda could see the tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry." Miranda said as she choked up on her tears.

"Miranda, you are not going anywhere. You promised me 60 years and I'm not accepting nothing less." Ben said firmly.

Miranda nodded her head. " I love you and wouldn't trade you for anything in this whole world. I know I am a lot to deal with and maybe I don't hold up my end of our marriage deal" Miranda said sheepishly.

"And I shouldn't have brought everything up from years ago." Ben told her seriously.

"I didn't know I was treating you like a child. I was just trying to be a  supportive wife. I know that it's your cancer that's affecting your body. I just want you to be okay...I wasn't trying to be overbearing." Miranda said as Ben pulled her into a hug.

" I know baby.. I know you Miranda. I always have. I'm going to make the appointment for the operation and listen you're stuck with me, do you understand." Ben said firmly and Miranda nodded.

"I wouldn't have it no other way." Miranda replied.

Ben leaned down and kissed Miranda passionately. Miranda moaned into his mouth.

"You know we should take advantage of this time again while the boys are with Ros." Ben suggested sliding his hand over her butt.

"We should talk Ben. We clearly have so much we need to communicate about." Miranda responded.

"We have all night to talk." Ben replied still caressing her ass.

Miranda smiled and then pulled him by his hand into their house shutting the front door.

Ben pushed her up against the front door and kissed her. "I love you so much Miranda."

"Show me and just know I'm still angry at you" Miranda told him sternly. she was letting him know that she wanted it rough. She loved when Ben made her go from "fuck you" to "Oh fuck."

Ben loved their angry make up sex. "Come on. Angry sex?” Ben said roughly pulling her in their house. Angry sex was just a polite way for them to say "you pissed me off so bad, and I want to fuck the shit out of you."

Ben's eyes became dark with lust and she saw the bulge in his pants grow as she stood in front of him at their front door. Miranda unbuttoned her blouse so that her bra was visible and she gestured with her head in front of him to do the same. Ben quickly tore the shirt off his body and she could do nothing but enjoy the sight of his muscular torso. She watched as he came out of his pants and boxers, kicking them to the side. Miranda was already wet and he hadn't even touched her yet per usual. That was the effect that Benjamin always had on her.

He grabbed her legs and pulled her towards him with a jolt. Miranda gasped and she began to Un buckle her pants, immediately sliding it off and over her hips, pooling at her feet.

Ben then grabbed the back of her thighs just under her ass cheeks, and lifted her up against his body. Gripping his penis, he slid her panties to the side and placed himself against her hot, waiting core, and entered Miranda deeply causing her to gasped at the sudden intrusion.

"Benjamin" Miranda moaned out.

Miranda wrapped her arms around Ben's neck, helping support her weight, while he fucked her in the air. He squeezed her ass tightly; lifting her up, and then letting her weight drive her back down onto his member. Miranda grabbed his head and took his mouth with hers, they moaned together as her tongue invaded his mouth keeping time to him penetrating her.

It was maddeningly intense, but too exhausting, so Ben walked with her to their bedroom and took her over to the bed. 

Ben laid her down with a plop and before she knew it, he had already buried his head between her legs. Miranda grabbed his head and moaned when his tongue found her soft skin. He kissed her thighs and teasingly let his tongue go over her lace panties. She knew his tactics all too well, but she had no patience for it. She wanted to beg him to go on, to give her what she really wanted, but she wouldn't give him the pleasure. Full of impatience she moved his head closer to where she wanted him to go, but with a grin, he diverted again.

"Baby I'll give you anything you want," with those words Ben finally attached his mouth on her femininity and bit through the fabric of her panties. The attack sent a shock through her and she bit her lip and closed her eyes to hold back the tears that suddenly surfaced at the thought of him almost dying.

Because of this, she missed Ben's next movement and suddenly her panties were ripped from her body and she felt his warm tongue between her nether lips. His teasing was done and he went full speed ahead focusing on her orgasm. His fingers found their way into her wet honey pot and his tongue focused on her clitoris. He knew exactly where to lick, where to caress, and at what moment to alternate between hard and soft. Miranda moaned loudly and she felt that her first orgasm wasn't going to take long. She grabbed his head harder and moved her hips to the rhythm he had chosen.

"Look at me Miranda," Ben growled and she had to open her eyes. He looked piercingly at her and thrust his finger into her faster and faster. He bent his head forward, attached his lips to her clitoris, and sucked hard. The overstimulation of her most sensitive part of the body made her explode. She screamed and her entire body trembled with the powerful climax flowing through her.

As soon as her breathing calmed, Ben pulled his fingers out of her and licked them tastefully. Miranda  moaned and her muscles squeezed together again. Even after that incredible orgasm, she felt empty and she knew that he had the only thing that could fill her so completely that she could forget everything.

Ben quickly knelt down in front of her again and took her in his arms. His erection was ready and had been ready for action as he turned her on her stomach. He stood and reached over undoing her bra. Miranda took her arms out of it and stretched her hands out on the bed and fisted their sheets. She felt him coming behind her. Ben grabbed her hips and pulled them back to him forcefully arching her back. He caressed her ass lovingly and she could not stand the tender caress. She didn't want it to be loving, she wanted it to be passionate and urgent.

"Hard and fast," Miranda moaned and she pushed her butt against his hard manhood. He groaned in response and he roughly pushed her legs apart. Without saying another word he thrust forward and filled her in one movement. She screamed out with pleasure. "Bennnnnn." Miranda cried out.

Ben was so big and filled her completely. He started moving at a fast and hard pace just as she had asked. His hips made a wet impact on her at every stroke. He plunged in and out of her like a piston, his strokes becoming faster and more frequent with time. Neither of them said a word and the room was filled with their groans and the sound of flesh upon flesh.

Ben leaned over and grabbed her shoulders, pressing them into the bed, and he fucked her as hard as he could. "Uh" Miranda whimpered repeatedly as he move.

"Dam Miranda." Ben moaned as he palmed her ass. The fucking he gave Miranda was almost vicious in its intensity.

Miranda looked back at him over her shoulder and they glared at each other with mutual contempt. Unrelenting, he continued pounding away, losing himself to the rhythm of the slap of his thighs against her ass. She pushed back on every stroke, her entire body strung as tight as a violin.

"Pull my hair," she moaned.

Ben grabbed her hair and had a hold of all of it. He pulled on her hair as he fucked her, pulling her head back with each deep thrust of his penis.

He had a handful of hair and was fucking her balls deep as hard as he could. Ben felt powerful. He felt like Miranda was his possession, and truthfully she was. He owned her body, mind and soul. His name was written all over her.

"She was hurting; she had to be" Ben thought for a moment but her moans and pleas, begging him not to stop proved him otherwise; she was enjoying it. Ben couldn't stop himself from grinning. He could feel the smile spreading across his face, that's how much pleasure he was having.

Miranda was a champ. She always fucked back and he loved that about her. Ben alternated hands as he hit her ass. Not painfully but firmly. Just enough to send tingles through her flesh and the skin a bit. The slaps smarted and made Miranda clench around him.

"Oh God don't stop Benjamin." Miranda cried out.

With every thrust she shivered and moaned, her muscles tightening and relaxing around his enlarged member. He began to move more powerfully, sliding his penis in and out of her in an erotic rhythm, shoving in to the hilt. Ben slipped his hand down between her legs and stroked the soft folds of her pussy. The position made him bend over her, his body curving around hers as he plundered her core and manipulated her clit.

The stimulation that his hard manhood brought about in her was so intense that she was soon heading for her next orgasm. Her breathing accelerated and Ben seemed to hear it, as he increased his pace even more. Her muscles squeezed around him and her orgasm flowed through her as she clung firmly to the sheets so as not to sink through her legs.

Even before Miranda's orgasm was over Ben still caressed her clitoris. "One more baby," he growled into her ear.

His thrust became sloppier and more urgent and she knew that he too would soon have his orgasm.

Miranda wanted to come with him and the pressure he put on her clit was enough to make that wish come true. Her continued moaning, the quaking of her body, the way she kept attempting to close her legs told Ben how close she was to orgasming.

Her whole body trembled and her muscles squeezed so hard around him that he could hardly move. Ben kept one hand on her hips and his other hand reach down and palmed her breast aggressively. Miranda knew the grips of his fingers would be left on her skin for days.. After two more thrusts, he echoed a primal cry and filled her completely with his cum, his body jerking into hers, making her orgasm just seem to prolong.

"Fuck Miranda." Ben groaned still moving. The sensation was so intense that she bucked beneath Ben. He was gripping her tightly, as her orgasm and his crashed into one another, exploding in a variety of sensations that sent them both straight over the edge.

The pleasure flowing through Miranda was so intense that it took her breath away and she seemed to be completely out of the world for a moment.

Miranda was roughly torn back to reality as he slipped out of her and she felt their combined juices dripping out of her. Her body still felt so weak that she could not move immediately.

She stayed there, ass up face down as her orgasm flowed through her body. Eventually she laid flat against the bed.

"Bennnnn." Miranda whimpered. "That was so good. I think that was the best roughest sex we have ever had." She moaned as her eyes felt heavy. She was very tired.

"I agree." Ben said plopping on the bed beside her. "When we recover. We are going super slow." Ben added laying his face on her back.

"Okay I'm down. I need a nap first and I call all the shots next round. I can take it slow." Miranda said sleepily. She knew she was going to need an ice bath in the morning.

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