couples' night

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"I'm not doing that." Miranda told Callie seriously.

"Come on Miranda." Callie pleaded

"Look my husband and I, his wife will be going home at 8." Miranda said firmly. She didn't want to hang out with other couples. She was fine just hanging with the man she married. He was her best friend and everything else she needed. The day they started dating, she no longer hung with her friends. He replaced them and she was okay with that.

"Miranda it's couples night, come on Arizona wanted to have everyone at our new house for games, wine, food and fun. It's not like it's your house, which you never have anyone over."

Miranda rolled her eyes, it was true she never had anyone over at her house, other than Jackson and he stayed too long and got put out.
"Well your right I don't invite anyone over because I like to go home at night and be alone with my husband." Miranda said irritated.

"You act like you and Ben have sex every night." Callie retorted and Miranda looked at her seriously. "Just about." She responded and smirked just thinking about it.

"Really? You got to be joking." Callie asked intrigued.

"Yes really and nothing about that is a joke." Miranda answered.

"I mean how? You’re not tired? Or tired of it."

"We just do it and not lazily, we do it enthusiastically and when we’re tired we put each other right to sleep and God no I'm not tired of it, I think I'm the one to initiate it but Ben is always on the same page as me. We just love it, I mean lovvvvvveeee it." Miranda explained whispering. 

"Wow, I never would have known you were a sex addict." Callie said amused.

"Well I don't walk around saying it but I'm happy with who I am and I don't want to fix it ."

"I mean it's a wonder why you two don't have many kids...Condoms."

"Condoms? Chile please." Miranda snorted.

"So you two want children. Are you trying?" Callie smiled.

"Hell no." Miranda said firmly but Callie made a face.

"What ? Has Ben said anything about wanting kids." Miranda gasped worried. Her and Ben never spoke on anything like that.

"No, he didn't say anything about that. I was just thinking about more kids." Callie said. "But please Miranda come, I promise it's going to be fun."

Miranda clicked her teeth. "I will talk to my husband.”

"About what? " Ben said walking up and Miranda clicked her teeth once more. She wasn't going to tell him about the dam gathering at all and if he knew about it she would have done some things to convince him other wise.

" Hey baby, uh Arizona and Callie are hosting a couples game night with all of our other co-worker friends and I was telling her that-

"We will be there." Ben smiled and Miranda gaped her mouth. Well dam she thought.

"Great see you tonight at 7." Callie replied cheerily as she walked away.

"Dam Benjamin." Miranda looked at him annoyed.

"What?" He asked confused.

"I didn't want to go to thattttt." Miranda whined.

"Miranda we never go anywhere." Ben said seriously.

"I know but I like being alone with you, watching movies, eating, playing games, cuddling, sleeping and sex." Miranda whined a little more.

"I like that too, you know I do but I think you will like it. It will be fun."

"Fun is when I'm riding you profusely and exceptionally." Miranda huffed biting her lip.

"Well I can agree with that but come on babe let's just try it." Ben said putting his hands on her shoulders.

"Fine." Miranda relented.

Miranda walked with Ben up to Callie's porch. They rung the doorbell and waited for them to answer.

"Hey you made it." Callie greeted excitedly.

"Yep, we sure did." Miranda replied trying to show that she was enthusiastic about it.

Miranda took a seat beside Ben on the couch. She looked at Owen and Amelia, Meredith and DeLuca, Alex and Joe, Maggie and Jackson and she smirked, she was interested to see how this would play out.

"Foods in the kitchen. It's a lot of finger foods and drink." Arizona said and Callie came behind her.

Ben got up and Miranda touched his thigh. "I got it baby" Miranda said.

"You sure?" Ben questioned.

"I'm sure, do you want beer or wine?" Miranda asked.

"A beer." Ben replied smiling as he watched her behind intently as she walked away.

"Dam Ben she's just going to the kitchen." Jackson joked shaking Ben out of his stare.

"I can't help it." Ben said laughing.
"I figured you would be the one making you all’s plate." Alex snickered.

" You all only see Miranda as my boss at work. She's very different at home. Two different dynamics." Ben explained, a lot of people always thought that his relationship with his wife was one sided.

Miranda was everything that he dreamed of. She brought everything to the table. Despite what everyone thought, she was caring and attentive. Miranda was Ben's greatest support and he chose the best life partner. She sustained him mentally, physically and emotionally, so he was glad that people could see them as an actual couple versus work.

"Here you go baby." Miranda said handing him his plate and beer.

She then walked back to get her own.

"Okay the first game we are playing is if the shoe fits." Arizona said loudly.

" this is a game to find out if you really know your SOLE mate, every couple will remove your shoe and give one to your partner. So you should have one of your shoes and one of theirs. You will sit back to back and I will ask questions and if the shoe fits you or your partner raise that shoe. If the couple put up the same shoe you will get a point. "

Miranda looked at Ben because this man knew her like the back of his hand and she knew him as well. The part where this would get complicated is if their options got in the way.

All the couples lined up in the room back to back.

"Okay first question, is an easy one who made the first move."

Miranda smiled and lifted Ben's shoe up.

"Okay everyone got a point."

"Although Miranda you told me you liked me first." Ben snickered.

"That's because you wouldn't stop walking up to me and talking but you didn't have to tell me because you were putting out." Miranda laughed.

"Who's most likely to start an argument."

Miranda thought for a moment. Well hell it's 50/50.

Miranda put her and Ben's shoe up.

"Dam." Alex laughed causing everyone to turn to them.

"What?" Miranda asked turning to look at Ben holding both shoes up.

Miranda laughed. " you know us." Miranda said pleased.

"I know you babe." Ben said turning to look at her.

"This sounds a lot like our valentine's day." Miranda laughed again before leaning in to kiss him.

"And I would do it all over again."

"Who's needier when their sick?"

Miranda held up Ben's shoe rolling her eyes just thinking about it. Her husband was so dramatic and a big baby.

"Looks like it's just Ben and Bailey that get a point. "

"You think I'm needier. I've only been sick once." Amelia said looking at Owen.

"Yes but clearly you think I'm needier." Owen scuffed.

Miranda laughed at the two's banter.

They continued to play the game and Miranda and Ben were up one from Arizona and Callie.

"Okay we gotta give this one to Bailey and Ben, they clearly know each other like the back of their hand." Callie said and Miranda clapped before standing up and Ben pulled her into him. Ben sat her shoe down and Miranda stepped into it. Before he bent down to fix his own shoe.

"So the next game is kiss off." Arizona announced.

Ben looked at Miranda and wiggled his eyebrows. Miranda playfully hit his arm.

"So I went to the store and bought bright red lip stick for everyone for this game. Each women will apply her lipstick as heavily as she can. Each woman is to kiss her mate on the face as many times as she can within 30 seconds. The couple with the most kisses on the other partners face wins."

"Well can Ben sit because he so much taller than me?" Miranda asked causing them to laugh.

"Yeah, Bailey." Callie chuckled.

Ben took a seat and he watched as Arizona handed her bright red lip stick. Miranda began to apply it looking Ben in the eyes. Ben was intrigued, he never saw her with this color lip stick. Miranda wore normally a burgundy or like a dark a cherry red.

"Okay is everyone set."
All the women nodded their heads.

"Okay I'm starting the timer...1,2,3 kiss!" Arizona chimed.

Miranda immediately kissed Ben's lips, head, nose. Ben laughed before pressing his lips out again." Already kissed there." Miranda laughed kissing him again on the lips. Ben caught her lips and captured them in a kiss. Miranda sighed and kissed him back passionately. Ben pulled her closer until she was on his lap as they kissed. Miranda cupped his face and kissed him hard. She normally wasn't one for this much public display of affection but shit their married and they weren't at the hospital.

The timer went off but the two continued to kiss before pecking each other's lips multiple times.
"Bailey the timer is up." Alex laughed.

"Yeah we know. We forfeited the game." Miranda laughed and pressed her forehead against Ben.

"I have never seen you like this chief. It's so new." Owen commented.

"That's because we are at a couples game night. It's just Miranda here. Miranda who is loving and soft for her husband." Miranda responded.

“Now we will play, The knowing game. The women will leave the room and Arizona will ask the men some questions and record their answers. When the women return, we are going to ask the women to answer the same questions and see which match. The winning couple will have the most matching answers.”

Miranda and everyone got up and left. Miranda sat in the kitchen and she drunk her wine. " I have a feeling we are winning this. My husband pays attention to me." Miranda smirked.

"You definitely picked one of the good ones. What's you all secret?" Maggie asked.

"Uh well we just communicate and it's give and take. The thing is… We are married. We decided we would be married. So if we are happy, sad, mad, that won't change the fact that we are married. We are resilient, we are a choice and we love no matter what." Miranda answered.

In the living room Arizona asked Ben questions.

"What is your wife’s favorite Movie, flower, and book?"

"Movie is Star wars, all of them, flowers purple lilies. Book: Harrison Bergeron."

"The thing you love most about your wife is ?

"Everything." Ben answered simply. He couldn't just chose one thing. She was perfection.

"My wife hates my ?
"Snoring and hot body temperature at night."

"My wife will say I do (or do not) get along with my mother-in-law.
"I do get along with my mother in law."

"What is your wife’s favorite candy?
"Hershey chocolate with almonds or life savior gummies. If we are talking about candy bar or just candy.”

"If your wife could have a new car or new clothes, which would she choose? "New car."

What color is your wife’s favorite robe? "Mmmm." Ben paused licking his lips. It was his favorite too. "Short black robe with lace trimming on the end." Ben answered swiftly.

When did you last give your wife flowers? "Last week. Just because."

What is one thing your wife has too much of? "Mouth." Ben laughed. "And the other thought is inappropriate." Ben answered.

"Who was interested in marriage first – you or your wife?

"Where was your first date?
"The pink door."

What was the first car you bought together as a couple? "Lexus." Ben answered thinking.

After they asked everyone else. The women came back into the room.

"Okay these were the questions we asked your significant others. They did well and answered confidently. Now we are going ask you and see if they match up.

Ben was asked
"What is your wife’s favorite Movie, flower, and book?

"It's star wars...all of them. Purple lilies and my new favorite is Harrison Bergeron."

"The thing I love most about my wife is ?" "He always says it's everything." Miranda said rolling her eyes playfully.

"My wife hates my....?" Arizona read. "Ben snores and he's hot like a furnace at night and when he’s doesn't get his way. He pester you about it all the dam time." Miranda thought.

"My wife will say I do (or do not) get along with my mother-in-law." "He does, she calls him more than she calls me and ask him am I taking care of him." Miranda explained chuckling.

"What is your wife’s favorite candy?"
"It's life savior gummies but if we are talking about chocolate it's Hershey with almonds."

What color is your wife’s favorite robe? "I like this black silk robe with lace trimming." Miranda responded.

"sexy." Callie commented and Miranda nodded her head.

“When did you last give your wife flowers? "He actually just gave me some last week. Just because he saw them and thought they were beautiful and unique like me." Miranda shared with a bright smile.

“What is one thing your wife has too much of? Miranda thought for a minute and she blushed. "I wanna say ass." She answered sheepishly.

After everyone answered their questions. All the men came back into the room. Ben took his seat beside Miranda and he grabbed her hand and intertwined their fingers. Arizona shared Ben's and Miranda's answers.

"One thing your mouth has too much of. Ben answered mouth." Miranda gasped and looked over at him as he laughed and she hit his arm. "Miranda answered ass." Arizona read.

"Dam I was gonna say that but I felt like it was inappropriate." Ben huffed.

"He literally did say his other thought was inappropriate to say." Arizona laughed along with everyone else.

"So clearly Ben and Miranda won the couples game night period." Arizona announced.

The couples began to play, charades, Jenga and various card games

"Next I figured we could just bring it down and just enjoy our significant other." Callie said grabbing the remote to the stereo.

Miranda looked over at Ben as he stood and reached for her hand pulling her up. "I love you." Ben whispered wrapping his arms around her waist as they rocked back and forth to the beat of the music.

As the night came to an end Miranda came out of the bathroom with her night gown on and she looked at Ben before crawling over and sitting on his lap.

"I enjoyed tonight with you." Miranda told him with a smile.

"I enjoyed tonight with you too. I'll do date night where ever as long as it's with you."

"All I need is a bottle of wine and you my partner in crime to have a good time." Miranda laughed purposely rhyming.

"Plus clearly we are the best couple in the group."

"Well we have been in this longer than most of them." Miranda laughed.

"And why do you think we manage and last."

"One because we love one another and that feeling and the love I have for you won't go away. No matter how angry or annoyed I get with you and 2 because we decided we would be."

Ben nodded "Mmm-hmm. I gave you my word Miranda and I don't ever go back on my word."

"Me either. You got me."

" and You got me." Ben responded seriously pecking her lips.

"Do you want kids?" Miranda questioned.

Ben paused staring at her. "I mean it's okay if you don't. I was just asking because we never talked about it and I can understand if there’s hesitation because if we do bring a kid into the world it's not so much about us anymore but if that's something you want. I wouldn't mind a little one of us running around, something we could have together and now seems like a great time because I'm kinda at a stand still in my career for ad least four years but..." Miranda rambled as Ben smiled flipping her over.

"What are you doing?" She questioned looking at him intently as he stared down into her eyes.

"I'm about to make a baby with the love of my life." Ben smiled as he leaned down to peck her lips.

"Okayyy." Miranda cheered excitedly as she cupped the back of his head.

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