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Ben moved from LA and just started working at station 19. He had a PRT in California and he wondered why they didn't have one here.

"Hey captain." Ben said walking into Bishop's office.

"Hey Warren what can I do for you?" Maya asked.

"As you know Back in L.A we had the Physician's Response Team. I was wondering if we can start it here in Seattle and save more lives."

"Yes I remember it from your file. You have to get a hospital to sign off on it and correspond with the Truck."

"You should try Grey Sloan Memorial. The chief of surgery there loves innovating things and will probably sign off on it."

"Don’t I know it. I use to work there 10 years ago back when it was Seattle Grace Mercy West." Ben said smiling. Wondering who it was now. Shepherd was chief when he left. Its probably back to Webber he thought.

"Let me send and email to the Chief and see if I can get you an appointment to pitch it to her."

Miranda cursed as she tried to get a handle on the bleeder. When she got her finger on it she began suturing.

"Schmitt scrub out and go find my 2:30 appointment and tell him I’m running behind. Ask him to wait if he can, if not tell him we can reschedule." Miranda said tying the knots.

" Yes Ma'am. Who is your 2:30 appointment though?"

"I don’t know. He's a surgical firefighter. I reckon he's in the waiting room by my office with a suit on."

Schmitt left out going to find her appointment for her. He scanned the waiting area and saw a man in a suit. He approached him and hoped it was the right guy.

"Excuse me Sir I’m Dr. Schmitt do you have a 2:30 appointment with the chief?" he asked.

"I'm Doctor Benjamin Warren and yes I have an appointment with the chief of surgery" Ben said.

"Okay great. Chief Bailey told me that you were coming, but unfortunately she got delayed in a surgery.  She told me to ask you to wait for her, if that's not an inconvenience."

"Oh, of course, I can wait." Ben said shocked.
Levi began to walk away.

"Excuse me sir." Ben said catching his attention.

"Yes sir?” Levi said looking up pushing his glasses on his face.

"Did you say Chief Bailey. Like Bailey as in Miranda Bailey." Ben asked rubbing his chin.

" Yes Dr. Miranda Bailey Chief of Surgery." Levi said nodding.

Ben was shocked she became chief of Surgery. He hasn't seen her in years. He wondered if she changed at all, if she still looked the same. He figured she still worked here he just never imagined he would see her again.

Miranda walked out of the OR and went the back way to her office. She undressed and put her dress on that she arrived to work in. She fixed her hair and straighten her desk off.
She paged Schmitt and watched him come jogging in.

"Can you send my 2:30 in."

"Yes Chief."

"Thank you.” Miranda replied with a soft smile.

Miranda was looking down at her paperwork when she heard her door open up. She looked up and her eyes widened at the handsome man she was staring at.

"Benjamin Warren." Miranda rushed out breathlessly and in shock.

"Miranda Bailey." He retorted.

Ben watched as she stood up and he got a good look at her. She definitely changed but in a good way. Her hair was longer and touching her shoulders. She gained weight but it was wonderful and in all the right places. He quickly scanned her and looked back into her eyes.

Miranda looked him over. She noted the few gray hairs in his beard and hair. His arms and muscles were definitely a lot more defined. He looked so handsome. She always thought he was, but seeing him after all these years made it more intense.

" Um you can have a seat." Miranda said clearing her throat.

Ben walked over to her desk and took a seat in front of her.

"So what did you want to meet about? Miranda asked setting her hands on the desk.

"PRT a Physician Response Team. EMS and Fire agencies call for the on-call EMS physician to respond to assist with unusual or difficult cases where there is a delay in transport to the hospital. The Physician Response Team operates a specially equipped EASV, Upstate Squad 1, and can provide advanced medical and trauma assessments and treatment in the field." Ben said explaining.

"So basically surgery in the field?" Miranda asked smiling.

"Exactly." Ben stressed and then explained some more.

Miranda smiled as she looked at the résumé of Dr. Warren, his credentials were quite impressive. Ben was sitting with his eyebrows furrowed, waiting for the verdict.

"Well your accomplishments are quite impressive, Dr. Warren and I love the sound of this PRT." Miranda said still looking at the file through her glasses. "I think it will be a big asset to the community, the station, and the hospital as well."

Ben nodded.

"You ever thought about being a lawyer because you presented your case well." Miranda joked and laughed.

Ben laughed as well as he studied her face. He always loved to hear her laugh and the fact that her whole face lit up when she smiled.

"Nope never thought about it, but maybe that's the next career." Ben joked back.

"I wasn't going to say anything but you sure have a lot of them." Miranda laughed.

"I never pegged you to be a surgeon." She continued scrunching her nose up."

"After the shooting and everything that happened with us. I wanted to get out of here and do something different. I put in the application to be an surgical intern. I didn't think they would actually call but they did. UCLA was an incredible opportunity so I pursued it." Ben said

Miranda smiled that was very courageous of him.

"And the firefighting?" Miranda questioned.

"Hospital caught on fire one day and there was also a rapist on the loose and I went inside to help find one of my colleagues. It sparked my interest and I have a lot of adrenaline so firefighter." He finished.

"Wow." Miranda said looking up into his brown eyes. They stared for a moment and she absent-mindedly licked her lips.

"And you becoming Chief of Surgery. I’m proud of you. I know it's what you have always wanted. Ben said smiling.

"Thank you it was and it still feels like a dream. Some times its hard and I have to juggle my job and Tuck-"

"Oh my God. How is he? He is probably so tall now." Ben said cutting her off.

Miranda picked up the picture frame and turned it to him.

"Oh wow, Tuck is basically a man now." Ben said smiling at the picture of him.

"Right he really is. I wanted him to be a baby forever." Miranda said smiling. "He is wonderful. He's so smart, he's on the debate and soccer team. But he said he wants to try out for basketball this year. Miranda replied smiling blowing out a breath.

"That’s great driven like his mom." Ben complimented causing Miranda to blush. Which didn't go unnoticed by Ben.

"You look beautiful." Ben told her seriously.
Miranda face heated up and she clinched her thighs together under his gaze.

"Thank you Ben. You look handsome." Miranda smiled sweetly

"Thank you Miranda Bailey."

Miranda was getting ready to say something else when her pager when off.

"Oh 911." Miranda said looking down grabbing her coat.

"It was nice seeing you again Miranda." Ben said getting up walking to the door.

"You too Benjamin." She said watching him walk away.

"Miranda- they both said simultaneously.

Miranda laughed softly as well as Ben.

"What were you going to say?" Ben asked.

"No you go." Miranda said quickly reverting back.

"I was wondering would it be inappropriate to ask you out to dinner?"

"No not at all, but are you asking me?" Miranda said smoothing down her dress.

"Then yes will you go out to dinner with me tonight if it’s not to soon or in any inconvenience?" Ben smiled.

"I would love to. I get off at 5."

"Is 7 a good time?"

"Perfect." Miranda smiled.
Ben laughed.

"What's funny?" Miranda asked confused.

"Just thinking this went a lot smoother than the very first time. You rejected me 2 times." Ben said continuing to laugh.

"But you eventually got a date. You know they say third times the charm. Miranda responded wistfully.

"Here's my number." Miranda said after righting it down. "Text me and I’ll text you my address." She said ushering him out the door.

"See you tonight." He responded leaving out.
Miranda shut the door and leaned against it. Letting out a breath.

"He's really here and really back." She said in disbelief.

"Oh shoot 911 right." Miranda said as she put her coat on a rushed to the pit. She helped out in the ER and instructed her surgeons on what to do for this car wreck that came in.

After everything settled. She went to her office to finish up some paperwork and got started on filling out paperwork for Ben's PRT.

She was so nervous about dinner tonight with the man she use to be in love with. She broke up with him all those years ago and hadn't seen him since. Now he was here and back and just talking to him reminded her and brought back all those old feelings.

Miranda rushed home and began to get ready. She took a shower and lotion down. Then parted her hair in a side part adding curls. She did her makeup lightly and went to go find an outfit.

Miranda stood there in her purple lace bra and panties set picking through her closet.
"What the hell do you wear to dinner with your ex?" Miranda said out loud flipping through a bunch of dresses. She didn't know if she wanted to be conservative or whether to show skin.

Her eyes landed on her black long sleeve off the shoulders dress and it still had the tag on it. She remembered getting it a few years ago with Callie when her and Arizona split. They were supposed to go out to a bar/ club ,but they never did.

Miranda grabbed it and put it on pulling off the tag. She stood in the mirror in her bathroom and smiled. This was definitely the look she was going for. The dress showed off her curves tremendously, but was also reserved.

Miranda cursed when she thought about shoes for tonight. She put her heels up in a box in her garage.

Miranda rolled her eyes and walked out into the garage.

Scanning for the box When she found it. She had a feeling Tuck put it up high.

Miranda took a broom stick and knocked the box onto the floor causing all the heels to fall out.

She grabbed her black sparkly stilettos and walked back into her room. After she finished dressing completely she sprayed perfume on and grabbed her clutch filling it with her essentials.

Miranda cleaned her room back up and waited for Ben's arrival.

Ben arrived at Miranda's house and pulled into her drive way. He took in her home. It was beautiful. And he could see her swing on the porch he knew she would have one. She told him a few times about buying one for his old patio.

Ben got out and grabbed the flowers he bought her he rung the doorbell and waited.

"Hey." Miranda said opening the door. He didn't speak right away and his mouth hung slightly ajar admiring her outfit.

Miranda stepped forward and laid a hand against his biceps. "Wow." Ben said looking her up and down. She was always so beautiful to him. Probably the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on.

"These are for you." Ben said handing her a bouquet of pink roses and lily's.

"Oh their beautiful and my favorite. You remembered." Miranda gushed.

"Here come in while I put these in water."
Ben walked in an looked around. Her house was beautiful inside too everything was strategically placed.

"Okay I'm ready." Miranda replied walking back into the room.

It took them only twenty minutes to get to the Clos maggiore. It was a restaurant in a garden. It had glass ceiling so you could see outside and all of there fruits and vegetables was grown there.

"You've been here before?" Ben asked.

"I haven't," she told him. "But so far it's beautiful."

"It gets better."

Miranda was impressed to find that everything is locally grown from the venue, and though she doesn't need either, they have vegetarian and gluten-free options. She especially loved the different trees and flowers. She ordered Tuscan Chicken over rice with roasted potatoes and Ben ordered seafood pasta.

"Tell me everything." Ben told her after drinking his wine.

"Everything?" Miranda questioned with a glint in her eye.

"Everything." Ben nodded in response.

"Let's see after the shooting I started therapy and that helped. Callie got into a car accident that almost killed her. She had a baby with Mark Sloan and Married Arizona. Webber gave me his Alzheimer trial. Then Teddy's husband died. Right after that I guess the next big thing is the plane crash.

"Yeah I heard about that sorry for your lost." Ben said sincerely.

" Thank you. I actually flew to go get everyone."

"I know that had to be hard."
Miranda nodded then continued.

"Let’s see after that the name of the hospital was changed. I started a genome lab and Then I killed 3 of my patients by giving them the staph infection."

Ben eyebrows furrowed together and he looked at her intently waiting for her to explain.

"The hospital switched our surgical gloves and it turns out they had holes in them. So everyone I touched and put my hands in that day died." Miranda said sadly.

"Hey that was not your fault and you did nothing wrong. Please don’t harbor any guiltiness.." Ben told her seriously grabbing her hand from across the table. "It could have happened to anyone."

Miranda listened as he assured her and for the first time in years she felt better about the situation.

Miranda nodded as she began to continue through bites of food.
"I developed ocd due to this, but I’m better now and handling it."

Ben listened as Miranda filled him in on everything leading up to her becoming Chief.
"Miranda look at me." Ben said causing her to look up and meet his brown eyes.

"You are a woman of strength and dignity; one who values herself and fights for what she believes in. You are also a woman who doesn't and won't give up on her dreams regardless of how many obstacles stand in your way. You weren't broken and being held together by tape and glue. You were a puzzle that was just waiting for all the pieces to be put together."

Here they go Miranda thought to herself. Here comes all those feelings that made her love him in the first place.

"Do you want to walk through the gardens. They have little lights out." Ben asked while paying for their food.

"Yes of course."

Ben stood up and grabbed Miranda's hand helping her up and they walked outside through the gardens.

"How is Curt doing?" Miranda asked.

"Curt is now Rosalind my sister." Ben said chuckling waiting for her reaction.

"I can see that." Miranda said trying to picture what she looked like.

"You can?" Ben questioned.

"Well yeah your sister's eyebrows were always flawless and looked better than mine at times."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Ben asked shocked.

"She wasn't ready to tell anyone and besides we had only been dating for 9 months. What about your dad?"

"Dad passed a few years ago. I came back home for a little while. When he got sick."

"I’m sorry for your loss." Miranda said squeezing his hand.

"Thanks its okay."

"So tell me about LA." She asked.

"LA was great I loved doing surgery."

"Were you a star of your class?" Miranda teased.

"Oh yeah I was a star." Ben said laughing and confirming. "I found what I had been looking for; for decades."

"So how were you able to let it go?" Miranda asked.

"It was easy in the beginning until I stopped to feel it. I didn't ever really think about what I would be giving up. That part was hard. I wasn’t good at firefighting in the beginning, I think I was trying too hard.

"You probably were." Miranda told him seriously.

"Huh?" Ben countered.

"You were probably trying to be great , but you are great. So you just needed to just be good and don't show off." Miranda responded.

Ben talked a little more while they walked.

"Ben can we sit right there my feet hurt." Miranda said pointing to the bench.
"Yeah come on."

After they sat down they stared at each other for a while.

"I always wondered what happened to you or how you were doing ? I never forgot about you." Ben told her seriously breaking the silence.

"How come you never contacted me?" Miranda inquired.

"I figured you were married by now." He responded and started rubbing the back of his neck. What about you?" He countered.

"Its been 10 years. I thought you would have been married with one or two kids and honestly I didn't want the heartbreak of it. Miranda explained sadly.

"I waited for you." Ben said looking into her eyes.

"Huh?" Miranda said not understanding.

"When you broke up with me. I waited for you to be ready. I waited a year, but then I figured that you just didn't uh want to be with me." Ben said sadly.

Miranda eyes watered at what he said. " I actually came looking for you." She spoke softly.

Ben looked surprised and confused as she continued.

"After about a year when I finally felt like everything was better. I came looking for you. I went to your apartment It was quite embarrassing actually because you no longer lived there and here I was knocking on a strangers door." Miranda said frowning but then chuckling at the memory.

Ben reached for her hand and put his hand on top of hers while placing it on her thigh and she felt tingles shoot through her body.

"I wish I would have came sooner." Miranda said sadly.

"I wish I would have waited longer." Ben responded quickly with the same intensity.

"I did want you Benjamin Warren for the record. It took me a while to realize it and pull myself together, but I never imagined that it would have been too late." She told him seriously.

"You dated ?" Ben questioned.

"Of course I had a boyfriend for a few years, but nothing ever really worked out for the long haul." Miranda stated letting out a breath.

Ben nodded he felt the same way.

"Miranda no one ever made me feel the way I felt about you. The day I laid eyes on you I felt a connection that was so strong that I was drawn to you. It was unlike anything I ever felt before. So I knew I had to talk to you and get you to go out with me even after you rejected me more than once." Ben explained.

"I rejected you because you made me feel things I never felt before and I didn’t know what to do with those feelings." Miranda responded seriously.

"I knew after a short while that you were the one I was meant to be with." Ben said sincerely.

"How did you know that?" Miranda asked.

"Because truthfully after that connection I felt it grow over time. The love that I had for you was so deep ,so strong and complex that I began to doubt that I ever truly love anyone prior."

By this Miranda was in full blown tears and trying to wipe them as fast as they came.
Ben took his hands and wiped her eyes as her tears fell.

Ben dropped his forehead against hers. "You complete me Miranda. " he whispered softly. His fingers trailed down the side of her cheek, down her neck, and tangled in her hair. He lifted his forehead just enough to kiss hers. "You're so beautiful, Miranda," he whispered dropping another soft kiss on the tip of her nose.

Miranda flushed slightly, " Ben it never worked out with anyone else because your the missing piece that I’ve been trying to find." She told him intently.

Ben gently rubbed his nose against hers before tilting his head slightly left to capture her lips.

His lips moved soft and slow against hers, lavishing attention on her mouth. Miranda melted against him, sliding her hands up his chest and around his neck. She pressed forward, moaning against his mouth.

Ben's left hand found purchase on her lower back, holding her body firm to his while his right held her head firmly in place as his lips continued their deliciously slow assault on her mouth.

Miranda expected it to be hurried and aggressive since it's been a while, but instead Ben's kisses were full of patience and love. Their lips collided over and over. Miranda felt his tongue slide inside during one of their open mouthed kisses. His tongue glided warmly across the surface of hers. She opened her mouth eagerly to accommodate his explorations. Miranda stroked the back of his neck, running her hands over his heated skin up onto his scalp. She molded herself to him, mouth and body.

Ben moaned into Miranda's open mouth as she pressed herself eagerly against him. His tongue moved faster and harder against hers. His hand slid down her lower back along the dip of her spine to her ass and further still to her bottom. Ben's fingers curled cupping her there, reveling in the soft firmness.

Miranda moaned loudly then jumped back from him. She had to control herself because she was ready to take him down in these gardens.

Ben looked at her face and chuckled he could tell what she was thinking and he wanted her just as much.

"Let's get out of here." Miranda said breathlessly.

Ben drove back to Miranda's house as they held hands the whole time with casual conversation. The two quickly fell back into rhythm with each other not missing a beat.

As soon as they got inside and locked the door. They were on each other kissing heavily.

"Wait wait wait." Miranda said giggling remembering their first time.

"What?" Ben said desperately.

"I must tell you that I don't have sex lightly and-" Miranda said being cut off.

Ben hands slipped to the back of her neck, while his other hand wrapped around her waist and he pulled her against him. "I want you and I want it all." He pressed his lips against hers again, and this time it was a slow, lingering kiss. He pulled his mouth from hers, and dropped his mouth to her ear. "God I want you." He whispered, trailing his tongue along the shell of her ear.

She didn't respond. She couldn't. His words made her weak. She wanted him. She reached up, cupping his cheeks with her hands, and pulling his mouth back to hers. She sucked his bottom lip between hers, nipping and sucking before driving her tongue between his lips. She heard a moan rip from his throat, and all restraint was gone. He pushed his body up against hers, and she could feel his erection pressed up against her. He dipped his knees, hitting the juncture between her thighs and he rocked himself against her. She felt the moisture between her legs, and she knew she was already ready for him. Her body knew him and craved him.

Ben wasn't wasting any time now. As he continued to rock his hips into her slowly, he dropped his mouth to her neck, sucking at the skin there. He found her familiar sensitive spot and her hips bucked against him. He kept sucking and teasing that spot and she knew he was leaving a mark. She had a fleeting thought about work and the chief having hickeys. She belonged to him and they both knew it.

His hand pulled her dress down her shoulders, running his hand across until he reached the lace of her bra. He didn't slow down, running his hand over her breast, squeezing gently. She moaned again as he started teasing her hardened nipple, running his thumb back and forth across it. She felt her entire body tingling and her thighs clenched together. With his rocking against her and his hand on her breast…she felt like she could come already.

"Ben." She moaned.

Ben pulled his mouth from her neck, her husky moan sending a jolt through his body. She had her head thrown back and her hips were pushing against him as he rocked against her and he needed to move this to her bedroom now.

"Bedroom." Miranda whispered breathlessly.
The word was barely out of her mouth before his mouth was on hers again. But the kiss was brief. He wrapped one arm around her waist and then he was leaning down and before Miranda knew what was happening, he had scooped her up in his arms. She let out a yelp of surprise; she didn't know what she'd been expecting, but she quickly followed and wrapped her legs tightly around his waist.

"End of the hall." Miranda said licking his chin.
He headed down to her bedroom, pushing the door open with his foot and walked towards her bed.

Miranda's breath hitched slightly. This was really happening, and although she'd slept with another man over the years, she found she was slightly nervous. This was Ben and its been 10 years. Even though they talked and confessed their love for one another, there was still a small part of her that thought maybe she would wake up and this would all be a dream.

Ben set her down on her feet, right next to the bed. He ran his hands up her arms until he reached her neck. He kissed her again, his hands cupping her face. He placed small, open mouthed kisses across her jawline and then down her neck. He reached down and pushed her dress fully of her waist and watched it pool at her feet. He looked down, taking in the swell of her breasts straining at the fabric of her purple lace bra.

"Jesus Christ."

He swallowed hard. Miranda had always been the subject of his dreams, walking and asleep, for a long time. He'd imagined her ebony, smooth skin and her full breasts. He had imagined his hands on her…his mouth between her legs. But the reality of it was startling to him. She was here in the flesh and everything was so much more. She was luscious curves…her body pure sin…and he wanted to be buried deep inside of her now.
Miranda tried to kick her heels off but Ben stopped her "leave them on."

Miranda nodded and felt another pool of liquid seeping into her soaking wet panties.

Miranda was tugging at his shirt and he came back to her. He pulled his shirt up and over his head, and moaned as she ran her hands over his chest. She placed a few kisses on his chest. He looked down her body and his eyes landed on her a matching pair of purple lace panties

"Sweet Jesus." He moaned, His fingers toyed with the waistband of her panties but he didn't pull them down. He move down and  leaned forward, placing his mouth over hers and she moaned loudly, her hips pushing against him. He licked her through her panties and Miranda grabbed his head with her hands.

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