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"Hey Richard." Miranda said smiling, walking in to his office.

Noticing his frown she asked "what's wrong."

"I was just thinking, I do everything I can to show her that I love her and make sure she feels special but you would think after all of that. She would do it to me In return. Why is it that woman never show their husbands appreciation?" Richard said putting his hands on his head.

"I tell Ben thank you and I appreciate him all the time." Miranda said as a matter of factly.

"But do you show him."

We have sex on a regular and I never deny him of that. Miranda thought to her self. Reading her mind Richard said. "It's more than sex Miranda."

"Uh." Miranda's mouth dropped.

"Well Ben doesn't complain."

"To you he doesn't, plus your his wife, he loves you and he knows how you are and what to expect. He knows your love language. It's just nice every now and then for us to feel a little spoiled by our spouses. " Richard explained.

Putting Miranda into deep thought.
"Do you think he has a me." Miranda asked intently

"What do you mean?" Richard responded out of confusion.

"Like what I am to you. How we always confide in eachother. How you talk about your wife and I talk about my husband."

"He probably does, maybe someone at the fire station or Jackson or Joe, you know how close they all were. "

"Hmm" Miranda said thinking.

"I have a huge tumor that's tucked behind the patient's kidney. Do you want to scrub in with me." Miranda asked and watched as Richard's face lit up.

"Don't mind if I do."
Miranda laughed as he followed her out of the door.

Miranda pulled out her phone and decided to text her husband.

Miranda: "Hey baby. What's your schedule like for tomorrow."

Ben: Hey Miranda. I work the morning shift tomorrow. Why what's up?

Miranda: Tommorow Tuck has practice, so I was trying to see if you would be able to pick him up afterwards and take him to his dad's. If not that's okay too, I will get off early. "

Ben: "I get off at 5, so I will go straight to his school to pick him up."

Miranda: thank you so much honey. I really appreciate you. I will see you probably late tonight. I love you."

Ben: no problem love and I love you too.

Miranda smiled as she tucked her phone back into her pocket. She was coming up with a plan to show her husband that he was appreciated and that she loved him with all her heart.

After her surgery Miranda sat in her office and she strolled on the computer. She looked up as she heard a knock on her door. "Come in." Miranda called out.

"Hey Cheif. I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Yeah?" Miranda asked while looking back down at the computer.
Miranda was greatly confused on this computer. She was trying to get Ben a gift that he would love.
"Chief you're not even listening to me. "

"Huh." Miranda asked.

"Oh sorry Avery. I'm trying to surprised my husband and buy Ben these court side tickets and I can't figure it out." Miranda huffed.

"Your getting him Court side tickets to the Game with Andrew Mavis." Jackson asked excitedly.

"Well I'm trying to." Miranda said.

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