Valentine Day Dinner

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Miranda walked in to the grocery store and she continued to check her phone looking at her list. She wanted steak with creamy mushroom sauce and a bake potatoes stuff with broccoli, bacon and cheese.

Miranda walked through the store and she reached for the steak seasoning on the top shelf. “Damit why would it be up there.” Miranda said standing on her toes to get it.

Ben walked on the aisle trying to pick up food for his dinner. It was Valentine’s day and he was by himself. He just wanted a nice steak, mash potatoes and Brussel sprouts.

He put steak sauce in his basket and he looked over at a very short woman trying to reach for a seasoning. He admired her silhouette and how curvy and shapely she was. She had one hell of an ass on her as well. Ben bit his lip and realized that he should stop staring and help her with the seasoning.

“Here I can help you with that.” Ben said walking up to her.

“No thank you, I got it.” Miranda said struggling and then finally grabbed  it.

Ben shrugged his shoulders and he walked to his next aisle, he grabbed the items he needed and went to find the rest.

Walking on aisle 8 he saw that same beautiful woman with a determined look on her face, trying to get the can at the top.

Ben chuckled to his self and was perplexed as to why she wouldn’t ask for help.
So he figured he would offer again.

“I can help you with that.” Ben said once again. Miranda turned to him with an annoyed look and her eyes widen at how handsome he was, it almost made her want to blush.

“I said no thanks earlier and I’m saying it now.” Miranda said turning around. Ben was caught up on her beauty. She was stunning, he lost all his thoughts and couldn’t even think of a comeback. He just wanted to get another good look at her eyes and lips. He was convinced that she would be the woman plaguing his dreams.  Finally it registered in his ears what she said so he backed up to turn back to his basket.

Suddenly Ben heard the clank and loud noises of cans hitting the ground. “Aww shit “ The woman said as she tried to stop the cans from falling.

Ben’s eyes widen and he almost wanted to laugh. Ben walked back over to where she was and he grabbed two cans of cream of mushroom off the shelf and set them in her basket.

“Oh you think you are funny “ she said annoyed rolling her eyes.

“I would like to think so.”

“Well you are not a funny man.” Miranda responded starting to pick the cans up.

Ben helped her put the cans on the shelf and he grabbed the others out of her hand and set them back up there.

“Thank you.” Miranda mumbled.

“My pleasure.” Ben replied with a smile.

He grabbed his cart and continued to push it around the store. Ben picked up potatoes and his fresh Brussel sprouts from the produce section

Then he went to grab the steaks and he was done. Ben reached for the last pack of ribeye steak that had 3 in it and his hands connected with a woman’s.

Her again Ben thought to his self. “Dam it’s no more.” She said looking.

“Ugh”she groaned. “My first Valentine’s day single and I can’t even get a steak and enjoy.” 

Ben looked at the steaks and then to the woman rambling. His ears perked up with her being single, he figured she was already married a woman like her should be taken. What fool let her go and what fool hasn’t snatched her up yet, he noticed that she was stubborn and probably had an attitude problem though.

Being wrapped up in thought, he didn’t even noticed that she moved over the poultry section.

“Hey wait.” Ben said as he walked over to her.

Miranda looked up at him confused.

Ben cleared his throat. “Hi I’m Dr. Benjamin Warren.” Ben introduced his self extending his hand.

Miranda looked at his hand before back up to his face many times never extending her hand. Eventually Ben put it down. He was beginning to feel nervous, she definitely was a tough cookie, which he wouldn’t mind biting into. Shaking his head and clearing his thoughts he extended his hand again.

“Hello I’m Dr. Benjamin Warren.”

“I heard you the first, I was just trying to figure out why are you intruding your self to me.” She sassed.

Ben chuckled a little. “Why would a man like me miss the opportunity in introducing his self to an Exceptionally Beautiful woman. “  Ben smiled showing her his teeth.

Miranda blushed and then her face scowled before she rolled her eyes and then stuck her hand out taking his.

“I’m Dr. Miranda Bailey.” She said as they shook hands. Miranda felt a tingling in her stomach and it scared her. She released their hands and just stood.

“I took the last steak.”

“Yeah I know, that was your point. To rub it in Benjamin Warren.” Miranda asked and Ben licked his lips at the way his name rolled off her tongue.

“No I was going to tell you that we could share….I could make you dinner.” Ben suggested.

“What.” Miranda questioned and she looked at him like he had a third eye.

“I want to make you dinner for Valentine’s Day.”

“Are you crazy. I don’t know you nor do I know anything about you.” Miranda pointed out like he was an idiot.

“I would ask you out to dinner but it’s a little late and I don’t know if I could get any reservations this late… But if you prefer that I got a friend I can call.”

“Whoa whoa. There will be no eating between us Ben Warren. I don’t know you and you don’t know me.” Miranda explained sternly.

“I am Dr. Benjamin Warren, I am an anesthesiologist at Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital.”

“Since when?” Miranda questioned shocked.

“Almost 3 weeks now “ Ben explained.

“The merger.” Miranda said out loud.

“Yes, you work there or something.”

“Yes, since my internship. I am a General surgeon.”

“Beauty Body and Brains.” Ben said out loud accidentally.

Miranda blushed at his compliment.
“I can’t have dinner with you Dr. Warren.” Miranda said firmly.

“That’s fine. Here I still want you to have these steaks. I guess I’ll see you around work.” Ben said handing her the steaks.

“No I couldn’t.”

“Miranda have them seriously.”

“Thank you.” She told him.

“It’s my pleasure.” Ben told her.

He picked up chicken breast before walking away.

Miranda thought about him. The rest of her walk around the store. What did she have to loose with eating with him except the fact that he could kill her and this could be simply a fatal attraction scheme.

Maybe he could come to her house and eat dinner she thought.

As Miranda began to check out. She saw Ben pushing his basket by about to leave out of the store.

“Benjamin.” Miranda called out.

Ben stopped in his tracks and he turned. “How about you come to my house and I’ll cook you dinner.” Miranda said nervously as she blushed.

“I would like that.”

“Okay okay. Um how about 6:00 o’clock and shoot- I need a piece of paper.” Miranda said looking around.

Ben immediately flipped his receipt over for her to write on causing her to hold back a laugh.

“Can I borrow you pen and sorry for the hold up.” Miranda told the cashier.
Miranda wrote her address and phone number down handing it to him.

“Are you allergic to any thing.” The doctor in her asked coming out.

“No, not at all.” Ben smiled.

“Okay great. I will see you tonight then.” Miranda said moving her bang out of her face.

When Miranda got to her car she reached in her purse for her phone.
“Callie.” Miranda said when she answered.


“I need a favor from you.”

“Yeah, what is it.”

“Okay so, I met this doctor in the store that works with us and he came from Mercy West, he asked me to dinner for Valentine’s Day.” Miranda stopped letting her squeal and do her omg’s

“Okay so he wanted to cook me dinner and I couldn’t do that because we just me and I didn’t want to go to his house so I said no but I still kinda wanted to have dinner with him so Invited him to mine…I’m saying all this to say I know it’s Valentine’s Day and you probably have plans but could you call my phone around 7:30 to make sure I am okay and alive.” Miranda asked fiddling with her fingers.

“Oh of course.”

“Okay and if I start talking about medical talk or something about the hospital, I need you to help me.” Miranda said coming up with a plan.

“Okay understood.” Callie told her seriously.

“Wait Bailey, now can you ad least tell me if he is hot.” Callie asked.

Miranda smiled saying. “I don’t know if hot could even explain it. He is hot as hell, I mean fine, I had to stop myself from getting caught staring and he seems like such a sweet guy too.” Miranda noted.

“It sounds promising, I’m really excited for you and I will call. What are you going to wear?”

“I honestly didn’t know what to put on. What do you think?”

“Something cute but not a dress because this is you all’s first night together. “

“Okay thanks.” Miranda smiled as they said their good byes.

Miranda went home and she cleaned up her house. She made sure all of Tuck’s toys were put up and nothing was out of place.

After that she decided to take a small nap waking up at three Miranda turn her shower on and she began to shave her legs, something she hasn’t done in a while. Now that her and Tucker were divorcing, this whole year she didn’t bother with it.

Once she was finished, she dried off and lotioned down, throwing on shorts and a cami. She looked through her closet for something nice to wear. After looking over a few things Miranda decided on black fitted high waist jeans and one sleeve white top, that showed a nice modest amount of cleavage that wasn’t too much.
She found her pointed toe black heels and set it out.

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