Not a threat 2

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Ben stood up and walked to her side of the room and dug into her purse. Grabbing her cell phone, he grabbed his work bag with his laptop and walked out into the kitchen. Sitting at the counter, he connected the wifi to his laptop and then opened her phone.

He clicked his teeth, seeing that she was up to 454 missed calls. Finding her text messages, he scrolled through trying to find whoever sent her Tucks picture.

He wondered why she had never said anything about the other messages she had received. Once he saw the picture of Tuck, he stood up and pulled open the drawers in the kitchen, looking for a pen and paper. Most people had miscellaneous drawers in their houses. On the third drawer by the refrigerator, he found a notepad and a pen.

Pulling it out, he wrote the person’s number down. Googling reverse phone look up Ben put the number in and waited for the results as a count down timer appeared at 1 minute and 30 seconds.

Thomas Joe Kloeker
Phone type, carrier, relatives, associates
Full address available.

Ben paused for a moment, looking at the information, and closed his laptop. He walked to the refrigerator. If he was home, he would have poured himself a glass of whiskey, but seeing that they only purchased fruit juices for the kids, he would have to drink that. He made a mental note to definitely buy some liquor tomorrow.

Opening his laptop again, he clicked on open report, and he wrote the man's address down, all of his relatives and associates. He switched to facebook and searched the man's name.

Ben clicked on the first one that came up, and he scrolled down the man's page. He knew it was the right guy from all his posts saying Prolife. His profile picture even had a ribbon across it that read prolifer. He saw that he was married with kids and was able to pinpoint what name belonged to who. He wrote it down and Googled where his parents stayed and where him and his wife worked.

"Hey dad, what are you doing?" The boys questioned, and he quickly closed the laptop.

"Uh, just researching surgeries. Trying to stay current in medicine."

"Ok, that's a good answer for mom, but what's really going on."

Ben shook his head and laughed.

"We know that you guys are leaving things out. We're practically adults. We can handle whatever it is."

"Ok, sit down." Ben said, seriously grabbing the note pad. He put it in between the laptops.

"The doxing situation took a turn for the worst, like your mother said earlier, except this time someone is following us and took pictures to taunt your mother."

"Damn." Joey mumbled.

"That is crazy. All this behind abortions?" Tuck questioned

"False knowledge is more dangerous than ignorance."

"This country is so backward. These Americans will give grown men and women a death sentence and excute them, but thats not wrong. Then turn around and tell women that getting an abortion is wrong. How are they pro life?" Joey questioned.

"Exactly. You're exactly right."

"So what are we going to do about this."

"Im going to handle it." Ben said seriously, and they could see it in his eyes.

"How are you going handle all these people."

"Not all those people. Just the one person in particular who sent your mother the photo."


"I can't say."

"Does it involve criminal activity."

Once upon a Benleyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن